kcigeospatial / MDOT-SHA-NPDES-Next-Gen

Code and issues related to the MDOT SHA NPDES Project. Project codes: Config = 31, Management = 32.
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New Web Map Testing #393

Closed talllguy closed 4 years ago

talllguy commented 5 years ago

Follow on issue to track testing on the KCI_1 web map (#391 ). Testing by @talllguy and @KCI-Ablowers.

Link to map

As of 2019-09-24 09:55:00 the KCI_1 map is 85% complete. Preliminary testing can commence.

Progress tracker

KCI-Ablowers commented 5 years ago

Update Drainage Area Symbology

Add MD Six Inch Imagery Service

Reset Home to State View

talllguy commented 5 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers The drainage area symbology cannot be changed. As I said on the call, it is finally up to date with the standard SHA symbology. I will tweak the transparency and draw distance though. Thanks!

KCI-Ablowers commented 5 years ago
KCI-Ablowers commented 5 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers The drainage area symbology cannot be changed. As I said on the call, it is finally up to date with the standard SHA symbology. I will tweak the transparency and draw distance though. Thanks!

Can we change the

talllguy commented 5 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers The drainage area symbology cannot be changed. As I said on the call, it is finally up to date with the standard SHA symbology. I will tweak the transparency and draw distance though. Thanks!

Can we change the SWMFAC color?

I'll adjust it to look more like the standard as well. That was another limitation that has since been overcome. Here's how it should look (standard HHD Symbology) image

KCI-Ablowers commented 5 years ago

If thats the standard we need to go with it. If we can turn the transparency way up I think it will help.

Also, I forgot the Six inch imagery is already in the basemap selector. @talllguy do you think we could use your hybrid layer set up as the default?

talllguy commented 5 years ago

The basemap affects offline. Let me finish up with 390 and 392 and then we can discuss.

talllguy commented 5 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers ugh... those ETL fields requires a redo of #390 😠 oh well let's do it right.

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@talllguy - Remedy for the drainage areas would be to have them turned off by default.

talllguy commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers I updated some the comments here. In the future, can you make the items to fix action oriented within the comments? This helps me sort out what is done and what is remaining with a lot of outstanding todos out there.

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers I updated some the comments here. In the future, can you make the items to fix action oriented within the comments? This helps me sort out what is done and what is remaining with a lot of outstanding todos out there.

Will do. Sorry about that, I was throwing things up as I thought about them yesterday.

talllguy commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers I think I've handled the SWMFAC color by adjusting the draw distance, transparency, and turning the DA off by default.

The basemap is a tougher cookie. If the state imagery is in the map at all it prevents offline edits. Someone will inevitably want offline access. We have two options here.

  1. Do nothing. Leave the imagery hybrid map as default and allow users to switch the basemap in collector if desired. This is usually a good compromise because it supports offline, is good enough for general viewing, and you can still select the better imagery if needed.
  2. Set up an offline and online version of the map. This is the typical approach for other field apps, but those don't have 16 different firms out there to maintain. That'd increase the maintained maps to 32. Less than ideal, especially because not every user will go and use the offline map.
KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@talllguy I just reloaded the map and I think your configuration is spot on. For the base map, #1 in the comment above is the best option for us at this point. 32 maps sound like a nightmare.

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@talllguy Checked then unchecked the boxes in the original comment, but we haven't really "tested" these. I can run through an verify the SWMFAC popup is correct.

talllguy commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers once #391 is fully complete, we can begin the web map testing. Here's the test, as described on the phone.

  1. Launch each map (list). I would R-Click each and Open in a new tab so you can expedite.
  2. Head to the area north of the Bay Bridge and look for that test edit you did the other day. You'll have to zoom in to see the structures (or change the zoom level but do not save the map) image
  3. Verify the map is pointing to the right version.
  4. Edit and delete the point.
  5. Find any random SWMFAC and open the S123 link.
  6. Verify the proper survey and firm name is passed along.
  7. ✅ tick the checkbox above.

Note for IDDE, I have already verified the edit version so just double check the survey before ticking that ☑️

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@talllguy For the IDDE Map, I was able to successfully launch in the inspection via Collector. I wanted to check for the firm in the pop-up code but I don't see it being passed through to Survey123. Does this matter? -

> <a href="arcgis-survey123://?itemID=527a02d245a04202bda2b95c187fcbcf&amp;field:FK_STRUCTURE_ID={STRUCTURE_ID}&amp;field:FK_FLD_STRUCTURE_GUID={FLD_STRUCTURE_GUID}&amp;field:FK_FLD_ORIG_GLOBALID={FLD_ORIG_GLOBALID}&amp;field:INCOMING_GLOBALID={GLOBALID}"><img alt="IDDE Inspection" src="https://dabuttonfactory.com/button.png?t=IDDE+Inspection&amp;f=Roboto-Bold&amp;ts=24&amp;tc=fff&amp;tshs=1&amp;tshc=000&amp;hp=20&amp;vp=8&amp;c=5&amp;bgt=gradient&amp;bgc=6aa84f&amp;ebgc=274e13&amp;shs=1&amp;shc=444&amp;sho=s" /></a><br />
>   <hr />
>   <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
>     <u>Site Description</u>: {LOC_SCREEN}<br />
>     <u>Sample Station Description</u>: {DESC_STA}<br />
>     <u>Pipe Outfall Description</u>: {DESC_OUTFL}<br />
>     <u>Runoff Curve Number</u>: {RCN}<br />
>     <u>Distance to Stream</u>: {STREAMDIST}<br />
>     <u>Additional Site Comments</u>: {COM_SITE}<br />
>     <u>Hotspot</u>: {HOT_SPOT}<br /><br />
>     <u>ETL Issues</u>: {FLD_ETL_ISSUES}<br /></font>
talllguy commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers Nice catch, but no, it does not matter. In the IDDE Survey123 configuration, all submittals are assigned "IDDE" as the firm.

talllguy commented 4 years ago

@KCI-Ablowers: I can run through an verify the SWMFAC popup is correct.

Absolutely! I set out some tests that we need to do, but if there are more you think to do, please include them.

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

@talllguy The tests are completed on all maps except for SW_INV_RECONCILE.

KCI-Ablowers commented 4 years ago

Closing this issue for now. Not sure if/when the SW_INV_RECONCILE will need to be back online.