With another member of your cohort, complete the Free Code Camp 'Quote Generator' project (but see below on which API to use). Keep it simple, it's well within your capabilities. And don't look at the sample solution until you're done!
Change driver-navigator roles approx. every 30 mins.
[x] Reverse pseudocode the sample solution in a waffle comment below. Remember, there is no 'right way'.
[x] Spend 10 minutes asking each other these questions:
Make sure your feedback is ASK (actionable, specific, kind).
[x] What did you find awesome about our pairing session?
[x] What could have been more awesome?
This question and answer may feel difficult, but it is a very valuable learning tool. It can be kind to gently help someone identify their weaknesses so that they can work on them. Remember too that your pair may not completely understand the concept in question, so take their feedback with a grain of salt.
7.0 Interact with an API (pair) ~ 6 hrs
Here's your first chance to pair program!
With another member of your cohort, complete the Free Code Camp 'Quote Generator' project (but see below on which API to use). Keep it simple, it's well within your capabilities. And don't look at the sample solution until you're done!
In the past we've used APIs like Random Famous Quotes. These tend to make you deal with cross-origin errors (see the CORS survival guide for an explanation if you're curious). To avoid this, we've provided a simple API for you to play with that doesn't have these restrictions. Instructions can be found at EDA Te Reo. You could either write an app that translates words from English to Maori (using https://eda-te-reo.herokuapp.com/api/translate), or display a random Maori proverb (using https://eda-te-reo.herokuapp.com/api/proverbs).
If you can't get adequate communication with a pair, complete the exercise on your own.
With your pair: (if possible)