kbuffington / Georgia

Dynamic foobar2000 theme
284 stars 16 forks source link

Assert file path instead of last leaf #75

Closed voc0der closed 3 years ago

voc0der commented 3 years ago

Hey there, thanks again for the amazing theme 🚀 I was noticing that my artwork wasn't changing with some of my stuff, so I got to digging. Evidently, the previous value only was storing the leaf folder of the directory structure. In my case, that was typically either CD 01, or CD 02 which caused none of the artwork to ever update. This implementation just gets the file path before making any kind of folder assertion.

Please let me know if something isn't right, and I'll fix it. I tested it and it fixed my issue, but I hope it didn't cause others.

kbuffington commented 3 years ago

Really good catch! I made a super minor adjustment to this, and added a type to the function, but it's already merged.