kcheng1021 / GaussianPro

[ICML2024] Official code for GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation
MIT License
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Questions about the reproduction of waymo dataset #34

Open Yuhuoo opened 2 months ago

Yuhuoo commented 2 months ago

A nice work!

I ran the waymo dataset with the same setting, but I couldn't reproduce the effects in the your project.

kcheng1021 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your recognition!

Could you provide more details? like your setting, the evaluation metric, normal map and so on. It seems your posted image comes from the baseline 3DGS.

Yuhuoo commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your recognition!

Could you provide more details? like your setting, the evaluation metric, normal map and so on. It seems your posted image comes from the baseline 3DGS.

The cfg_args is :

Namespace(data_device='cuda', eval=False, images='images', load_depth=False, load_normal=False, model_path='dataset/segment-102751/output', resolution=-1, sh_degree=3, sky_seg=False, source_path='/data1/GaoAo/code/GaussianPro/dataset/segment-102751', white_background=False)

Yuhuoo commented 2 months ago

How can I get the mask of my custom dataset? Could you give some advices?

kcheng1021 commented 2 months ago

The masks are not necessary, which are used to mask sky for street scenes. If you want to get the mask , please refer to #14

cfg_args does not include the parameters for propagation. Your problem seems similar to #13 . Hope it helps you.