kdorheim / 2024.SULI.practice

Practice and training materials for 2024 Hector SULI
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Issue 4 - Volcanic forcing scalar graphs look funky #9

Closed ptrscll closed 3 months ago

ptrscll commented 3 months ago

I added code for all the parts of Issue 4, but the graphs for the volcanic scaling factor don't look correct. All the other parameter graphs look normal, so I'm not sure what's up. Each of the graphs (including 2 climate sensitivity graphs) is given below for reference:

alpha_comparison_plot beta_comparison_plot diff_comparison_plot ecs_comparison_plot q10_rh_comparison_plot S_comparison_plot volscl_comparison_plot

kdorheim commented 3 months ago

@ptrscll good catch that is some FUNKY behavior indeed, I think you might have caught a bug 🐛

What I would like you to do is open a GitHub issue on the main Hector repo! https://github.com/JGCRI/hector please label it something like unexpected behavior from volscl

Please describe what is going on and why you think it is unusual and include your comparing results plot for volscl but please in include the results from 1745 to 2100 for RF_TOTAL(), GLOBAL_TAS(), VOLCANIC_SO2(), and CONCENTRATIONS_CO2(). After you do that I'll add some more details outlining what I think the problem is.