kcmr / electron-theme-vscode

Electron Color Theme for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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supporting for operator mono font #3

Open AmirFawzy opened 5 years ago

AmirFawzy commented 5 years ago

can you make the theme support operator mono the theme is beautiful and all colors matching each other very well not too bright no too dark it really would be awesome if you make it support operator mono font thank you.

kcmr commented 5 years ago

Hi @AmirFawzy

The theme does not use italics because I particularly don't like them, but you can customize it using the TM scopes inspector (available in the command palette) to override any theme setting inside your VS Code settings > editor.tokenColorCustomizations > [Theme name] (VS Code will autocomplete).


Here is an example:

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
        "[Default Dark+]": {
            "comments": "#425675",
            "functions": "#DECD90",
            "variables": "#E0585F",
            "strings": "#63AC48",
            "textMateRules": [
                    "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css",
                    "settings": {
                        "foreground": "#c586c0"

Anyway, what keywords would you like to be in italic? HTML attributes, function names?

Thank you for your feedback!

AmirFawzy commented 5 years ago

your'e welcome and thanks @kcmr for responding. yeah, i know but that may required some one has experience how to customize a theme and how to edit everything correctly if i tried to do that and i already try that once it gonna be horrible result ruining the beautiful look of the theme.

for which keywords or parts in the code here the real example from angular project.

html 2018-07-22_13-12-55 all attributes whether built-in html or angular in this case

javascript/typescript 2018-07-22_13-14-17 keywords like export, class, interface, function, return, private/public/protected, all types.... etc

css/sass 2018-07-22_13-17-06 all variables, functions, special pseudo selectors, class, id...etc

that for web development langs i don't know what a bout other langs. thank you.

kcmr commented 5 years ago

I will try to use some theme with italics as a reference (I think that the one of the screenshot is Monokai Pro) to include a variant with support for Operator Mono.

By the way, have you tried Inconsolata? It's 100 times better than Operator Mono in my opinion and no italics :)

AmirFawzy commented 5 years ago

the theme yep it's monokai pro.

i tried Inconsolata now is nice i can use it as alt for operator and is looks like operator mono a bit but i think what gives operator mono some advantage between all programming fonts that kind of scripting style which looks nice and might you think when you look at it for the first time it's frustrating (scripting keywords) specially when you using it for coding but actually when you start using it you get use to it quick and not gonna be frustrating or hard to read anymore.

it's a matter of taste at the end some people loves the clean sharp fonts without any editing that better for their eyes some others don't mind to switch between scripting and serif fonts they get bored using specific font for long time for developers you might spend most of your live in the code editor 😄 i meet people using comic fonts in their code editor which it looks weird and really mess 😄

thanks for your effort and looking forward to see electron operator mono edition of the theme.