kcigeospatial / MDOT-SHA-NPDES-Next-Gen

Code and issues related to the MDOT SHA NPDES Project. Project codes: Config = 31, Management = 32.
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Add Global ID --> Incoming workflow to NPDES #294

Closed talllguy closed 5 years ago

talllguy commented 5 years ago

Briefly, there is a better approach to linking feature classes to Survey123 outputs, implemented in the Inlet tool and others. Need to bring that approach to NPDES.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

Here's the basic approach used

type name label hint appearance readonly calculation bind::esri:fieldType bind::esri:fieldLength
begin group G_META Inspection Metadata   compact        
text FK_SWMFAC_INSP_FACILITY_ID Facility ID The inspected SWM Facility's ID. Stored as a backup key linking the inspection to the facility.   yes   esriFieldTypeString 42
text FK_SWMFAC_INSP_SWNFAC_NO SHA SWMFAC Number The inspected SWM Facility's Number. Stored as a backup key linking the inspection to the facility.   yes   esriFieldTypeString 38
text FIELDSWMF_INCOMING_GLOBALID Incoming Global ID This is the incoming Global ID from Collector   yes   null  
text FK_FIELDSWMF_INSP_GLOBALID Inspected Global ID This is the stored Global ID, converted from the previous item   yes if(regex(${FIELDSWMF_INCOMING_GLOBALID}, '^\{[\w\-]*\}$'), substr(${FIELDSWMF_INCOMING_GLOBALID},1, string-length(${FIELDSWMF_INCOMING_GLOBALID}) - 1), ${FIELDSWMF_INCOMING_GLOBALID}) esriFieldTypeGUID  
end group                
talllguy commented 5 years ago

Need to do this for UG too but no time!

talllguy commented 5 years ago

I'm going to skip this update.

  1. it is working just fine as is
  2. there would never be a new SWMFAC in the field without a facility id