kedacore / keda

KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
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KEDA Unable to Retrieve correct Kafka Metrics from ScaledObject on GKE #5730

Open converge opened 4 months ago

converge commented 4 months ago


KEDA is unable to retrieve metrics correctly from a ScaledObject/ScaleTarget using a Kafka trigger when deployed to a GKE cluster (It works locally)

Expected Behavior

When HPA calculates the current metric value, it should not return -9223372036854775808m, but a valid Kafka lag.

Actual Behavior

When the Kafka ScaledObject is deployed to GKE:

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. deploy Keda in a GKE cluster
  2. create a ScaledObject with Kafka Source as Scaled Target
  3. kubectl get hpa -A (will show the metric with the negative value)

Logs from KEDA operator

There is no error or warning in the Keda operator.

KEDA Version


Kubernetes Version



Google Cloud

Scaler Details


Anything else?

No response

SpiritZhou commented 4 months ago

Could you change the log-level to debug in operator and send the operator logs?

dttung2905 commented 4 months ago

In addition to the log, could you provide the ScaledObject yaml config too ?

converge commented 3 months ago

sorry for the delay, I still have this issue and created a new GCP/GKE cluster specially to debug it. I was able to reproduce the issue and got the logs from the exact moment where the current metric value switch in the HPA from <unknown> to -9223372036854775808m.

the logs from the controller when this switch happened:

2024-06-05T19:43:42Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    Kafka scaler: Providing metrics based on totalLag 1, topicPartitions 1, threshold 60    {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:43:42Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Getting metrics and activity from scaler    {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics", "metrics": [{"metricName":"s0-kafka-knative-group-topics","metricLabels":null,"timestamp":"2024-06-05T19:43:42Z","value":"1"}], "activity": true, "scalerError": null}

2024-06-05T19:43:42Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Scaler for scaledObject is active   {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics"}
2024-06-05T19:43:42Z    INFO    scaleexecutor   Successfully updated ScaleTarget    {"scaledobject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaleTarget.Name": "kafka-source", "Original Replicas Count": 0, "New Replicas Count": 1}

2024-06-05T19:43:42Z    DEBUG   events  Scaled app/kafka-source from 0 to 1 {"type": "Normal", "object": {"kind":"ScaledObject","namespace":"app","name":"kafka-scaledobject","uid":"01537a1d-1543-48ea-adce-e7c3069fff86","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"314645"}, "reason": "KEDAScaleTargetActivated"}
2024-06-05T19:44:12Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    with topic name [knative-demo-topic] the list of topic metadata is [0xc000a1b400]   {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:44:12Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    Kafka scaler: Providing metrics based on totalLag 1, topicPartitions 1, threshold 60    {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:44:12Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Getting metrics and activity from scaler    {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics", "metrics": [{"metricName":"s0-kafka-knative-group-topics","metricLabels":null,"timestamp":"2024-06-05T19:44:12Z","value":"1"}], "activity": true, "scalerError": null}
2024-06-05T19:44:12Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Scaler for scaledObject is active   {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics"}
2024-06-05T19:44:42Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    with topic name [knative-demo-topic] the list of topic metadata is [0xc000ae9400]   {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:44:42Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    Kafka scaler: Providing metrics based on totalLag 1, topicPartitions 1, threshold 60    {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:44:42Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Getting metrics and activity from scaler    {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics", "metrics": [{"metricName":"s0-kafka-knative-group-topics","metricLabels":null,"timestamp":"2024-06-05T19:44:42Z","value":"1"}], "activity": true, "scalerError": null}
2024-06-05T19:44:42Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Scaler for scaledObject is active   {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaler": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics"}
2024-06-05T19:44:52Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    with topic name [knative-demo-topic] the list of topic metadata is [0xc000460050]   {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:44:52Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    Kafka scaler: Providing metrics based on totalLag 1, topicPartitions 1, threshold 60    {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}

2024-06-05T19:44:52Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Getting metrics from trigger    {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "trigger": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics", "metrics": [{"metricName":"s0-kafka-knative-group-topics","metricLabels":null,"timestamp":"2024-06-05T19:44:52Z","value":"1"}], "scalerError": null}
2024-06-05T19:44:52Z    DEBUG   grpc_server Providing metrics   {"scaledObjectName": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaledObjectNamespace": "app", "metrics": "&ExternalMetricValueList{ListMeta:{   <nil>},Items:[]ExternalMetricValue{ExternalMetricValue{MetricName:s0-kafka-knative-group-topics,MetricLabels:map[string]string{},Timestamp:2024-06-05 19:44:52.805581005 +0000 UTC m=+3545.120570672,WindowSeconds:nil,Value:{{1000 -3} {<nil>}  DecimalSI},},},}"}
2024-06-05T19:45:08Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    with topic name [knative-demo-topic] the list of topic metadata is [0xc000550c30]   {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:45:08Z    DEBUG   kafka_scaler    Kafka scaler: Providing metrics based on totalLag 1, topicPartitions 1, threshold 60    {"type": "ScaledObject", "namespace": "app", "name": "kafka-scaledobject"}
2024-06-05T19:45:08Z    DEBUG   scale_handler   Getting metrics from trigger    {"scaledObject.Namespace": "app", "scaledObject.Name": "kafka-scaledobject", "trigger": "kafkaScaler", "metricName": "s0-kafka-knative-group-topics", "metrics": [{"metricName":"s0-kafka-knative-group-topics","metricLabels":null,"timestamp":"2024-06-05T19:45:08Z","value":"1"}], "scalerError": null}
2024-06-05T19:45:08Z    DEBUG   grpc_server Providing metrics   {"scaledObjectName": "kafka-scaledobject", "scaledObjectNamespace": "app", "metrics": "&ExternalMetricValueList{ListMeta:{   <nil>},Items:[]ExternalMetricValue{ExternalMetricValue{MetricName:s0-kafka-knative-group-topics,MetricLabels:map[string]string{},Timestamp:2024-06-05 19:45:08.16711765 +0000 UTC m=+3560.482107310,WindowSeconds:nil,Value:{{1000 -3} {<nil>}  DecimalSI},},},}"}

