kc9wwh / macOSUpgrade

Workflow for doing in-place upgrades.
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osinstallersetupd wants admin credentials #74

Closed maxm-ray closed 5 years ago

maxm-ray commented 5 years ago

I tried to upgrade from 10.13.6 to 10.14. Before restarting the script asks for the administrator credentials for the osinstallersetupd process.

Is there something wrong with the Script and 10.14?


RJTablante commented 5 years ago

Would also like to know if the script has been designed to work with both administrators and standard users as my previous attempts at implementing this script required work to elevate the standard user to admin to have this work as expected.

Would like to use this for our users migration to Mojave but we have a primarily standard user base.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 9:01 AM Max notifications@github.com wrote:

I tried to upgrade from 10.13.6 to 10.14. Before restarting the script asks for the administrator credentials for the osinstallersetupd process.

Is there something wrong with the Script and 10.14?

[image: img_0318] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34512482/46671038-06a85300-cbd4-11e8-9e7b-c0a527639482.jpeg

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memile123 commented 5 years ago

This is most likely related to issue #56 I was able to test added a few users to the admin group and this worked perfectly..

hcgtexas commented 5 years ago

Any update/workaround on this issue? My environment is almost completely non-admin users, so this is not working for me.

memile123 commented 5 years ago

Agreed @hcgtexas I'd really like to start deploying this out our users.. script works great along with composer..

CMDRPhaedra commented 5 years ago

yeah I ran into this issue today... would love a workaround.. all our users are non-admin so this doesn't work for me either.. :(

RJTablante commented 5 years ago

It appears this only occurs with FileVaulted standard users as it appears non-filevaulted standard users can upgrade with this script without issue.

Not sure if this is only my experience, but it would be great if filevaulted standard users can leverage this script without having to elevate rights.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 12:52 PM CMDRPhaedra notifications@github.com wrote:

yeah I ran into this issue today... would love a workaround.. all our users are non-admin so this doesn't work for me either.. :(

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USicilianU commented 5 years ago


I am also in trouble where i have a park to update to macOS Mojave with standard user accounts and i also have the "osinstallersetupd" window asking for the admin password. I will share with you the solution that I found and that works for me.

In the script "macOSUpgrade.sh" i check if the connected user is already admin with the dscl command. -read Groups / admin GroupMembership | cut -c 18- | grep "$ currentUser", if it does not have it I add it in "group admin" with the command dscl. -append groups / admin GroupMembership "$currentUser" and add the command dseditgroup -o edit -d "$ currentUser" -t user admin in the script of First boot "finishOSInstall.sh".

Thus the user becomes admin if he is not, and can run the installation process without problems. After the update, during the first login the user becomes standard again.

I hope to have helped you with my solution. By the way I wanted to congratulate @kc9wwh for this excellent script.

Excuse me for my English, it comes from Google translation. Bye

memile123 commented 5 years ago

@USicilianU Great! Do you mind sharing where you added that line? Was this a separate script?

hcgtexas commented 5 years ago

@USicilianU That sounds perfect! Do your changes have a check to make sure it won't remove admin if the user already had it before?

Can you share the whole edited script so I can see how you did it? I understand the logic, but I would like to see how you wrote it.

USicilianU commented 5 years ago

I put a condition that if the user is already admin I do not add to the next login the deletion of the user of the group admin. I will show you the script as soon as possible.

kc9wwh commented 5 years ago

What are peoples thoughts on this? I've thought of that, but am also worried that if something went wrong that the removal could not happen. I know I can't account for everything, but don't want to create a bigger issue either.

I also played around with integrating the SAP macOS Privileges app, but that isn't a perfect workflow either. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

hcgtexas commented 5 years ago

I like the add/remove admin rights workaround. There are obviously some things that can go wrong, but if the user doesn't even get prompted that they have admin rights, it is a lot less likely that they will abuse it.

