kdechant / eamon

A web port of the classic text adventure game, the Wonderful World of Eamon
MIT License
22 stars 5 forks source link

Newbie Alert! Dipping my toe in... #22

Closed damienhurrell closed 4 years ago

damienhurrell commented 5 years ago

I'm a very long-time user of Eamon (used to play on an Apple ][ clone in the 80s) and I've been enjoying rediscovering my old friends (and unfriendlies!) through Eamon Deluxe for a few years. While playing Deluxe, I've been thinking how great it would be to be able to play Eamon on a web-based environment, with all the advantages of portability and accessibility that implies. And then I found Eamon remastered: Joy! Rapture! Mapmaking! Battles! Looting! I'm in heaven and so pleased that you've taken this project on.

I'd love to help, but unfortunately I haven't kept up with programming since I learned ADA for a computer science subject in the early 90s, for a degree that I then dropped out of. But I am kinda interested in learning to code again, so never say never.

But at the moment, I think my most significant contribution would be as a bug catcher and beta tester. Therefore, I offer up the following observations:

1) I had a significant issue when trying to play away from home. I could log in, start an adventure and move around, but as soon as I tried to attack an unfriendly (or manipulate an artifact) nothing happened. The system would not accept the command at all. This was on IE 11, but everything worked perfectly on Chrome. Happy to provide more environment details if that helps.

2) Running my beginning character through the training ground, I missed an old foe: the Jade Warrior. In the ED version, the Jade Warrior appears when the player opens the obsidian scroll case in the secret scroll room. But in ER, while you can take the obsidian scroll case twice, the Warrior is conspicuous by it's absence.

3) secret doors are often not so secret, because they show as a possible direction to exit in the room description panel even before the player has noticed the hint and examined the suspiciously door shaped rock in the east wall (or whatever). I would think that the secret direction should remain hidden in the room panel until the secret is out.

4) including the room number in the description is going to make finding one's way through a labyrinth much, much easier. Labyrinths usually include unhelpful, vague or misleading descriptions that the player has to somehow work through. Room numbering provides precise information that removes the element of uncertainty that a number of authors have used to good effect. This is more a question of style, but it does make a difference to gameplay.

I hope these observations are helpful. Thankyou for Eamon Remastered: I hope that it continues on from strength to strength.

kdechant commented 5 years ago

Thanks for trying it out. I'm happy to see people interested in the project. I'm definitely interested in having people test the game and provide suggestions and/or bug reports.

Also, I'm looking for new ways to get the word out about the project. If you know of any websites or forums about adventure games or interactive fiction, I'd like to hear about them. The main ones I know about are IFDB and forum.audiogames.net.

Now, about the issues you mentioned:

  1. To be honest, I don't test in IE 11 very often and it's possible that some JavaScript feature doesn't work there. Was there a particular adventure you were playing?

  2. I revised the logic for the Warrior in the Training Ground back in December, and I thought it was working. I'll have to test it again.

  3. Secret door movement directions shouldn't appear in the list of exits in the sidebar. But, a few of them might, if the door isn't properly flagged as "secret" in the database. Is there a particular one you noticed?

  4. The room number isn't normally supposed to appear next to the room name. I have a secret debugging mode that displays it, for use when developing, and that may have gotten turned on by default somehow. I'll check.

damienhurrell commented 5 years ago

I don't really know or visit any forums where gaming is discussed. Perhaps I'll ask my 16 year old son for his advice :)

Re: 1 - I've tested about half a dozen adventures in the IE 11 version causing the trouble (version 11.0.9600.19100, update version 11.0.75, running in the windows server 2008 r2 environment) and they all demonstrate the same behaviour. However, I didn't quite describe the behaviour accurately. I can manipulate an artefact if I use the whole command ("get bottle") but not where it's truncated ("get bot") or using "get all". in both those cases I get the error code "Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith'" I also got this error when trying to open a gate without the necessary key.
In every adventure I tested as soon as I encountered a hostile I was unable to do anything: attack, move, flee, whatever. In the beginners cave with a neutral hermit I was able to leave and then re-enter the room once, and with a friendly Heinrich I moved freely, until I encountered a hostile, then nothing.

  1. Let me know when it's running and I'll test again. thanks.

  2. I'll have another wander around in a day or two and provide a list.

  3. sounds good.

kdechant commented 5 years ago

On closer inspection, I noticed that my deployment system was failing, and that some of the most recent code wasn't making it onto the server. Try the Training Ground again. This time, the room numbers should be gone, and the Emerald Warrior should appear when you pick up the obsidian scroll case.

I also added a fix for the issue with partial command matching in IE. FYI, there are other issues in IE, like the lack of smooth scrolling in the output window, which are not easily fixable. I'm not planning to fix those, due to the fact that there are only a few IE users. I'll keep fixing critical game play issues in IE for a while, at least.

damienhurrell commented 5 years ago

I've had a run around the training ground, and yes, the room numbers are gone and the Emerald Warrior appears. Thankyou. Room numbers are no longer visible anywhere I've visited today

I'll have a play on IE11 when the opportunity presents itself and report back.

On the question of secret exits, I've had a run around a number of adventures and as far as I could tell, every secret door in every adventure was shown as a "visible exit" before I searched for and found said doors in gameplay.

This includes:

damienhurrell commented 5 years ago

Very limited testing on IE11 shows the system is now functional. Thanks.

damienhurrell commented 5 years ago

I note that secret exits are now secret until found by examination. Excellent.