kclay / rethink-scala

Scala Driver for RethinkDB
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Question about Rethink DB versions #2

Closed tehprofessor closed 11 years ago

tehprofessor commented 11 years ago


I apologize my n00bness (I'm new to RethinkDB), but as this is the driver I'm looking to use, I felt it pertinent to ask it here (and didn't know of a better place!):

As RethinkDB moves towards it's 2.0 release, and with most recently with the release of 1.8, I've heard about data incompatibilities between versions that require migrations to be made. My question is: does the driver support this?

More specifically: I heard 1.8 require some sort migrations to run to make older data compatible; so, if I start using 1.7 today, with this driver, will it be painful/possible to make that migration?

Thank you for time.

Best, Seve

P.S. Feel free to close, without offending me in the slightest, if this is unrelated or something I shouldn't be asking here.

kclay commented 11 years ago

I havn't updated to 1.8 but when I did the change from 1.6 to 1.7 I didn't have to make any changes to the driver for besides those that were introduced to the query language. Yes the data had to be migrated but what you got out from the database was the same as prior versions. So when they say that I think its mostly to how the data is stored on disk. For instance 1.8 has new alignment with documents to cause lower file size.

P.S. Looking forward to getting feedback from the driver, I'm using it current so its in active development.

tehprofessor commented 11 years ago

Awesome, thank you! This makes my life much easier. I'll definitely give you some feedback over the weekend once I've had a chance to dig into it a bit.