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Tips to become a good developer #20

Open kdeng opened 3 years ago

kdeng commented 3 years ago

1,Days always fill up. Only plan for 3-4 hours of real work per day. 其实每天只有3-4个小时能专心编码,充分利用这些时间。

2,Work more when you’re in the zone. Relax when you’re not. 在状态的时候多干一些,不在状态时可以就去做个大保健。

3,Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus. 同时干几件事只能分散你的注意力,程序员务必单核。

4,Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt. 如果习惯了晚起床,就这样吧,记得要持之以恒。

5,We’re always more focused and productive with limited time. 给自己的工作设定时间节点,这样会让你更专心和高效。

6,Start with short tasks to get the ball rolling. 把系统分解,从小的工作做起。

7,Doing is better than perfect. 先实现,再优化。 做系统时先别整太多“万一…”,先把功能完成去应付PM。

8,More work hours doesn’t mean more productivity. 加班并不是万能的,提高效率才是正道。

9,A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon. 少开会。

10,Keep the same context throughout the day. 专心干一件事。沟通,设计,编码,测试等频繁切换只会降低效率。

11,Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact. 划分事情的紧急优先程度,先把线上bug解决。

12,If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate! 授权。

13,Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games. 别扯过去的辉煌,做好手头的工作。

14,Always take notes. 多记。

15,Take breaks. Sometimes.