kdschlosser / samsungctl

Remote control Samsung televisions via a TCP/IP connection
MIT License
156 stars 33 forks source link

Any chance to have X_GetTVSlideShow or media information #94

Open matthieut59 opened 5 years ago

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago


I tried to understand how getting vo;lume via upnp is working on your lib, but.... No cahcne for me to understand it :/

Any chance you implement a way to get media information currently playing ?



PS: Idea is again to know if my TV Frame is currently in Frame mode or TV mode...

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

OK so that is supported. not from the command line. what I am going to do is I am going to create a list of what can be done. all of these advanced features can only be done from a python script.

I am going to be making a REST API for this thing. so if other people want to make use of it from software that does not run python they will be able to.

give me some time to put together a list of all of the available features.

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

I d also take an example of how to use any of this feature via python script :) Getting access to all those upnp feature would make this API what everyone dreamt about...

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

ok this is going to give you the layout...

if you look at the layout you will see a spit in it called "Access Point" you will replace the UPNPObject at the beginning of the access point with "remote"



will become


that is how you will access the UPNP function

all of the information about what needs to be passed to the function is listed..

import samsungctl

# new config style. will make file if it does not exist. if it does it will use it
# you no longer need to have 2 different config code types one for first time use 
# and one for every time there after. it is now all done in a single statement.
# it is a lot nicer this way I think.

config = samsungctl.Config.load('path/file.name')('name='samsungtv1', host='')

with samsungctl.Remote(config) as remote:

the above code is going to dump a massive amount of information to your screen. so you will either want to direct the information to a file or you are going to want to increase the scroll back buffer on your shell or console window to 5000 lines.. and no i am not kidding about the 5000 lines.

I have created wrappers for most of these items. they are pretty easy to locate because the names are almost the same. you do have a choice to use the wrapper i made. or you can access the UPNP functions directly. NOTE: if a function has a parameter called InstanceId you will ALWAYS pass a 0 for this parameter

an example would be

if you have upnp functions named GetVolume SetVolume

you are going to have a simple property called volume

this will call the GetVolume for you


and this will call the SetVolume for you

remote.volume = 50

if you want to get a complete list of all of the convenience methods/properties.

from samsungctl.upnp.UPNP_Device.upnp_class import UPNPObject

# config assumed

with samsungctl.Remote(config) as remote:
    for item in dir(remote):
        if item in UPNPObject.__dict__:
            if isinstance(UPNPObject.__dict__[item], property):
                print(item, ': property')
                print(item, ': method')
kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

i did want to note.. if you want to only print out information for a specific UPNP function. so you get the "Access Point" from the long printout. do the name swap deal. an print out that function..

# config assumed

with samsungctl.Remote(config) as remote:


The name you need to swap out may not be UPNPObject. it might be RemoteWrapper. basically anything before the first "." you need to replace with "remote"

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

Just waouh, it works indeed perfectly!

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

I explorered all methods, and none gives me a hint on whether I m in frame mode or TV mode :/ A lot of method are in fact not really implemented... so waiting for firmware upgrade... looking at https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/blob/master/addons/binding/org.openhab.binding.samsungtv/src/main/java/org/openhab/binding/samsungtv/internal/service/MainTVServerService.java

Some stuff are not available at all on my device :/

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

I would imagine that this will return a valid slide show if the frame mode is active

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

that link only shows code for 2 or 3 UPNP functions it doesn't handle all of them

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

unfortunatly in frame moe or tv mode, I got always "[False, 0, 0]" on this method :( Strangelly the smarthing application on my smartphone is able to get that state, so there should be a way

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

if you run the code below. and post the output to me I will have a better idea of what we can get from your TV

# config assumed

with samsungctl.Remote(config) as remote:
kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

also.. if you follow these directions to enable logging on the TV.. then use the smartthings application. whatever is happening is going to show in the logs on the TV


matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

Here is the remote.as_dict output (same if in frame mode or not ) :

