kdubss / NodeJS-Weather-App

NodeJS Command-Line-Interface weather app, which uses the CLI to fetch the current weather conditions for a geospatial location input. Python Flask server written to fetch/parse JSON data from the Dark Sky API, and, D3 used to visualize weather data. Currently, the browser front end is in development, but the goal is to create the Front-End using React
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Exploring historical weather data with DarkSky API #1

Open kdubss opened 6 years ago

kdubss commented 6 years ago


To Build a Python/Flask server with endpoints that will serve up historical & forecasted weather data (fetched from the Dark Sky API) via. D3.js (i.e. a line-chart).

A. Explore the Dark Sky API

B. Construct a D3.js linechart

C. Build a Python/Flask server with end-points that will serve up the D3 linechart

D. Other possible APIs

kdubss commented 6 years ago


A. Explore the Dark Sky API

kdubss commented 6 years ago


D. Build a Python/Flask server with end-points that will serve up the D3 linechart
