keaising / im-select.nvim

Switch Input Method automatically depends on Neovim's edit mode
MIT License
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flatpak fcitx5 #14

Closed madjxatw closed 1 year ago

madjxatw commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm currently using flatpak fcitx5 on Ubuntu 20.04, every time the nvim is launched, I get an error message stating that "please intall im-select binary first, ...". Please figure out what I'm missing, the README just says that im-select is not required on Linux but does not cover the flatpak/appimage cases. BTW, Ubuntu 20.04 delivers fcitx5 that is not fully packaged due to some dependency restrictions.

keaising commented 1 year ago

Have you tried to execute fcitx5-remote -n in your shell or :!fcitx5-remote -n in nvim command mode?

Could you please provide the result?

BTW, I think you can reference to debug

madjxatw commented 1 year ago

I created an executable shell script at ~/.local/bin/fcitx5-remote with the following content:

exec flatpak run --command=fcitx5-remote org.fcitx.Fcitx5 "$@"

Now the error message is gone, but when I am pressing Esc and then i, the input method stays at US keyboard instead of switching back to the input method with which I left off the Insert mode. BTW, my flatpak fcitx5 version is 5.0.19 and the fcitx5-remote command has no -n option.

Update: Keeping Neovim in Insert mode, even switching to another application window and then switching back changes the input method.

keaising commented 1 year ago

Please follow the instructions in this new README, the features of fcitx5-remote which required by im-select.nvim have been listed in it.

im-select.nvim only works well when all requirements meet.

madjxatw commented 1 year ago

I upgraded my flatpak fctix5 to the unstable 5.0.23 version from which the fcitx5-remote command has -n option. I also disabled the FocusGained from the default config and now everything seems to be working well!