{'services': [{'name': 'RenderingControl', 'methods': [{'name': 'ListPresets', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'CurrentPresetNameList', 'default_value': 'FactoryDefaults', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'SelectPreset', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'PresetName', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['FactoryDefaults']}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'GetMute', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Channel', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Master']}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'CurrentMute', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'bool'>,), 'returned_values': [False, True]}]}, {'name': 'SetMute', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Channel', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Master']}, {'name': 'DesiredMute', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'bool'>,), 'allowed_values': [False, True]}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'GetVolume', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Channel', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Master']}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'CurrentVolume', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}]}, {'name': 'SetVolume', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Channel', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Master']}, {'name': 'DesiredVolume', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_GetAspectRatio', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'AspectRatio', 'default_value': 'Default', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['Default', 'FitScreen']}]}, {'name': 'X_SetAspectRatio', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'AspectRatio', 'default_value': 'Default', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Default', 'FitScreen']}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_Move360View', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'LatitudeOffset', 'default_value': 0.0, 'data_type': (<class 'float'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'LongitudeOffset', 'default_value': 0.0, 'data_type': (<class 'float'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_Zoom360View', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'ScaleFactorOffset', 'default_value': 1.0, 'data_type': (<class 'float'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_Origin360View', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_ControlCaption', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Operation', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Enable', 'Disable']}, {'name': 'Name', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'ResourceURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'CaptionURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'CaptionType', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'Language', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'Encoding', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_GetCaptionState', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'Captions', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'EnabledCaptions', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_GetServiceCapabilities', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'ServiceCapabilities', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_SetZoom', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'x', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'y', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'w', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'h', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_GetTVSlideShow', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'CurrentShowState', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'bool'>,), 'returned_values': [False, True]}, {'name': 'CurrentThemeId', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'TotalThemeNumber', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}]}, {'name': 'X_SetTVSlideShow', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'CurrentShowState', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'bool'>,), 'allowed_values': [False, True]}, {'name': 'CurrentShowTheme', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}], 'icons': [{'name': 'icon_SML_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_SML_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}], 'deviceType': 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1', 'X_compatibleId': 'MS_DigitalMediaDeviceClass_DMR_V001', 'X_deviceCategory': 'Display.TV.LCD Multimedia.DMR', 'X_DLNADOC': 'DMR-1.50', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung TV DMR', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': 'AllShare1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '0C2A3SCKB01047A', 'UDN': 'uuid:a276d50f-30a1-4a11-8b0f-953f21b240ef', 'ProductCap': 'Tizen,Y2018,WebURIPlayable,NavigateInPause,ScreenMirroringP2PMAC=66:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,UHD_SCREEN,SerialNumber=0C2A3SCKB01047A,vdProductType=TV,OCF=1', 'X_hardwareId': 'VEN_0105&DEV_VD0001'}, {'name': 'ConnectionManager', 'methods': [{'name': 'GetCurrentConnectionInfo', 'params': [{'name': 'ConnectionID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'RcsID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'AVTransportID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'ProtocolInfo', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'PeerConnectionManager', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'PeerConnectionID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Direction', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['Input', 'Output']}, {'name': 'Status', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['OK', 'ContentFormatMismatch', 'InsufficientBandwidth', 'UnreliableChannel', 'Unknown']}]}, {'name': 'GetProtocolInfo', 