the scaled object:

kind: ScaledObject
  name: kafka-scaledobject
  namespace: app
  annotations: "true"
      name: notify-friends
    name: kafka-source
    kind: kafkasource
  pollingInterval: 30
  minReplicaCount: 1
  maxReplicaCount: 11
  idleReplicaCount: 0
    - type: kafka
        bootstrapServers: pkc-<...>
        consumerGroup: knative-group
        lagThreshold: '60'
        offsetResetPolicy: earliest
        scaleToZeroOnInvalidOffset: "false"
        tls: enable
        sasl: plaintext
        name: keda-kafka-credentials
converge commented 3 months ago

found people with similar issue

converge commented 3 months ago

@SpiritZhou @dttung2905 yesterday I created an EKS cluster with the same GCP setup/versions, and it works perfectly. Can you think of anything that could be different for GCP and AWS? any kind of blocker or anything that could be causing the issue?

I have also followed the k8s events and couldn't find anything bad in GCP. Wanted to look for horizontal pod autoscaler logs, but couldn't find them.

converge commented 2 months ago

I did some more tests, I believe kafka connection is ok, I was able to produce and consume messages inside the pod using Go Sarama library (the same knative kafka extension library).

I created a debian pod in Kubernetes/GCP/GKE, attached to it and:

./ --bootstrap-server pkc-<...>.<...> --command-config --describe --group testing-group

Consumer group 'testing-group' has no active members.

# no messages produced

testing-group   knative-demo-topic 1          1               1               0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 8          1               1               0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 22         15              15              0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 29         1               1               0               -               -               -

# no messages consumed
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 1          1               30              29              -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 8          1               36              35              -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 22         15              54              39              -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 29         1               38              37              -               -               -

# after messages being consumed
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 1          30              30              0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 8          36              36              0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 22         54              54              0               -               -               -
testing-group   knative-demo-topic 29         38              38              0               -               -               -
kubectl get --raw "/apis/"
---> "value":"1009"}]} <---

 ~/tmp/sandbox  🏖️ sandbox  k get hpa -n app                                                                                                                                                
NAME                  REFERENCE                                   TARGETS                          MINPODS   MAXPODS      REPLICAS   AGE
notify-friends        kafkasource/kafka-source                    -9223372036854775808m/60 (avg)   1         11           11         3m1s

another thing I noticed/not sure if relevant is that the metric is not listed here:

kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq                                                                                                  
  "kind": "APIResourceList",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "groupVersion": "",
  "resources": [
      "name": "externalmetrics",
      "singularName": "",
      "namespaced": true,
      "kind": "ExternalMetricValueList",
      "verbs": [

but I can query it, as it shows above.

zroubalik commented 2 months ago

You should try to query the specific metric for the ScaledObject, see the examples down below:

converge commented 2 months ago

thanks @zroubalik , Im able to query the metric, and I can also see the metric value via open telemetry/datadog, the metric value is correct/the expected value, and not the unexpected -9223372036854775808m value.

pstibrany commented 1 month ago

-9223372036854775808m value is a result of converting +Inf to int64.

This code:

    fmt.Println("+Inf", int64(math.Inf(1)))
    fmt.Println("-Inf", int64(math.Inf(-1)))
    fmt.Println("NaN", int64(math.NaN()))


+Inf 9223372036854775807
-Inf -9223372036854775808
NaN 0

on Apple M1. On same Apple M1, but when compiling with GOARCH=amd64, it prints:

+Inf 9223372036854775807
-Inf -9223372036854775808
NaN -9223372036854775808
pstibrany commented 1 month ago

There are places in HPA controller where such conversion is happening. One case that I was investigating is when using KEDA to target custom resource, with TargetType AverageValue. In such case, the following method is responsible for computing usage:

If statusReplicas (read from /status subresource of target resource) is 0, then computed usage will be wrong (-9223372036854775808m): (notice conversion from float64 to int64 here)

This usage value is then stored into HPA's metric status:

On EKS, when we fixed status.replicas on the target resource, things started to work correctly for us. On GKE, we still see -9223372036854775808m value, and don't understand why.

Zurvarian commented 1 day ago

I've followed up on this issue.

We've seen the actual calculation of the scaler to be correct. However HPA is displaying the values wrong when queried.

@pstibrany As you pointed out the issue seems to be how the usage is calculated. I still have pending to try to use Value instead of AverageValue as the former won't do any calculation with the metric gotten from the Kafka Cluster. If then the value is displayed correctly we would have found the reason.

Looking at the source code in the method it turns out that even if number of replicas is 0, the replicas calculation is correct because in the end the statusReplicas is not use to calculate the replicas only to prevent increasing the replica count if the new value grew below the toleration. And as toleration is calculated by 1-(-9223372036854775808) the result is a positive number that is always over the toleration threshold 🤣.

Knowing this is the root cause granted me peace of mind, thank you!

Now the remaining question is why scale.Status.Replicas is 0 in GCP, but that's another path to investigate.

That's assuming that GCP did not deploy their own custom version of the Autoscaler and that introduced something else that could be messing around.