kdhht2334 / ELIM_FER

[NeurIPS 2022] The official repository of Expression Learning with Identity Matching for Facial Expression Recognition
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Reproducing AffectNet results. #2

Closed sunggukcha closed 1 year ago

sunggukcha commented 1 year ago


Thanks for sharing your works.

Regards, Sungguk Cha

kdhht2334 commented 1 year ago


First of all, I upload elim_category.py and update corresponding details. Please check.

Note You must add estimated age scores to your train/val.script. And you may choose two options. 1) Use pretrained age estimation model to complete your train/val.script (link: https://github.com/yu4u/age-estimation-pytorch) 2) Borrow both age_script/training_age.csv and age_script/validation_age.csv to complete your train/val.script

Unfortunately, I cannot share pretrained model of AffectNet..I cannot find the weights for now. But I can tell that you can easily get following bench-marking Table using elim_category.py!

Method Acc.
Baseline [1] 0.58
VGG-Face [2] 0.60
HO-Conv [3] 0.59
ELIM-Age (R18) 0.611
Face2Exp [4] 0.64

References [1] A. Mollahosseini et al., Affectnet: A database for facial expression, valence, and arousal computing in the wild, TAC 2017. [2] D. Kollias et al., Generating faces for affect analysis, ArXiv 2018. [3] J. Kossaifi et al., Factorized higher-order cnns with an application to spatio-temporal emotion estimation, CVPR 2020. [4] D. Zeng et al., Face2Exp: combating data biases for facial expression recognition, CVPR 2022.

sunggukcha commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply. My interest was Valence-Arousal prediction in AffectNet dataset. In this case, can I get helped?

kdhht2334 commented 1 year ago

AffectNet was mainly used for classification purposes. However, you can also use it for valence-arousal regression purposes as follows.

For convenience, I update the elim_age.py file. Please refer to this file for AffectNet.

Also i'm inspired following link:

sunggukcha commented 1 year ago

Sincerely thanks for your kind reply.

It is rather far from the question. "why do you prefer Aff-wild2 or AFEW-VA dataset than AffectNet (valence-arousal)?" In my perspective of view, AffectNet has (1) more number of frames and (2) more number of identities, though it does not have temporal information. I want your opinion on the values of the Aff-Wild and AFEW-VA.

kdhht2334 commented 1 year ago

1) AFEW-VA is suitable for fast check of model performance in exchange for a small number of frames. On the other hand, if you pre-process Aff-wild2's video clips, you can get about 1.4M frames. It is the most large-scale VA databse so far. Since these two datasets are from emotion recognition challenge (or variants), i think they are classified as wild DB.

2) Many IDs can be obtained from the AffectNet dataset, but the problem is that only 1 (or 2-3) samples are given for each ID. This fact becomes a major obstacle to the implementation of ELIM, which organizes datasets by domain. Therefore, I focused on AFEW-VA and Aff-wild2 given the raw data as video clips.

sunggukcha commented 1 year ago

You helped much. It was really nice for me to talk with you, @kdhht2334 .

Hope you happy. Regards, Sungguk Cha