'params': [], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'Source', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'Sink', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'GetCurrentConnectionIDs', 'params': [], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'ConnectionIDs', 'default_value': '0', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'PrepareForConnection', 'params': [{'name': 'RemoteProtocolInfo', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'PeerConnectionManager', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'PeerConnectionID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Direction', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['Input', 'Output']}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'ConnectionID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'AVTransportID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'RcsID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}]}, {'name': 'ConnectionComplete', 'params': [{'name': 'ConnectionID', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}], 'icons': [{'name': 'icon_SML_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_SML_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}], 'deviceType': 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1', 'X_compatibleId': 'MS_DigitalMediaDeviceClass_DMR_V001', 'X_deviceCategory': 'Display.TV.LCD Multimedia.DMR', 'X_DLNADOC': 'DMR-1.50', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung TV DMR', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': 'AllShare1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '0C2A3SCKB01047A', 'UDN': 'uuid:a276d50f-30a1-4a11-8b0f-953f21b240ef', 'ProductCap': 'Tizen,Y2018,WebURIPlayable,NavigateInPause,ScreenMirroringP2PMAC=66:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,UHD_SCREEN,SerialNumber=0C2A3SCKB01047A,vdProductType=TV,OCF=1', 'X_hardwareId': 'VEN_0105&DEV_VD0001'}, {'name': 'AVTransport', 'methods': [{'name': 'Play', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Speed', 'default_value': '1', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'Stop', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'Next', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'Previous', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'SetPlayMode', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'NewPlayMode', 'default_value': 'NORMAL', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['NORMAL']}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'GetMediaInfo', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'NrTracks', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': 0, 'max': 4294967295, 'step': None}, {'name': 'MediaDuration', 'default_value': '00:00:00', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'CurrentURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'CurrentURIMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'NextURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'NextURIMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'PlayMedium', 'default_value': 'NONE', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['NONE', 'NETWORK']}, {'name': 'RecordMedium', 'default_value': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['NOT_IMPLEMENTED']}, {'name': 'WriteStatus', 'default_value': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['NOT_IMPLEMENTED']}]}, {'name': 'GetDeviceCapabilities', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'PlayMedia', 'default_value': 'NETWORK', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'RecMedia', 'default_value': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'RecQualityModes', 'default_value': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'SetAVTransportURI', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'CurrentURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'CurrentURIMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'SetNextAVTransportURI', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'NextURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'NextURIMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'X_PrefetchURI', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'PrefetchURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'PrefetchURIMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'GetTransportSettings', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'PlayMode', 'default_value': 'NORMAL', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['NORMAL']}, {'name': 'RecQualityMode', 'default_value': 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['NOT_IMPLEMENTED']}]}, {'name': 'GetTransportInfo', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'CurrentTransportState', 'default_value': 'NO_MEDIA_PRESENT', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['STOPPED', 'PAUSED_PLAYBACK', 'PLAYING', 'TRANSITIONING', 'NO_MEDIA_PRESENT']}, {'name': 'CurrentTransportStatus', 'default_value': 'OK', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': ['OK', 'ERROR_OCCURRED']}, {'name': 'CurrentSpeed', 'default_value': '1', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'Pause', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'Seek', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'Unit', 'default_value': 'REL_TIME', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['TRACK_NR', 'REL_TIME', 'ABS_TIME', 'ABS_COUNT', 'REL_COUNT', 'X_DLNA_REL_BYTE']}, {'name': 'Target', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}, {'name': 'GetPositionInfo', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'Track', 'default_value': 0, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': 0, 'max': 4294967295, 'step': 1}, {'name': 'TrackDuration', 'default_value': '00:00:00', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'TrackMetaData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'TrackURI', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'RelTime', 'default_value': '00:00:00', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'AbsTime', 