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Explore further how to deliver exercises using collaborative coding environments #35

Closed stichbury closed 1 year ago

stichbury commented 1 year ago

Following our first training session we need to review whether Replit is the best option for collaborative coding exercises

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Gitpod is based on VS Code, has a good free tier (25 to 50 hours per month per user for free, which is more than enough for our course) and it allows live collaboration and it also supports third party tools like (free for up to 5 users).

GitHub Codespaces is not free and the advantages are minor (access to the privative plugins), so I think it's disqualified.

For the autograding, we could set up some normal pytest test cases and ask them to validate their results. Since it's impractical to evaluate students submissions during the course, there's no need for immediate feedback anyway.

yetudada commented 1 year ago

What was the resolution on the Anaconda teaching tool?

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

@yetudada Anaconda Notebooks is primarily based on JupyterLab. It has a somewhat restricted, but nonetheless useful, free tier (500 daily CPU seconds), however if we want to focus more on VS Code, it's probably not the best option. Notice that on Gitpod we can still open .ipynb files using the native VS Code notebook integration, or even install JupyterLab and launch it as a web service.

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Some Gitpod inspiration:

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago ready for final review

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Just for the record, I think I misunderstood the GitHub Codespaces pricing cc @stichbury, there seem to be a free tier indeed:


We'll use Gitpod this time, but I'm open to revisiting this decision if we see a significant advantage of using GH Codespaces.

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Another point in favor of GitHub Codespaces: they support JupyterLab,

whereas Gitpod requires manual configuration

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

For the record, I quickly evaluated GH Codespaces again with JupyterLab, and it felt clunky and unreliable to be honest. Sticking to Gitpod for the time being.