kc0bfv / autophugo

AutoPhugo [ˌɔtoʊˈfjuːgəʊ] is a gallery/photoblog theme for Hugo that's a little more automatic than Phugo.
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quesion about albums #9

Closed lanox closed 3 years ago

lanox commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the theme it's great, I was wondering if it's possible to have one level albums support?

basically, I would like to have an image showing on the main page and when you click on it will zoom in?


kc0bfv commented 3 years ago

Hey @lanox - glad you like it! I think I just added it - called "no-album support". Now, if you download, and make serverNoAlbum, or just look in exampleSiteNoAlbum and see how to make your own, I think it's what you're asking for.

lanox commented 3 years ago

WOW thanks you are a gun :)

One more question, I find album cover pictures to be blurry is that by design? or am I doing something wrong

kc0bfv commented 3 years ago

Hope it works for you 😁

Re: blurry, if you modify thumb_quality and thumb_width it may help. Those can trade-off between quality and size. They are described in the readme.

lanox commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I have read it and tried it, but didn't seem to make much difference, will try again, maybe I have foobared something.

kc0bfv commented 3 years ago

It seems to work here - make sure you're changing it in the params area of the config for the whole site. There's an example in the exampleSite/config.toml file, with the defaults filled in. When I uncomment those, and change them to match the full_ settings, it updates as expected.

lanox commented 3 years ago

Hey @kc0bfv

Sorry to bother you again, I was wondering is there a chance to have albums and not albums together.

I tried adding structure from exampleSite and it doesn't seem to work. Thanks

kc0bfv commented 3 years ago

So, you're thinking the front page would be a mix of photos and albums, some you'd click on and get a photo pop up, and some you'd click on and get redirected to an album? I think that'd be confusing for users. I'd think one extra album containing the "non-album" photos would provide a consistent user interface.

lanox commented 3 years ago

So, you're thinking the front page would be a mix of photos and albums Yes that is exactly right, and the beautiful think about this is that you already can give the name to the album, therefor can be less confusing.

lanox commented 3 years ago

My theory behind this is I could group photos for a specific project/scenery and if some random single photos don't need to be part of the album I could just put them on the front page rather creating another random album.

lanox commented 3 years ago

any further thoughts on this?

kc0bfv commented 3 years ago

I think if I combine some parts of the code it'll work for you. Just haven't had time to do it yet. Keeping the other issue open to track this.