'default_value': '00:00:00', 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'RelCount', 'default_value': 2147483647, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'AbsCount', 'default_value': 2147483647, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}]}, {'name': 'GetCurrentTransportActions', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'Actions', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'TrackSize', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'RelByte', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'AbsByte', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_GetStoppedReason', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'StoppedReason', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'StoppedReasonData', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_PlayerAppHint', 'params': [{'name': 'InstanceID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'UpnpClass', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['object.item.imageItem', 'object.item.audioItem', 'object.item.videoItem']}, {'name': 'PlayerHint', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': ['load', 'unload']}], 'ret_vals': []}], 'icons': [{'name': 'icon_SML_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_SML_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}], 'deviceType': 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1', 'X_compatibleId': 'MS_DigitalMediaDeviceClass_DMR_V001', 'X_deviceCategory': 'Display.TV.LCD Multimedia.DMR', 'X_DLNADOC': 'DMR-1.50', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung TV DMR', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': 'AllShare1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '0C2A3SCKB01047A', 'UDN': 'uuid:a276d50f-30a1-4a11-8b0f-953f21b240ef', 'ProductCap': 'Tizen,Y2018,WebURIPlayable,NavigateInPause,ScreenMirroringP2PMAC=66:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,UHD_SCREEN,SerialNumber=0C2A3SCKB01047A,vdProductType=TV,OCF=1', 'X_hardwareId': 'VEN_0105&DEV_VD0001'}, {'name': 'dial', 'methods': [{'name': 'SendKeyCode', 'params': [{'name': 'KeyCode', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'int'>,), 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': None}, {'name': 'KeyDescription', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': []}], 'icons': [], 'deviceType': 'urn:dial-multiscreen-org:device:dialreceiver:1', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung DTV RCR', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': '1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '20090804RCR', 'UDN': 'uuid:1220bf65-8e1b-4858-82ab-f15ce650aef6', 'deviceID': 'NSNSC5ZTTO2RS', 'ProductCap': 'Resolution:1920X1080,Tizen,Y2017'}, {'name': 'ScreenSharingService', 'methods': [{'name': 'X_ConnectScreenSharingM2TV', 'params': [{'name': 'mWlanMacAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'mP2pDeviceAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'mBluetoothMacAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'mWFDSourcePort', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'tBSSID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'tWlanFreq', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'tListenFreq', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}, {'name': 'X_ConnectScreenSharingTV2M', 'params': [{'name': 'mWlanMacAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'mP2pDeviceAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}, {'name': 'mBluetoothMacAddress', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'allowed_values': None}], 'ret_vals': [{'name': 'tBSSID', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'tWlanFreq', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'tListenFreq', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}, {'name': 'tWFDSourcePort', 'default_value': None, 'data_type': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytes'>), 'returned_values': None}]}], 'icons': [{'name': 'icon_SML_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_SML_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}], 'deviceType': 'urn:samsung.com:device:ScreenSharing:1', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung TV ScreenSharing', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': 'AllShare1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '0C2A3SCKB01047A', 'UDN': 'uuid:d0e9838f-d088-4996-b6d3-1ec1693249c8', 'X_ScreenSharing': 'wlanMacAddress:64:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,eth0MacAddress:fc:03:9f:ae:7c:ed,p2pDeviceAddress:66:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,BluetoothMacAddress:64:1C:AE:4A:9C:E3,BLEMacAddress:64:1C:AE:4A:9C:E3,supportTDLS:0,supportDMR:1,WFDRole:PrimarySink,supportP2PHandover:1,DMR_UDN:uuid:a276d50f-30a1-4a11-8b0f-953f21b240ef,listenFrequency:2412,wlanFrequency:0,bssid:00:00:00:00:00:00,vdProductType:TV'}, {'name': 'IPControlService', 'methods': [], 'icons': [{'name': 'icon_SML_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_jpg', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_SML_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 48, 'height': 48, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}, {'name': 'icon_LRG_png', 'mime_type': None, 'width': 120, 'height': 120, 'depth': 24, 'url': ''}], 'deviceType': 'urn:samsung.com:device:IPControlServer:1', 'friendlyName': '[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)', 'manufacturer': 'Samsung Electronics', 'manufacturerURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'modelDescription': 'Samsung TV IPControl', 'modelName': 'UE43LS03N', 'modelNumber': 'AllShare1.0', 'modelURL': 'http://www.samsung.com/sec', 'serialNumber': '0C2A3SCKB01047A', 'UDN': 'uuid:36bf22be-a6af-4d91-83ad-004e34555d57', 'X_IPControl': 'wlanMacAddress:64:1c:ae:4a:9c:e2,eth0MacAddress:fc:03:9f:ae:7c:ed,supportDMR:1,DMR_UDN:uuid:a276d50f-30a1-4a11-8b0f-953f21b240ef,listenFrequency:2412,wlanFrequency:0,bssid:00:00:00:00:00:00,vdProductType:TV'}], 'devices': []}

