I'm currently trying to add sound effects to my engine. I'm on Windows. I'm loading ogg files using stb_vorbis and everything was working fine. I was able to play, adjust volume, and everything else to a ogg file.
Then I tried to add reverb and now I'm getting array out of bounds error. I was able to reproduce the bug in the example alreverb.c. I have created a fork that demonstrates this bug https://github.com/bshafi/openal-soft-windows-bug-fork.
The exact error : Expression: cannot seek array iterator after end
I've traced it in the debug to reverb.cpp line 1198:
void ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning(const al::span<const float,3> ReflectionsPan,
const al::span<const float,3> LateReverbPan, const float earlyGain, const float lateGain,
const bool doUpmix, const MixParams *mainMix)
/* Create matrices that transform a B-Format signal according to the
* panning vectors.
const auto earlymat = GetTransformFromVector(ReflectionsPan);
const auto latemat = GetTransformFromVector(LateReverbPan);
const auto [earlycoeffs, latecoeffs] = [&]{
/* When upsampling, combine the early and late transforms with the
* first-order upsample matrix. This results in panning gains that
* apply the panning transform to first-order B-Format, which is
* then upsampled.
auto mult_matrix = [](const al::span<const std::array<float,4>,4> mtx1)
auto&& mtx2 = AmbiScale::FirstOrderUp;
std::array<std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>,NUM_LINES> res{};
for(size_t i{0};i < mtx1[0].size();++i)
const al::span dst{res[i]};
for(size_t k{0};k < mtx1.size();++k)
const float a{mtx1[k][i]};
std::transform(dst.begin(), dst.end(), mtx2[k].begin(), dst.begin(),
[a](const float out, const float in) noexcept -> float
{ return out + a*in; });
return res;
return std::make_pair(mult_matrix(earlymat), mult_matrix(latemat));
/* When not upsampling, combine the early and late A-to-B-Format
* conversions with their respective transform. This results panning
* gains that convert A-Format to B-Format, which is then panned.
auto mult_matrix = [](const al::span<const std::array<float,NUM_LINES>,4> mtx1,
const al::span<const std::array<float,4>,4> mtx2)
std::array<std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>,NUM_LINES> res{};
for(size_t i{0};i < mtx1[0].size();++i)
const al::span dst{res[i]};
for(size_t k{0};k < mtx1.size();++k)
const float a{mtx1[k][i]};
std::transform(dst.begin(), dst.end(), mtx2[k].begin(), dst.begin(),
[a](const float out, const float in) noexcept -> float
{ return out + a*in; }); // <------------------------------------------------- HERE
return res;
return std::make_pair(mult_matrix(EarlyA2B, earlymat), mult_matrix(LateA2B, latemat));
auto earlygains = mEarly.Gains.begin();
for(auto &coeffs : earlycoeffs)
ComputePanGains(mainMix, coeffs, earlyGain, (earlygains++)->Target);
auto lategains = mLate.Gains.begin();
for(auto &coeffs : latecoeffs)
ComputePanGains(mainMix, coeffs, lateGain, (lategains++)->Target);
Here is the callstack:
OpenAL32.dll!std::_Array_const_iterator<float,4>::_Verify_offset(const __int64 _Off) Line 178
at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\array(178)
OpenAL32.dll!std::_Get_unwrapped_n<std::_Array_const_iterator<float,4> const &,__int64>(const std::_Array_const_iterator<float,4> & _It, const __int64 _Off) Line 1256
at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\xutility(1256)
OpenAL32.dll!std::transform<float *,std::_Array_const_iterator<float,4>,float *,````anonymous namespace'::ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()'::`2'::<lambda_2>::operator()'::`8'::<lambda_1>>(float * const _First1, float * const _Last1, const std::_Array_const_iterator<float,4> _First2, float * _Dest, `anonymous-namespace'::ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning::__l2::<lambda_1>::()::__l2::<lambda_2>::()::__l8::<lambda_1> _Func) Line 3476
at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\algorithm(3476)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous-namespace'::ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning::__l2::<lambda_1>::()::__l2::<lambda_2>::operator()(const al::span<std::array<float,4> const ,4> mtx1, const al::span<std::array<float,4> const ,4> mtx2) Line 1225
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\effects\reverb.cpp(1225)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous-namespace'::ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning::__l2::<lambda_1>::operator()() Line 1230
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\effects\reverb.cpp(1230)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::ReverbPipeline::update3DPanning(const al::span<float const ,3> ReflectionsPan, const al::span<float const ,3> LateReverbPan, const float earlyGain, const float lateGain, const bool doUpmix, const MixParams * mainMix) Line 1177
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\effects\reverb.cpp(1177)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::ReverbState::update(const ContextBase * Context, const EffectSlot * Slot, const std::variant<std::monostate,ReverbProps,AutowahProps,ChorusProps,FlangerProps,CompressorProps,DistortionProps,EchoProps,EqualizerProps,FshifterProps,ModulatorProps,PshifterProps,VmorpherProps,DedicatedDialogProps,DedicatedLfeProps,ConvolutionProps> * props_, const EffectTarget target) Line 1305
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\effects\reverb.cpp(1305)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::CalcEffectSlotParams(EffectSlot * slot, EffectSlot * * sorted_slots, ContextBase * context) Line 511
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\alu.cpp(511)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::ProcessParamUpdates(ContextBase * ctx, const al::span<EffectSlot *,-1> slots, const al::span<Voice *,-1> voices) Line 1893
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\alu.cpp(1893)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::ProcessContexts(DeviceBase * device, const unsigned int SamplesToDo) Line 1922
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\alu.cpp(1922)
OpenAL32.dll!DeviceBase::renderSamples(const unsigned int numSamples) Line 2141
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\alu.cpp(2141)
OpenAL32.dll!DeviceBase::renderSamples(void * outBuffer, const unsigned int numSamples, const unsigned __int64 frameStep) Line 2194
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\alu.cpp(2194)
OpenAL32.dll!`anonymous namespace'::WasapiPlayback::mixerProc() Line 1172
at openal-soft-windows-bug-fork\alc\backends\wasapi.cpp(1172)
[External Code]
It seems like there is a bug in the mult_matrix lambda expression. The size of the array does not match.
I'm currently trying to add sound effects to my engine. I'm on Windows. I'm loading ogg files using stb_vorbis and everything was working fine. I was able to play, adjust volume, and everything else to a ogg file. Then I tried to add reverb and now I'm getting array out of bounds error. I was able to reproduce the bug in the example alreverb.c. I have created a fork that demonstrates this bug https://github.com/bshafi/openal-soft-windows-bug-fork.
The exact error : Expression: cannot seek array iterator after end
I've traced it in the debug to reverb.cpp line 1198:
Here is the callstack:
It seems like there is a bug in the mult_matrix lambda expression. The size of the array does not match.