Going through Jamf and checking admin rights to see if anyone has rights they shouldn't is a lot easier than going through the entire office and touching every single Mac.

neilmartin83 commented 5 years ago

I second checking if the user is admin, then slipping them into the admin group and adding the necessary command to pull them out after the upgrade if they weren't in there to start with. If my understanding is correct, I would suggest evaluating whether the boot volume is APFS and if FileVault is enabled first and if both are yes then proceed to check the local user's admin group membership and do the deeds.

I think it's the only way we're going to get folks upgraded properly to 10.14.

USicilianU commented 5 years ago

Hi, That's a good point @neilmartin83 I added conditions, if FileVault and On and if currentUser is Admin then do not delete currentUser from Group Admin after reboot. If FileVault and On and if currentUser is not Admin then add to the Admin Group and delete CurrentUser from Group Admin after reboot. If FileVault is Off, you do not need to know if currentUser is Admin.

Here are the tests I did and that works for me: Updated to Mojave. macOS High Sierra, FileVault On, currentUser is not Admin: the script runs correctly macOS High Sierra, FileVault On, currentUser is Admin: the script runs correctly macOS El Capitan, FileVault Off, currentUser is not Admin: the script runs correctly

The only problem I still have is check the currentUser if Admin. For example, I am connected with the user "smith" who is not admin and there are several local users with the names "smith, smith1, smith2, etc ...", and for example smith2 is admin, and the grep finds smith2 because he finds smith in the word and passes the user admin script.

I have to find a way to make a grep with strict case sensitive. smith should not be the same as smith2 with grep.

I copy you the script below: macOSUpgrade_2.7.2.1.txt

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

Use id -Gn $currentUser

This will list all the groups a user is in and check that

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

Another way that is exact is to use the -x option in grep. This is a whole line so you have to format DSCL's output into lines

/usr/bin/dscl . read /Groups/admin GroupMembership | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -x $currentUser

this will use tr to convert spaces to carriage returns and then grep's -x option will work as an exact match

USicilianU commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Lotusshaney.

I also found this method that works: dseditgroup -o checkmember -m "$currentUser" -t group admin | grep "yes"

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

yeah that works too, in-fact you should probably use dseditgroup to handle the group adding and removal as dscl is not really the correct Apple way anymore

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

Here is my go at the problem, I use a touch file in the users home folder and then get the LaunchDaemon to demote the user and clean up if its present. macOSUpgrade_dan.txt

USicilianU commented 5 years ago

Hi, I had to add at the end of the script the deletion of admin rights with a condition, if the installation fails following Requirements Not Met.

if [[ -z "$CheckUserAlreadyAdmin" ]]; then /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d "$currentUser" -t user admin fi

neilmartin83 commented 5 years ago

Awesome - I recommend using this method to get the current logged in user:

currentUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk -F': ' '/[[:space:]]+Name[[:space:]]:/ { if ( $2 != "loginwindow" ) { print $2 }}' )

See http://erikberglund.github.io/2018/Get-the-currently-logged-in-user,-in-Bash/ for details - it's based on Ben Toms' blog post from a few years back which used Python to do it.

riddl0rd commented 5 years ago

Had tip from grahamrpugh It's the only line that does something affecting the user level, everything else is just running as root. when I comment it out the upgrade process runs perfect

/ /bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/"${userID}" /Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.install.osinstallersetupd.plist

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

The problem with removing that line is it will not do an unattended reboot of a FileVault system. The user will have to enter there password at the FileVault login.

donmontalvo commented 5 years ago

Apple have recommended this command to accommodate computers that have Fast User Switching enabled:

current_user=$( python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]]; sys.stdout.write(username + "\n");' )

FWIW, we are using v2.6.1 of this script, updating/upgrading users to 10.13.6 and are seeing this prompt when current user is not admin:


donmontalvo commented 5 years ago

I realize now is the current version, we are on 2.6.1...before shifting gears and moving to this new version, is the above issue resolved in

USicilianU commented 5 years ago

Hi @donmontalvo , Yes, this message also appears with script version

ferriterj1 commented 5 years ago

I am getting the "osinstallersetupd" popup in my environment where everyone is a standard user. None of my machines are filevaulted. Any reason why this would be happening?

donmontalvo commented 5 years ago

Opened a ticket with Jamf to see if they have any ideas. They echoed what was said on this issue thread, temporarily giving the current user admin rights, until the update/upgrade is done, then revoking admin rights when the update/upgrade is done. For understandable reasons this is outside the scope of what this script is designed to do, more of an issue that Apple may need to weigh in on, so we're opening a support ticket to see if this is a bug Apple needs to fix.

memile123 commented 5 years ago

Meh.. it might be long before you get a resolution/response . We thought about going that route as well. So far here’s what has worked for us.

