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SparkJDBCDataset not working when specify a query instead of a table #639

Open DavidRetana-TomTom opened 3 months ago

DavidRetana-TomTom commented 3 months ago


When using SparkJDBCDataset you need to specify table name as a mandatory parameter. However, using the spark JDBC connector directly, you can specify a query to retrieve data from the database instead of hardcoding a single table. Check out this link. According to the official Spark documentation:

The specified query will be parenthesized and used as a subquery in the FROM clause. Below are a couple of restrictions while using this option.

  1. It is not allowed to specify dbtable and query options at the same time.
  2. It is not allowed to specify query and partitionColumn options at the same time. When specifying partitionColumn option is required, the subquery can be specified using dbtable option instead and partition columns can be qualified using the subquery alias provided as part of dbtable. Example:"jdbc")
    .option("url", jdbcUrl)
    .option("query", "select c1, c2 from t1")


This is specially important if you want to read data from multiple tables in the database or if you want to run complex or spatial queries in the database instead of retrieving all the data and perform the computations in the cluster.

Steps to Reproduce

Source code right now (

if not table:
    raise DatasetError(
        "'table' argument cannot be empty. Please "
        "provide the name of the table to load or save "
        "data to."

Expected Result

I would like to have something like the following:

  type: spark.SparkJDBCDataSet
  query: SELECT field1, field2 FROM weather_table WHERE <condition>
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test
  credentials: db_credentials
      driver: org.postgresql.Driver
      driver: org.postgresql.Driver

Your Environment

Include as many relevant details about the environment in which you experienced the bug:

noklam commented 3 months ago

@DavidRetana-TomTom Did you mean that you expect there is a query argument? I am not sure what's the feature request here.

DavidRetana-TomTom commented 3 months ago

@DavidRetana-TomTom Did you mean that you expect there is a query argument? I am not sure what's the feature request here.

Yes exactly

datajoely commented 3 months ago

@DavidRetana-TomTom this is a great push - this dataset is quite old so this may be newer functionality. I think it's a good idea to add this to our implementation.

There are two steps at this point:

  1. The quickest way to unblock yourself is to copy the dataset implementation from here into your project, change the reference in YAML to a local class path and then update the logic to accept a query param like you need.
  2. We'd really appreciate a contribution back to kedro-datasets would you be interested in doing this? We'd be here to coach you through the process.

ow do you feel about raising a PR to make this work? We can coach you through the process.

noklam commented 3 months ago

I take what is described here and hopefully this can be a starting point or workaround, I only implemented the load method. The change is in noklam/sparkjdbcdataset-not-working-639

The diff:


