kedro-org / kedro-website

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The two calls to action on top are too similar #173

Closed astrojuanlu closed 10 months ago

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago


When I first saw the Kedro website, I was very confused about the two calls to action:


I wanted to "Get started" and I also wanted to take the tutorial... So I remember thinking "whatever, I'll click any of the buttons".

Possible solutions

One idea could be to rename "Get started" to something that alludes to the installation instructions, like "Install", "Install Kedro", or similar. Still not ideal for me to have 2 calls to action, but marginally better than what we have now?

A more interesting idea would be though to have only one button (can be "get started" or "go to the documentation" or "take the tutorial") and a box right above or below that contains a pip install kedro and conda install -c conda-forge kedro so that visitors don't even need to click a button to get to the installation instructions. A bit more design work, but potentially more helpful. And also makes it crystal clear that Kedro is pip-installable, hence Python-based and open-source.

Ideally all this would be above the fold.

stichbury commented 10 months ago

Can I propose this (for iteration):

  1. We remove the "Tutorial" lozenge

  2. We retain "Get started" and link that to the yellow "Ready to start" section later on the page.

  3. We change the "Get started" link on the top/bottom menus image to also point to the yellow "Ready to start" section.

  4. This yellow section needs some rework (it talks about an "introductory tutorial" but goes to the install section).


Proposed changes to this section:

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

Sounds perfect!

stichbury commented 10 months ago

Awesome, I think the next steps then are for you to provide the copy you think should be in the yellow section, in terms of basic quick start pip install and I'll revise if needed into a full set of copy (plus reconsider the top section wording). We can then make a ticket for @tynandebold to implement copy and link changes, plus remove the lozenge, over on the website project. Thanks!

stichbury commented 10 months ago

Here's the copy changes for that "yellow" section (in draft until I've confirmed with @astrojuanlu)


Ready to start?

Kedro is an open-source project. Go ahead and install it with pip or conda:

pip install kedro


conda install -c conda-forge kedro

For more details, see the set up documentation or watch the video .

Then change the text of lozenge to read: "Take the tutorial" and link it to:

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

The instructions are OK! Maybe I'd reorder it a bit, like

Kedro is open-source (Apache 2.0), install it with

pip install kedro


conda install -c conda-forge kedro

see the set up documentation for more details on the prerequisites.

stichbury commented 10 months ago

Thanks! I've taken your amends and edited my comment above. @tynandebold that copy is now ready for the changes listed.