-Use this script along with a temp admin script that runs prior to the installer app gets placed -We already had a demote non approved admins to standard script that runs on login in placed, so once the OS installation finished and the machine checked in, user would be demoted.

This has worked for High Sierra and Mojave 14.1

fishd72 commented 5 years ago

Opened a ticket with Jamf to see if they have any ideas. They echoed what was said on this issue thread, temporarily giving the current user admin rights, until the update/upgrade is done, then revoking admin rights when the update/upgrade is done. For understandable reasons this is outside the scope of what this script is designed to do, more of an issue that Apple may need to weigh in on, so we're opening a support ticket to see if this is a bug Apple needs to fix.

Personally, if your place of work operates under a "no one gets admin rights" kind of policy then this isn't going to fly as a solution. I'd say removing the authenticated restart and prompting the user for their password is a better workaround.

neilmartin83 commented 5 years ago

Agree with @fishd72 - perhaps having auth restart configurable with a parameter, like the others in the script, to make it easier for folks to turn on/off. Then admins can decide to use that as a workaround and have control over it.

fishd72 commented 5 years ago

I recently removed the lines relating to running the launch agent and confirmed that if you're using the script to erase the device and install a fresh copy of the OS then it works as expected. If you're doing an in place upgrade, you're prompted half way through to enter your FileVault credentials but then the upgrade completes successfully.

krispayne commented 5 years ago

@Lotusshaney's updated script worked for my standard user with FV going from 10.13.6 to 10.14.1. It was hanging here:

2019-01-17 08:10:37-08 username osinstallersetupd[9411]: ensurePrebootVolumeForDisk: ensureRecoveryBooter instantly failed with error: -69863
2019-01-17 08:10:37-08 username osinstallersetupd[9411]: Operation queue failed with error: Error Domain=com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=224 "Could not create a preboot volume for APFS install." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not create a preboot volume for APFS install.}

This is where osinstallersetup would prompt for admin credentials for us.

After running @Lotusshaney's script, the user was not prompted, the install was successful, and they were removed from admin on first boot

memile123 commented 5 years ago

@krispayne Nice! i cant seem to find his script or pull request with code changes.

krispayne commented 5 years ago

@memile123 ‘‘Tis but a link in a comment in this thread.

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

I did a pull request awhile ago but it got cancelled

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

It’s pull #86

krispayne commented 5 years ago

Either in this thread or the other I think that the idea of elevating then demoting wasn't wholly agreed upon since it's possible that the demotion wouldn't work all of the time, that and more strict environments where even the temporary elevation was considered policy violation.

That being said, it worked flawlessly this morning on a very troublesome machine.

Lotusshaney commented 5 years ago

He is a slightly updated version of the script the does the demote without requiring a user to be logged in. Give this a try if you like.


kenchan0130 commented 5 years ago

It seems that this problem do not occur when I tried to upgrade to mojave with 10.14.3 installer.

hcgtexas commented 5 years ago

Very interesting. I will test that today. Can anyone else confirm this is not an issue with 14.3?

kenchan0130 commented 5 years ago

@hcgtexas Thank you for your response. I think that it can not be confirmed by my environment alone, so it would be nice to have some people try.

hcgtexas commented 5 years ago

Still asking me for admin credentials with the 10.14.3 installer

kenchan0130 commented 5 years ago

That's unfortunate. Perhaps my environment was special. I'm sorry.

kenchan0130 commented 5 years ago

It is good news for all of you. It seems that this issue has been resolved by merging https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/pull/97.

Thank you @taniguti!

And we want you to be careful a little bit, we are planning https://github.com/kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade/issues/100.