kcao1199 / Cao_Robertson-MADA-Project

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Part 3 Feedback - Roth #3

Open cp-roth opened 7 months ago

cp-roth commented 7 months ago

Dear Kelly and Rachel,

Great job on your code. I was able to reproduce it without any problem.

However, I had to do some digging to figure out which order I should run the code. It might be helpful in the main README and then in every folder's README to have something like this:

"This is Cassia Roth's class project repository. This is the master README, which supersedes all others in cases of discrepancies.

If reproducing this analysis, please run code in the following order: 1) processingfile-v1.qmd or processingcode.R in the processing-code folder; 2) eda-v1.qmd or edacode.R in the eda-code folder; 3) introanalyis-v1.qmd or introanalysis.R in the analysis-code folder; 4) fullanalysis-v1.qmd or fullanalysiscode.R in the analysis-code folder. [Note: this document does not yet exist.]

If possible run the .qmd document. If you find any discrepancy between .qmd and .R documents, the .qmd document is the master. Please also notify me, so I can fix these mistakes."

That way, the person reproducing your project knows exactly which order they should run which specific document. I also had to rely on the .R documents for the Processing and EDA steps. The Quarto document did not seem to pull in the R code (although this could be something on my end).

In addition, when I rendered your document in word, none of the figures or tables were displaying.

Your study question is very clear and easy to follow and seems logical.
