keboola / connection-docs

Keboola Connection Documentation
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CT-987 prepare docs for external buckets #527

Closed tomasfejfar closed 11 months ago

tomasfejfar commented 11 months ago

Jira issue(s): N/A


tomasfejfar commented 11 months ago

@romanbracinik tohle nestačí? image

romanbracinik commented 11 months ago

@romanbracinik tohle nestačí? image

tak ono som tam pridal este tu hlasku u BQ `Cloud Storage external tables In case the registered dataset contains some external tables, you need to add access to the target project to the source data in GCS. There are two ways:

Assign the storage.buckets.get permission to the project email for the entire source GCS bucket. Assign the storage.objects.get permission to the project email for each object in the source GCS bucket, that serves as the source of the external table.` a treba nagrantovat prava aj tomu filu z ktoreho je ta externa tabulka tak mi prislo fajn to tam spomenut.

romanbracinik commented 11 months ago

@tomasfejfar ale kludne to pak upravim, len ma napadlo ze napisem ked to este nieje mergnute.

tomasfejfar commented 11 months ago

Jo, tím pádem je to potřeba celé prescreenshotovat :( Ufff. Tak to bych nechal asi na další iteraci ještě.

BTW: Dobře se to screenshotovalo tak, že jsem tomu .dialog nastavil padding 40px a pak udělal node screenshot.