kcuilla / reactablefmtr

Streamlined Table Styling and Formatting for Reactable
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Suggestion: Add `icon_class` to `icon_asign()` and possibly other functions #46

Open eastclintw00d opened 2 years ago

eastclintw00d commented 2 years ago

Add icon_class as additional argument as suggested in the answer of this post:

icon_assign <- function (data, icon = "circle", fill_color = "#67a9cf", empty_color = "lightgrey",
                             fill_opacity = 1, empty_opacity = 1, align_icons = "left",
                             icon_size = 16, buckets = NULL, number_fmt = NULL, seq_by = 1,
                             show_values = "none", animation = "1s ease", icon_class = NULL)
  "%notin%" <- Negate("%in%")
  if (show_values %notin% c("left", "right", "above", "below",
                            "none") == TRUE) {
    stop("show_values must be either 'left', 'right', 'above', 'below', or 'none'")
  if (align_icons %notin% c("left", "right", "center") == TRUE) {
    stop("align_icons must be either 'left', 'right', or 'center'")
  if (!is.numeric(fill_opacity)) {
    stop("`fill_opacity` must be numeric")
  if (fill_opacity < 0 | fill_opacity > 1) {
    stop("`fill_opacity` must be a value between 0 and 1")
  if (!is.numeric(empty_opacity)) {
    stop("`empty_opacity` must be numeric")
  if (empty_opacity < 0 | empty_opacity > 1) {
    stop("`empty_opacity` must be a value between 0 and 1")
  fill_color <- grDevices::adjustcolor(fill_color, alpha.f = fill_opacity)
  empty_color <- grDevices::adjustcolor(empty_color, alpha.f = empty_opacity)
  icons <- function(empty = FALSE) {
    htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(shiny::icon(icon, class = icon_class), style = paste0("font-size:",
                                                                     icon_size, "px", "; color:", if (empty)
                                                                     else fill_color, sprintf("; transition: %s", animation)),
                                   `aria-hidden` = "true")
  cell <- function(value, index, name) {
    if (!is.numeric(value))
    if (is.null(value) || is.na(value) || value == "NA" ||
        value == "na" || stringr::str_detect(value, " "))
    if (!is.null(buckets) & !is.numeric(buckets)) {
      stop("must provide a number for buckets")
    if (!is.null(buckets) & is.numeric(buckets)) {
      bucketed_data <- dplyr::ntile(data[[name]], n = buckets)
      bucket_value <- bucketed_data[index]
      value_rounded <- floor(bucket_value + 0.5)
      icon_seq <- lapply(seq_len(buckets), function(i) {
        if (i <= value_rounded)
        else icons(empty = TRUE)
      label <- sprintf("%s out of %s", bucket_value, buckets)
    else {
      max_value <- max(floor(data[[name]] + 0.5), na.rm = TRUE)
      value_rounded <- floor(value + 0.5)
      if (max_value != 0) {
        icon_seq <- lapply(seq(1, max_value, by = seq_by),
                           function(i) {
                             if (i <= value_rounded)
                             else icons(empty = TRUE)
      else {
        icon_seq <- lapply(seq(0, max_value, by = seq_by),
                           function(i) {
                             if (i < value_rounded)
                             else icons(empty = TRUE)
      label <- sprintf("%s out of %s", value, max_value)
    if (show_values == "right" & is.null(number_fmt)) {
      htmltools::div(title = label, `aria-label` = label,
                     role = "img", icon_seq, align = align_icons,
                     paste0("  ", value))
    else if (show_values == "right" & !is.null(number_fmt)) {
      label <- number_fmt(value)
      htmltools::div(title = label, `aria-label` = label,
                     role = "img", icon_seq, align = align_icons,
                     paste0("  ", label))
    else if (show_values == "left" & is.null(number_fmt)) {
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(value, max_digits)
      htmltools::div(paste0(label, "  "), title = label,
                     `aria-label` = label, role = "img", icon_seq,
                     align = align_icons)
    else if (show_values == "above" & is.null(number_fmt)) {
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(value, max_digits)
      htmltools::tagList(htmltools::div(label, align = align_icons),
                         htmltools::div(title = label, `aria-label` = label,
                                        role = "img", icon_seq, align = align_icons))
    else if (show_values == "above" & !is.null(number_fmt)) {
      label <- number_fmt(value)
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(value, max_digits)
      htmltools::tagList(htmltools::div(title = label,
                                        `aria-label` = label, role = "img", icon_seq,
                                        align = align_icons), htmltools::div(label, align = align_icons))
    else if (show_values == "below" & is.null(number_fmt)) {
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(value, max_digits)
      htmltools::tagList(htmltools::div(title = label,
                                        `aria-label` = label, role = "img", icon_seq,
                                        align = align_icons), htmltools::div(label, align = align_icons))
    else if (show_values == "below" & !is.null(number_fmt)) {
      label <- number_fmt(value)
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(value, max_digits)
      htmltools::tagList(htmltools::div(label, align = align_icons),
                         htmltools::div(title = label, `aria-label` = label,
                                        role = "img", icon_seq, align = align_icons))
    else if (show_values == "left" & !is.null(number_fmt)) {
      label <- number_fmt(value)
      max_digits <- max(nchar(data[[name]])) + 1
      label <- stringr::str_pad(label, max_digits)
      htmltools::div(paste0(label, "  "), title = label,
                     `aria-label` = label, role = "img", icon_seq,
                     align = align_icons)
    else htmltools::div(title = label, `aria-label` = label,
                        role = "img", icon_seq, align = align_icons)