keajs / kea-router

Router for Kea
MIT License
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An idea of url query sync #3

Open kairyu opened 4 years ago

kairyu commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the great works. I really like the concept of Kea and recently I'm working on my second project with Kea.

In the project I have a requirement to sync between url query string and store. I have been looking for and tried several existing libraries which have similar concept, but none of them meets all my requirements.

So I decided to implement one by myself based on Kea's powerful plugin system, but I realized on the way that it has some overlaps with kea-router (listening to url changes and operating url) and has to cooperate with kea-router (to avoid unnecessary changes to query string), so eventually I merged the codes into kea-router.

I noticed that you are also working on hash and search recently, so I would like to share my works as an immature idea of a different approach to manage query parameters. I hope this will be of some help.

Source code: Example:

The concept is to consider url (especially query string) as a View component in Flux pattern:

The usage:

import { kea } from 'kea'

export const articlesLogic = kea({
  actions: () => ({ ... }),

  reducers: () => ({ ... }),

  urlQuerySync: ({ selectors, defaults, actions }) => ({
    text: {  // key of query parameter, ?text=xxx
      path: '/input',  // only works on matched url pathname
      selector: selectors.text,  // selector for getting current value from store
      defaultValue: defaults.text,  // if current value is equal to defaultValue, remove this parameter from query string
      push: true,  // pushState or replaceState when value is changed, default is replaceState
      action: actions.setText,  // action dispatched when query parameter is changed
      resetAction: actions.resetText,  // action when query parameter is removed from query string
      valueToString: (value) => ( ... ),  // function used to format value to query string, default is v => `${v}`
      stringToArguments: (string) => ([ ... ]),  // function used to parse query string to arguments passed to action, default is s => [s]

The codes is not completely tested. Some of the implementations are influenced by the following projects:

mariusandra commented 4 years ago

Hey, that's pretty cool work! :)

Yes, I recently had to add support for the search and hash URL parameters, as I needed them for a big refactoring PR I was working on.

I'm currently also working on a big rewrite for Kea's documentation, so while it's not yet live on, you can read about the searchParams and hashParams router upgrades here in case you didn't see it yet.

I think with it it's quite easy to keep the URL and a reducer in sync.

import { router } from 'kea-router'

  actions: () => ({
    setParams: params => ({ params })
  reducers: () => ({
    params: [{}, {.
      setParams:  (_, { params }) => params
  actionToUrl: () => ({
    setParams: ({ params }) => [router.values.location.pathname, params],
  urlToAction: ({ actions }) => ({
    [router.values.location.pathname]: (_, searchParams) => setParams(searchParams)

I didn't test the code above, but I guess it should work :).

It's perhaps even easier if you just use router.selectors.searchParams to get your params and router.actions.push(router.values.location.pathname, newParams) to push new params :).

In any case, it's great to see the work you've done here. I hope the new changes in kea-router can make your life somewhat easier as well :)