kcigeospatial / Inlet-Field-and-Web-App-Configuration

Tracker for the Inlet Cleaning app
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Adding new structure #21

Closed makedadrake closed 5 years ago

makedadrake commented 5 years ago

The only structure that should be able to be added is an inlet. The mapping only showes inlets. The app does not show if any other structure is in SHA's inventory. The mapping would not show if a endwall is in the inventory, the field crew will not know if a endwall needs to be added or not.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

Level of effort on this one: about 30 minutes. ETA: Today (19 Feb 2019)

Just need to update the domain/types of structures that can be added.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

I've reduced the possible structures that can be created to Inlet and Unknown Inlet†. image

While doing this, I also reduced the number of possible attribute fields to update. Here's the current list of attributes the user can update with a description of each. This should lower the burden on the user, as only the most pertinent fields are displayed.

Display Name Field Name Type Use in Inlet Cleaning Program
GIS Object ID OBJECTID ObjectID Machine field - not user edited
SHA Structure Number SHA_STR_NO String SHA Structure number, only if known
SHA Structure Type STR_TYPE String User can only create Inlet types unless they change this
Function Class FUNC_CLASS String Function Class (always inflow)
Date Verified DATE_VER Date The field user should set this to today
Feature Status FEAT_STATUS String Status is always existing
Additional Structure Comments COMMENTS String Structure comments about the structure in general
Designation IN_DESG_IN String Inlet designation, e.g. J Inlet
Length IN_INLET_LEN String Standard NPDES lengths
Material IN_MTRL_IN String Inlet material
Top of Grate IN_TOP_OF_GRT Double Inlet's TOG
Comments IN_COM_IN String Inlet specific comments
Created Date FLD_CREATIONDATE Date Editor Tracking - Automatic
Creator FLD_CREATOR String Editor Tracking - Automatic
Edited Date FLD_EDITDATE Date Editor Tracking - Automatic
Editor FLD_EDITOR String Editor Tracking - Automatic
GIS Global ID GLOBALID GlobalID Machine field - not user edited

† UNK IN is used if the user is unsure that this structure is an inlet but assumes it is.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

@makedadrake let me know if you have any comments or concerns. If not, we can close this.

makedadrake commented 5 years ago

Lets leave off unknown structure. It will be verified before it is put into HHD inventory. All new structures are thought to be an inlet. If it is in question they can add that to the comments.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

Agreed the unknown structure is not needed. I've removed the ability to create one.