kea-classrooms / bbs-Hjordten

bbs-Hjordten created by GitHub Classroom
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Make a script #6

Open Hjordten opened 1 year ago

Hjordten commented 1 year ago

Get rid of the sample files

Let's get rid of the sample files - so we can create them again.

Make sure your working directory is the root of the repository where the samples folder is - change directory if you have to. Now delete the samples folder, and everything in it using rm (it needs a few switches to work - but you'll figure it out).

Hjordten commented 1 year ago

Steps to write and execute a script Open the terminal. Go to the directory where you want to create your script. Create a file with . sh extension. Write the script in the file using an editor. Make the script executable with command chmod +x . Run the script using ./.