kdmukai / gdax_bot

gdax_bot - Micro dollar cost averaging for crypto
MIT License
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Configurable AWS region, market orders #6

Closed dgunay closed 3 years ago

dgunay commented 3 years ago

Hi - thanks for making this script, it's really cool and I'm in the process of setting it up for personal use. One obstacle I've encountered is that Coinbase has significantly higher minimum order sizes for limit orders instead of market orders. I also don't care too much about slippage and more about being able to DCA at the finest amounts possible, so I tried to implement market orders. This is still WIP and I'm not positive it works yet because the sandbox doesn't have a lot of order activity on it.

I also made the AWS region a parameter in the config file.

Again, due to the magnitude of this change feel absolutely free not to use it, just thought I'd give back in case you do want to merge it in when it's ready.

kdmukai commented 3 years ago

Ooh! I didn't realize they had different minimum order sizes for market buys. That's a game changer at today's btc price!

Just ran a test:

auth_client.place_market_order(product_id='BTC-USD', side='buy', funds='0.50')
{'message': 'funds is too small. Minimum size is 5.00000000'}

DCAing in at as little as $5 a time is awesome. And CB Pro's fees don't favor makers so there's no reason to do the limit order complications anymore (back in the GDAX days that fee structure must have favored makers?).

I'll take a look at your market order code, though it may be simpler for me to just implement it myself. I do like that you used the more up to date python type hints. I need to start getting in that habit.

The AWS region addition makes sense to me (originally I think SNS must have been restricted to that us-east-1 region; can't think of any other reason why I had it hard-coded).

Also note that a change from the pip install gdax dependency is getting updated to cbpro.

kdmukai commented 3 years ago

Confirmed that a $5 market order works against the live prod market. Fee is the same flat 0.5% as any other order.

{'id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
 'product_id': 'BTC-USD',
 'profile_id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
 'side': 'buy',
 'funds': '4.9751243700000000',
 'specified_funds': '5.0000000000000000',
 'type': 'market',
 'post_only': False,
 'created_at': '2021-02-11T15:38:34.350418Z',
 'done_at': '2021-02-11T15:38:34.371Z',
 'done_reason': 'filled',
 'fill_fees': '0.0248734782450000',
 'filled_size': '0.00010395',
 'executed_value': '4.9746956490000000',
 'status': 'done',
 'settled': True}
dgunay commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing it out (with actual $$$ no less)!

Also note that a change from the pip install gdax dependency is getting updated to cbpro.

I was wondering why the API seemed different than some of the docs I was reading, no wonder 😩.

kdmukai commented 3 years ago

Can you grab the latest from master and re-submit your AWS region change? I ended up implementing the change to market orders myself and it seems to be in good shape. But I'd still love to have your contribution.

dgunay commented 3 years ago

Sure thing.

dgunay commented 3 years ago

Closing, AWS region changes are now in this PR: https://github.com/kdmukai/gdax_bot/pull/7