kd1889 / Internet-Radio-for-Kids

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Application Logic #21

Closed kd1889 closed 3 years ago

kd1889 commented 3 years ago
kd1889 commented 3 years ago

TESTS Test 1 - Update playlist while it is playing: Currently playlist 1 has one song in it, tenderness.mp3. As shown on the flask: image As shown in the terminal after selecting to play playlist 1: image

In the web UI, the songs in the playlist were changed to the following and submitted: image The terminal shows that the playlist was changed and the new song was started: image

kd1889 commented 3 years ago

Test 2: Update playing 1/2 while playing the other playlist Goal: Assume playlist 1 is playing, updating playlist 2 should not stop playlist 1 from playing, while still changing playlist 2.

Terminal shows playlist 1 was selected: image Web UI shows current songs in playlist 1 and playlist 2, respectively: image image

Playlist 2 is changed as follows and submitted. Terminal shows that the song is unchanged: image


kd1889 commented 3 years ago

Test 3 - Modify radio station while playing playlist and vice versa. Goal: in either, update should not interfere with the play of radio or playlist accordingly.

Playing playlist: image Radio station was updated, and the playlist kept playing: image

Playing radio: image Playlist 1 and 2 were updated and radio kept playing: image

kd1889 commented 3 years ago

Test 4 - Upload a music file without interfering with either radio or playlist:

With radio playing: image Uploaded bensound-energy.mp3: image Radio was still playing

With playlist: image Uploaded bensound-betterdays.mp3: image Playlist was still playing

Shows successful upload and the new music can be selected for playlists: image

kd1889 commented 3 years ago

Multiple pushes were done due to using github to edit code, as the command line was difficult to modify. The following lines were added with explanation: The load_trackList function was added to the MusicPlayer class in order to seamlessly change the current playlist to be played. It was used in the PlaySomething class.

def load_trackList(self, PLAYLIST):
        self.trackList = PLAYLIST;
        self.index = 0;

The PlaySomething was updated to hold the information regarding the playlists, and the radio stations based on the configuration files. Some information is repeated but can be easily resolved by changing/removing the variables that are repeats. Currently still kept to reduce errors.

class PlaySomething(Page):
    FEATURES = ["Radio 1", "Playlist 1", "More"]

    def __init__(self):
        #Inital setup of the configuration value
        #Using flask-app + threads, update these values
        self.STATIONS = radio.create_stations(CONFIG_RADIO)[0];
        self.NUM_STATIONS = radio.create_stations(CONFIG_RADIO)[1];
        self.PLAYLIST_1 = radio.create_playlist(CONFIG_PLAYLIST, 1);
        self.PLAYLIST_2 = radio.create_playlist(CONFIG_PLAYLIST, 2);
        self.PLAYLISTS = [self.PLAYLIST_1, self.PLAYLIST_2];

        #Attributes to control radio + music player
        self.isLocked = False # parental lock
        self.isRadioPlaying = False
        self.isMusicOnly = True
        self.radio_number = 0 # radio number on screen - 1
        self.playlist_number = 0 # playlist number on screen - 1
        self.number_of_playlists = len(self.PLAYLISTS);
        self.number_of_stations = self.NUM_STATIONS;

        #music player to swap between tracks and radio stations
        self.musicPlayer = MusicPlayer()
        if (self.NUM_STATIONS != 0):
            self.FEATURES[0] = "No station"

The updated_playlist and update_radio function took in the configuration dictionaries for their corresponding files. These functions were called in their corresponding flask-app function, radio_1() and playlist1 / playlist2, respectively.

    def update_playlist(self, new_playlist, playlist_num):
        changed = -1;
        if (playlist_num > 2):
        new_trackList = radio.create_playlist(new_playlist, playlist_num);
        if new_trackList is None:
            new_trackList = [];
        for i in range(len(self.PLAYLISTS)):

            if i == playlist_num - 1:
                self.PLAYLISTS[i] = new_trackList;
                if i == self.playlist_number:
                    changed = i;
        if (not self.isRadioPlaying and changed == self.playlist_number):

    def update_radio(self, new_radio):
        self.STATIONS = radio.create_stations(new_radio)[0];
        self.NUM_STATIONS = radio.create_stations(new_radio)[1];
        self.number_of_stations = self.NUM_STATIONS;
        if self.NUM_STATIONS == 0:
            self.FEATURES[0] = "No station"
            self.FEATURES[0] = "Radio 1"
        print(self.STATIONS, self.NUM_STATIONS);
        self.radio_number = 0;