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

By Debugging and using the smarthing APP, I can see this kind of method to activate artmode via the smartphone aPP :

DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"545fc0c1-bd9b-48f5-8444-02f9c519aaec\\",\\"event\\":\\"art_mode_changed\\",\\"value\\":\\"on\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"all\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549117499092, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733"
DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"545fc0c1-bd9b-48f5-8444-02f9c519aaec\\",\\"value\\":\\"on\\",\\"request\\":\\"set_artmode_status\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n

And more interesting :

DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"259320d8-f368-48a4-bf03-789f24a22c0f\\",\\"event\\":\\"artmode_status\\",\\"value\\":\\"off\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"84b12082-5f28-461e-8e81-b98ad1c1ffa\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"84b12082-5f28-461e-8e81-b98ad1c1ffa\"}}\n"

Do you think you could get something from that ?

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

Ok I got it !


DEBUG | "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_artmode_status\\",\\"id\\":\\"30852acd-1b7d-4496-8bef-53e1178fa839\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n"

Can you propose something to shoot this request ?

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

sweet... log more debugging on the TV. the more you log the more command structures will surface for controlling the TV over the websocket.

Now that is the get log. I need the response structure as well. that too will be in that log

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

it would be netter if you could grab large chunks of the log before and after those lines. I do not want to get them out of context

it does look like you also have the responses. there might be more their logs are funky

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

ok so here goes...

you will want to clone develop branch. I added the feature to the command line as well as a revised interactive mode i made.

if you want to use it from code


remote.artmode = True # ON
remote.artmode = False # OFF
matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

here is a more complete log : DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180262359, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "api/v2 : {\"device\":{\"FrameTVSupport\":\"true\",\"GamePadSupport\":\"true\",\"ImeSyncedSupport\":\"true\",\"OS\":\"Tizen\",\"TokenAuthSupport\":\"true\",\"VoiceSupport\":\"true\",\"countryCode\":\"FR\",\"description\":\"Samsung DTV RCR\",\"developerIP\":\"\",\"developerMode\":\"1\",\"duid\":\"uuid:1220bf65-8e1b-4858-82ab-f15ce650aef6\",\"firmwareVersion\":\"Unknown\",\"id\":\"uuid:1220bf65-8e1b-4858-82ab-f15ce650aef6\",\"ip\":\"\",\"model\":\"18_KANTM2_FRAME\",\"modelName\":\"UE43LS03N\",\"name\":\"[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)\",\"networkType\":\"wired\",\"resolution\":\"3840x2160\",\"smartHubAgreement\":\"true\",\"type\":\"Samsung SmartTV\",\"udn\":\"uuid:1220bf65-8e1b-4858-82ab-f15ce650aef6\",\"wifiMac\":\"fc:03:9f:ae:7c:ed\"},\"id\":\"uuid:1220bf65-8e1b-4858-82ab-f15ce650aef6\",\"isSupport\":\"{\\"DMP_DRM_PLAYREADY\\":\\"false\\",\\"DMP_DRM_WIDEVINE\\":\\"false\\",\\"DMP_available\\":\\"true\\",\\"EDEN_available\\":\\"true\\",\\"FrameTVSupport\\":\\"true\\",\\"ImeSyncedSupport\\":\\"true\\",\\"TokenAuthSupport\\":\\"true\\",\\"remote_available\\":\\"true\\",\\"remote_fourDirections\\":\\"true\\",\\"remote_touchPad\\":\\"true\\",\\"remote_voiceControl\\":\\"true\\"}\n\",\"name\":\"[TV] Samsung Frame Series (43)\",\"remote\":\"1.0\",\"type\":\"Samsung SmartTV\",\"uri\":\"\",\"version\":\"2.0.25\"}\n" "timestamp: 1549180262345, file: ApiV2.cpp, func: RestHandler : 132" DEBUG "uri : /api/v2/, method: GET" "timestamp: 1549180262344, file: ApiV2.cpp, func: RestHandler : 115" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"713fe2f1-2848-4161-b04c-18dd6753ecaf\\",\\"event\\":\\"brightness_sensor_setting\\",\\"value\\":\\"off\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257243, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"68cf908d-c17f-4b6f-b124-373a82393e23\\",\\"event\\":\\"motion_sensitivity\\",\\"value\\":\\"2\\",\\"min\\":\\"1\\",\\"max\\":\\"3\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257241, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"c4a87013-5add-4a56-a550-10a242a60208\\",\\"event\\":\\"motion_timer\\",\\"value\\":\\"30\\",\\"valid_values\\":\\"[\\\\"off\\\\",\\\\"15\\\\",\\\\"30\\\\",\\\\"60\\\\",\\\\"120\\\\",\\\\"240\\\\"]\\n\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257239, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"24639a6e-eabf-4c76-810d-6bc3b906ba23\\",\\"event\\":\\"color_temperature\\",\\"value\\":\\"0\\",\\"min\\":\\"-5\\",\\"max\\":\\"5\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257235, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"a7d2dbb2-9a24-4794-aa11-8c58031b8cbe\\",\\"event\\":\\"brightness\\",\\"value\\":\\"-2\\",\\"min\\":\\"-5\\",\\"max\\":\\"5\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257231, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_brightness_sensor_setting\\",\\"id\\":\\"713fe2f1-2848-4161-b04c-18dd6753ecaf\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257227, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_motion_sensitivity\\",\\"id\\":\\"68cf908d-c17f-4b6f-b124-373a82393e23\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257227, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_motion_timer\\",\\"id\\":\\"c4a87013-5add-4a56-a550-10a242a60208\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257227, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_color_temperature\\",\\"id\\":\\"24639a6e-eabf-4c76-810d-6bc3b906ba23\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257227, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_brightness\\",\\"id\\":\\"a7d2dbb2-9a24-4794-aa11-8c58031b8cbe\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257227, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"id\\":\\"bf920741-803a-46cf-a022-d0376ae148ea\\",\\"event\\":\\"artmode_status\\",\\"value\\":\\"on\\",\\"target_client_id\\":\\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"Smart Device\",\"event\":\"d2d_service_message\",\"to\":\"de34a6-2b5f-46a0-ad19-f1a3d56167\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257223, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733" DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_artmode_status\\",\\"id\\":\\"bf920741-803a-46cf-a022-d0376ae148ea\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180257219, file: Channel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 733"

