keatonwilson / paleotidal_app

Shiny app for paleotidal modeling for Exeter + Bangor
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Dummy Layout Phase 2 #3

Closed keatonwilson closed 1 year ago

keatonwilson commented 1 year ago

From examples in Phase 2, build out the explore/app tab with dummy components.

jessicaguo commented 1 year ago

Have figured out the logic to most of the original UI elements, but having trouble with reactivity. For example, some UI should show up depending on the dataset selected. Others have numeric ranges that are defined by the inputs in a previous widget. Finally, some should only show up when a checkbox is marked.

Also, I think we only need the animation slider bar, rather than having them separate as in the original. However, sliderInput() only takes numerically increasing range of values, whereas for the animation it makes sense to "count backwards" from 21 to 0. So I switched to sliderTextInput() from shinyWidgets, but this means that either all or none of the intermediate timesteps show up. Perhaps this can be tweaked in the css? Every other or every third time step showing up should look better.