kea-dpd / Group-Car-Recommendation

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LOFA final evaluation #76

Open jona937d opened 10 months ago

jona937d commented 10 months ago

This is the final LOFA evalution and will be based on user test and feedback #73

EmilBystrup commented 10 months ago


  1. Users want to make more informed decisions when buying a new car.

Measurement: User engagement with your platform. Threshold: High user engagement, measured by the number of users actively seeking recommendations, time spent on the platform, and the frequency of return visits.

  1. We have access to adequate data about new cars.

Measurement: Data completeness and accuracy. Threshold: A consistently high accuracy rate in recommendations, low user complaints about incorrect data, and continuous data updates to ensure relevancy.

  1. Users trust our digital car recommendations.

Measurement: User reviews and feedback. Threshold: Positive reviews, high Net Promoter Scores (NPS), and a low churn rate (users leaving the platform) indicate trust in your recommendations.

  1. Users are willing to input personal preferences.

Measurement: Percentage of users providing personal data. Threshold: A significant percentage of users actively inputting their preferences, indicating user engagement and willingness to participate.

EmilBystrup commented 10 months ago
  1. Users want to make more informed decisions when buying a new car.

Through the testing we figured out that our target users spend an average of 40+ hours researching cars, so our assumption pivots.

  1. We have access to adequate data about new cars.

Data about new cars, comes in various forms, which makes it hard to scrape. This is a time-consuming process, but the assumption still pivots.

  1. Users trust our digital car recommendations.

From the tests conducted on our target users, we can conclude, that they would trust the digital car recommendation to some extent. So, our assumption pivots.

  1. Users are willing to input personal preferences.

All the users were willing to input personal preferences, so this assumption pivots.