I, as a learner or university student, must be able to register with the application to allow for usage. I will be redirected to a form which will, with its completed contents, transfer to the backend.
Acceptance Criteria
Endpoint URL: "/register"
When I, the user, sign into the site with an FB UID that is not detected within the database, I must be re-directed to a form. Once all information on the form is completed, that information will be posted to the database, and I will be able to sign in.
All setup tickets will need to be completed before work on this ticket could be done.
Dev Notes
a POST API call must be written, see below from NetflixRareBE
User Story
I, as a learner or university student, must be able to register with the application to allow for usage. I will be redirected to a form which will, with its completed contents, transfer to the backend.
Acceptance Criteria
Dev Notes