kcheng1021 / GaussianPro

[ICML2024] Official code for GaussianPro: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Propagation
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RunError #52

Open JohnnyKimura opened 2 weeks ago

JohnnyKimura commented 2 weeks ago

您好,我在pip 安装submodels中的三个对应模块时都出现了如下问题。我尝试修改我自己的cuda版本到11.6,发现还是出现这个问题,请问有什么解决办法吗,非常感谢! 图片 图片

kcheng1021 commented 2 weeks ago

You could follow the environment setup in 3DGS first. Then adding the additional package in our project. It seems there are mismatching in CUDA version, (maybe the conflict is from /usr/local/cuda in .bashrc and the pytorch, cudatoolkit in your conda env? I am not sure about this).

But at least our modification has no conflict with the original 3DGS. So maybe you can make sure 3DGS is loaded successfully, such as the diff_gaussian_rasterization module can be installed correctly.

JohnnyKimura commented 2 weeks ago

hi there,i really appreciate your amazing work. according to my problem,i have tried to change the version of CUDA from 12.0 to 11.6,but it encounter the same question. i ran the code on our sever station and there are no other authority for me to do more things,so change the cuda version is the least i can do according to the environment.yml . so i start to think maybe the problem comes from environment setup. i try to create virtual environment on my sever station by using the pytorch and cuda toolkit that satisfy my CUDA 12.0,it did work when i pip" diff-gaussian "and "simple-knn",but it still encount the same problem like the pics up there when i tried to pip "propagation" module. i have tried to fix the problem a whole afternoon tody,but still got no clues. sorry again to bother u again,i would be so grateful to your reply

kcheng1021 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry to hear that. Based on your CUDA 12.0, have you changed the 'include_dir' in setup.py of Propagation to adapt to your CUDA path?

JohnnyKimura commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there,i did modify it ,but dont know whether it can recognize my path or not. 😂,but when i modify it and ran the code it still encounter the same problem.. any suggestion? maybe i will tried again tomorrow😫😰

kcheng1021 commented 2 weeks ago

What is your pytorch version? The error seems saying the cuda mismatching from include path and the version compile pytorch.

JohnnyKimura commented 2 weeks ago

i tried the environment.yml and downgrade the version of my CUDA from 12.0 to 11.6 ,encounter the problem above,maybe my installation of cuda 11.6 is wrong . But i also tried to download pytorch that support cuda 12.0(according to https://pytorch.org/) it still remain the same ,a little bit confused and frustrated today , but i will try again to figure it out

JohnnyKimura commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there,i strictly follow your environment.yaml and downgrade my cuda to 11.7,i successfully install the submodules,but when i run the bash.sh (waymo scene),i encounter a problem: ImportError: /home/stlyj/.conda/envs/gaussianpro/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gaussianpro.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2cv5errorEiRKSsPKcS3_i image

i search the solution but find little helpful answer, they cant solve my problem for now:(i have tried opencv ver from 4.2 to 4.5.5,i even tried 3.9.5,same problem) https://forum.opencv.org/t/undefined-symbol-zn2cv5erroreirksspkcs3-i/8050

any suggestion?thanks for your kind reply @kcheng1021

kcheng1021 commented 1 week ago

It seems that your machine is not dynamically linked to the OpenCV library or there is a version mismatch, resulting in the missing CV-related dependencies. You can try linking to the OpenCV library in the Conda environment (conda install -c conda-forge opencv) instead of the system-installed OpenCV library obtained through apt install.