keboola / php-component

General library for PHP applications running in Keboola Connection environment
MIT License
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Improve docs in relation to PhpStan failure #10

Closed tomasfejfar closed 6 years ago

tomasfejfar commented 6 years ago

Fixes #8

tomasfejfar commented 6 years ago

What do you think, @jakubbartel?

jakubbartel commented 6 years ago


Just for note: when I use php-component as a composer dependency I need to use only the first of ignoreErrors in my project's phpstan.neon, but I hope this will be clear for developers (not to use all of ignored errors from php-component project).

ondrejhlavacek commented 6 years ago

I also came across this -

It's easy to fix, no rocket science, but blind copy & paste of phpstan.neon won't work.

tomasfejfar commented 6 years ago

I changed it little bit more. As @odinuv noted, the issue was partly with intersection typehint (which was a reminiscence from earlier version). When I removed it the PhpStan errors are gone. So I replaced the note with a more general note.

tomasfejfar commented 6 years ago

Ještě zvažuju, jak to udělat s tagnutím nové verze. Tím, že se to srovnalo a přibyly typehinty, tak to není zpětně kompatibilní. Ale nevím, jestli kvuli tomu hned vydávat novou major verzi. Zatím to používáme stejně jen my a @jakubbartel ne? Ale formálně správně by bylo asi 2.0.0. Co myslíte?

ondrejhlavacek commented 6 years ago

Klidně novou major verzi.

tomasfejfar commented 6 years ago

OK, done.