when I tried your code,

I see this received on debug logs :

DEBUG "msg : {\"method\":\"ms.channel.emit\",\"params\":{\"clientIp\":\"\",\"data\":\"{\\"request\\":\\"get_artmode_status\\",\\"id\\":\\"30852acd-1b7d-4496-8bef-53e1178fa839\\"}\",\"deviceName\":\"W1Bob25lXWlQaG9uZQ==\",\"event\":\"art_app_request\",\"to\":\"host\"}}\n" "timestamp: 1549180404771, file: RemoteChannel.cpp, func: onSocketMessage : 1020"

looks perfect, but i don t get any reply :/

The only difference and may be the root cause is the cpp file handling it on samsung TV : remotechannel.cpp versus channel.cpp

What do you think ?

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

keep on passing me those logs. you are going to unlock a shit load of functionality over the websocket..

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

so now I have more websocket commands

get_brightness_sensor_setting get_motion_sensitivity get_motion_timer get_color_temperature get_brightness

on thing tho.. the log from the TV... is that log from when you were using samsungctl? or from the smartthings application??

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

no it did respond..

DEBUG "msg : {

        "deviceName":"Smart Device",

this is on the line right above the request... this is the data that was returned.. I have something wrong in my code and it is not receiving it.

I am going to go and have a look see.

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

ok something is outta wack with that log..

this is what I need you to do.

I need you to clear the log on the TV start the smartthings application. check the artmode using the app . then close the smartthings application.. go and copy the log to a file.. save that file

then clear the log. connect with samsungctl and try and get the artmode.

go and get the log. save it to a different file. attach both of the files here.

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

OK i was right.. all the log entries you posted are from your iphone. and not samsungctl at all.

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

exactly , I did in fact exactly what you said already :)

There is no asnwer from samsungctrl, I fear it s linked to that channel.cpp used when it s over iphone versus remotechannl.cpp when from the websocket API.

It might be because it s targetting another endpoint, I ll wiresharck it excepte if you have a better idea ?

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

i need to see the logs..

all of the log entries you last posted from the TV are for entries created by your iphone and not samsungctl

please follow the steps outlined above for getting the log files.

there should be a whole slew of entries for the authorization process of samsungctl.. I do not see those at all in your previous post.

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

I would also like to see the log entries for the authorization of the smartthings app on your phone. it could point us in a direction.

