kbumsik / opus-media-recorder

MediaRecorder polyfill for Opus recording using WebAssembly
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Does not work in latest Chrome (83.0.4103.61) #26

Closed ekuiter closed 4 years ago

ekuiter commented 4 years ago

Since the latest Chrome update, opus-media-recorder (with default options) no longer works. On at least five different devices with different operating systems we get the following error:

OpusMediaRecorder.js:227 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': ArrayBuffer at index 0 is already detached.
    at EventTarget._postMessageToWorker (webpack:///./node_modules/opus-media-recorder/OpusMediaRecorder.js?:227:21)
    at ScriptProcessorNode.processor.onaudioprocess (webpack:///./node_modules/opus-media-recorder/OpusMediaRecorder.js?:336:12)
_postMessageToWorker @ OpusMediaRecorder.js:227
processor.onaudioprocess @ OpusMediaRecorder.js:336

One week ago everything was working fine. As a workaround, we use Firefox for now. Is this fixable? I understand that ScriptProcessorNode was deprecated, could that be the issue?

thiagoamarante commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/kbumsik/opus-media-recorder/issues/25 Duplicate of #25

kbumsik commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting. It looks like a duplicate of #25. I will try to resolve the issue this weekend.