"""SparkJDBCDataset to load and save a PySpark DataFrame via JDBC.""" from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any from import AbstractDataset, DatasetError from pyspark.sql import DataFrame from kedro_datasets.spark.spark_dataset import _get_spark class SparkJDBCDataset(AbstractDataset[DataFrame, DataFrame]): """``SparkJDBCDataset`` loads data from a database table accessible via JDBC URL url and connection properties and saves the content of a PySpark DataFrame to an external database table via JDBC. It uses ``pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader`` and ``pyspark.sql.DataFrameWriter`` internally, so it supports all allowed PySpark options on ``jdbc``. Example usage for the `YAML API `_: .. code-block:: yaml weather: type: spark.SparkJDBCDataset table: weather_table url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test credentials: db_credentials load_args: properties: driver: org.postgresql.Driver save_args: properties: driver: org.postgresql.Driver Example usage for the `Python API `_: .. code-block:: pycon >>> import pandas as pd >>> from kedro_datasets.spark import SparkJDBCDataset >>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession >>> >>> spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() >>> data = spark.createDataFrame( ... pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], "col2": [4, 5], "col3": [5, 6]}) ... ) >>> url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test" >>> table = "table_a" >>> connection_properties = {"driver": "org.postgresql.Driver"} >>> dataset = SparkJDBCDataset( ... url=url, ... table=table, ... credentials={"user": "scott", "password": "tiger"}, ... load_args={"properties": connection_properties}, ... save_args={"properties": connection_properties}, ... ) >>> >>> >>> reloaded = dataset.load() >>> >>> assert data.toPandas().equals(reloaded.toPandas()) """ DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS: dict[str, Any] = {} DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS: dict[str, Any] = {} def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self, *, url: str, table: str, credentials: dict[str, Any] = None, load_args: dict[str, Any] = None, save_args: dict[str, Any] = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] = None, query: str = None ) -> None: """Creates a new ``SparkJDBCDataset``. Args: url: A JDBC URL of the form ``jdbc:subprotocol:subname``. table: The name of the table to load or save data to. credentials: A dictionary of JDBC database connection arguments. Normally at least properties ``user`` and ``password`` with their corresponding values. It updates ``properties`` parameter in ``load_args`` and ``save_args`` in case it is provided. load_args: Provided to underlying PySpark ``jdbc`` function along with the JDBC URL and the name of the table. To find all supported arguments, see here: save_args: Provided to underlying PySpark ``jdbc`` function along with the JDBC URL and the name of the table. To find all supported arguments, see here: metadata: Any arbitrary metadata. This is ignored by Kedro, but may be consumed by users or external plugins. Raises: DatasetError: When either ``url`` or ``table`` is empty or when a property is provided with a None value. """ if not url: raise DatasetError( "'url' argument cannot be empty. Please " "provide a JDBC URL of the form " "'jdbc:subprotocol:subname'." ) if not table and not query: raise DatasetError( "'table' and 'query' argument cannot be both empty. Please " "provide the name of the table to load or save " "data to." ) if table and query: raise DatasetError( "Only one of 'table' and 'query' argument should be used. Please " "provide the name of the table or a query." ) self._url = url self._table = table self._query = query self.metadata = metadata # Handle default load and save arguments self._load_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_LOAD_ARGS) if load_args is not None: self._load_args.update(load_args) self._save_args = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_SAVE_ARGS) if save_args is not None: self._save_args.update(save_args) # Update properties in load_args and save_args with credentials. if credentials is not None: # Check credentials for bad inputs. for cred_key, cred_value in credentials.items(): if cred_value is None: raise DatasetError( f"Credential property '{cred_key}' cannot be None. " f"Please provide a value." ) load_properties = self._load_args.get("properties", {}) save_properties = self._save_args.get("properties", {}) self._load_args["properties"] = {**load_properties, **credentials} self._save_args["properties"] = {**save_properties, **credentials} def _describe(self) -> dict[str, Any]: load_args = self._load_args save_args = self._save_args # Remove user and password values from load and save properties. if "properties" in load_args: load_properties = load_args["properties"].copy() load_properties.pop("user", None) load_properties.pop("password", None) load_args = {**load_args, "properties": load_properties} if "properties" in save_args: save_properties = save_args["properties"].copy() save_properties.pop("user", None) save_properties.pop("password", None) save_args = {**save_args, "properties": save_properties} return { "url": self._url, "table": self._table, "load_args": load_args, "save_args": save_args, } def _load(self) -> DataFrame: if self._table: return _get_spark().read.jdbc(self._url, self._table, **self._load_args) if self._query: return _get_spark().read.format("jdbc").option("url", self._url).option("query", self._query).load() def _save(self, data: DataFrame) -> None: return data.write.jdbc(self._url, self._table, **self._save_args)

DavidRetana-TomTom commented 2 months ago

I take what is described here and hopefully this can be a starting point or workaround, I only implemented the load method. The change is in noklam/sparkjdbcdataset-not-working-639

The diff:


That should be enough for my use case. I can't open a pull request because I am not a collaborator of this project.

datajoely commented 2 months ago

@DavidRetana-TomTom you can open one via the Forking workflow! We'd really appreciate it if you have a chance