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

if you can do a man in the middle and wireshark the communications between your phone and the TV that would be really helpful.

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

the thing is, it s not in the output :/ (authorization part)

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

i did make a change to the develop branch. if you want to give it a go and see what happens...

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

Nothing new, trying to make a MITM via a raspberry as my laptop is a professional one, and would not allow me to do such thing :/

Will let you know asap

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

creating MITM is a pain. especially with WiFi being used.

You need to have a PC that has 2 network cards and you will have to plug an AP into one and the other gets plugged into the same network as the TV. you then need to set up 2 different networks. and use some routing software to create the "bridge" between the 2. then and only then will wireshark be able to grab the packet data that is going to and from the TV from another device.

It requires some additional hardware and a pretty decent knowledge of networking and setting up routing.

I do not know if this would be possible or not. if you set up a VPN tunnel one that has no security on it. the security part is what i am not sure about. have the PC that is running wireshark handle the tunnel. then tunnel in from the phone. this will case the same effect with no additional hardware. I just do not know if there is a way to set up a VPN tunnel without any encryption.

Actually now that I think about it it shouldn't matter even if there was security. you should still be able to capture all of the packet data from the LAN side of the tunnel. this is not going to be encrypted. the encryption ends at the entry point to your local network.

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago


I finally made by using mitmproxy, and proxy setup on my iphone, I ll share with you the full dump, but unfortunatly, at first look, there is almost no call to my local network made by the APP, most the time the IP targetted is : https://dls.di.atlas.samsung.com/dls2/dtransf?tid=xxx

with an encoded content...

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

ok so now you are going to have to MITM the TV and the router to see what is happening between the TV and the samsung server. This can be easier to accomplish if you have some networking knowledge.

You should be able to log incoming and outgoing connections on your router. from those logs you will be able to determine the host that the TV is trying to connect to.

This can be done easy enough using python. once you have those hosts and posts we can create a dummy server. this dummy server is going to be a pass through logging all of the data in both directions.

then we setup a very simple DNS server. point the TV to that server and when the dns request comes in asking for the IP of the samsung server. w turn around and hand it the ip address of the computer running the pass through program. all the pass through is going to do is accept the connection. get the data. log the data and then make the connection to the real samsung server and pass thee data to it. and when a response is given we log that response. and hand it back to the TV.

Now I have not come across a program that is capable of doing all of this all in one program.. hmmm... maybe I should write one that does.... it would be extremely useful.

I use this type of approach to block specific software from requesting updates. or authenticating. it does require you to have a local DNS server tho.

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

I think this is going to bee the easiest thing right now.

I have not seen a single log that you have shown m from th TV that contains any information about being connected to the library. it is always logging information from when you connect using the phone

clear the logs on the TV.

connect using samsungcrl.

then paste me the logs from the TV.

turn your phone off during this process to make sure there is no communications from that at all.

Now as far as you saying there is no direct communications between the phone and the TV. there has to be. because of the logs from the TV. It specifically names the IP address of the phone. this address is what is used to pass any information back to the phone. You may have something not set up 100% properly in you MITM..

matthieut59 commented 5 years ago

Here is the raw dump, I started the proxy, opened smarthing app, change one option of the art mode, then close the app dump3.log

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

i need to also see the logs from using samsungctl. you have already shown me the logs from your phone controlling the TV I am waiting on the logs from you trying samsungctl

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

and that file is no good for me to look at. I do not know what it is...

mroch commented 5 years ago

been lurking on this thread for a while, but had a bit of a breakthrough here! to get these artmode messages to work, you have to connect to /api/v2/channels/com.samsung.art-app instead!

I can't get developer mode to work reliably... loading :8001 has no CSS, can't see the captcha, and can't seem to enable SILLY logging.

but I've been testing with a small node library (more familiar with it than python) and here are some logs once I got it working. > are sent messages, < are received.

< { data:
   { clients:
      [ { attributes: { name: null },
          connectTime: 1553573209149,
          deviceName: 'Smart Device',
          id: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181',
          isHost: true },
        { attributes: { name: 'VGVzdA==', token: '123456' },
          connectTime: 1553573968189,
          deviceName: 'VGVzdA==',
          id: '6e8096bc-880c-4efe-b2fc-7e1531c21b58',
          isHost: false } ],
     id: '6e8096bc-880c-4efe-b2fc-7e1531c21b58' },
  event: 'ms.channel.connect' }
< { data: {}, event: 'ms.channel.ready' }
> { method: 'ms.channel.emit',
   { clientIp: '',
     deviceName: 'VGVzdA==',
     event: 'art_app_request',
     to: 'host' } }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
> { method: 'ms.channel.emit',
   { clientIp: '',
     deviceName: 'VGVzdA==',
     event: 'art_app_request',
     to: 'host' } }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
> { method: 'ms.channel.emit',
   { clientIp: '',
     deviceName: 'VGVzdA==',
     event: 'art_app_request',
     to: 'host' } }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"off"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
> { method: 'ms.channel.emit',
   { clientIp: '',
     deviceName: 'VGVzdA==',
     event: 'art_app_request',
     to: 'host' } }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"off"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"off"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"nav"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"nav"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"nav"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data:
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"on"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
< { data: '{"event":"art_mode_changed","status":"off"}',
  event: 'd2d_service_message',
  from: 'cb91c864-de27-44cd-ab67-2ccb4c0df181' }
mroch commented 5 years ago

you can see the responses to the messages I sent with the matching uuids. the rest of the d2d_service_messages are unsolicited push notifications from doing stuff with the TV remote. it even tells you when you're changing the art and which piece was selected (though I don't know how to do anything useful with "SAM-S9943" is (it's Van Gogh's Path in the Woods).

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

ok first off this is awesome. thanks for the work on this.

My biggest question is this how did you figure out where to connect to? and is this connection also a websocket connection? if it is on what port??

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

and the other thing is I already have all of the mechanics and a whole slew of other commands we can perform. I do not know if it is going to work through that artmode url or not.

you also provided me with a possible solution to my application content problem. i am willing to bet there are open websocket ports for applications as well. One of these 2 might be for Netflix. http://TV_IP:8001/api/v2/applications/11101200001 it may even be http://TV_IP:8001/api/v2/channels/11101200001

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

This is what I already know how to do with the art mode. I just didn't have the connection point.





get_artmode_status returned data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",





get_brightness_sensor_setting returned data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",





get_brightness returned data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",





get_color_temperature returned data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",





get_motion_sensitivity return data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",





get_motion_timer returned data

                    "deviceName":"Smart Device",
kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

I have added these features using the new websocket connection location. the new code is in the develop branch. I am going to test this using yet another websocket location i was able to dig up I am hoping this will resolve an issue with some of the 2016-2017 TV's not listing their applications.

mroch commented 5 years ago

My biggest question is this how did you figure out where to connect to?

Found this in the logs when using the Smart Things app in the "Art" mode:

DEBUG | "## Channel::AssignChannel with path: /api/v2/channels/com.samsung.art-app##"

you might also find this useful: http://:8001/msftest

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

any others like that you may have come across???? :smile:

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

and what does this do?


mroch commented 5 years ago
Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at 10 44 16 AM
kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

I am going to ask a really nutty question.. did you draw that?!?!!?


anyway. i see for the RPC Method is is a choice selector. can you list off the items in it for me please :smile:

kdschlosser commented 5 years ago

and there is nothing tlse like this that shows up in your log??

DEBUG | "## Channel::AssignChannel with path: /api/v2/channels/com.samsung.art-app##"
mroch commented 5 years ago

I am going to ask a really nutty question.. did you draw that?!?!!?

nope, the TV is hosting it! very bizarre.

Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at 3 40 55 PM

for ms.webapplication.get, start and stop, it prefills:

  "method": "ms.webapplication.get",
  "id": 1554925303535,
  "params": {
    "url": "http://prod-multiscreen-examples.s3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/examples/helloworld/tv/"

starting that application just loads http://prod-multiscreen-examples.s3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/examples/helloworld/tv/ and says

"Eureka! ... You're connected." -- Your TV

and the JSON response is

  "id": 1554925479275,
  "result": true