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Enhanced parallel experimentation and required changes in kedro code #1606

Open Vincent-Liagre-QB opened 2 years ago

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 2 years ago

Description & context

When working outside kedro, I often have several parallel configs for the same script (in kedro terms, "pipeline"), e.g. different model configs for a regression model ; or specific start/end dates and exclusion patterns for an analysis. Tree could look like:

│   └───model_1
│           experiment_1.yaml
│           experiment_2.yaml

And within , I'd usually do something like:

from typer import Typer

app = Typer()

def main(conf = "experiment_1"):

if __name__ == "__main__":

So that I can then easily run different experiments independently with: python src/ --conf=experiment_2 (for instance)

And I'd usually organize results like this (but that's personal ; point is to make it easily configurable):

│   └───08_reporting
│       └───model_1
│           ├───experiment_1
│           │       result_a.csv
│           │       result_b.png
│           │
│           └───experiment_2
│                   result_a.csv
│                   result_b.png

Note that:

Now I am wondering: how can I easily have a similar workflow in kedro ? What I have though about so far:

  1. Use the env arg when doing a kedro run ; but:
    • Not really what its meant for
    • Say I have several pipelines with each several such options --> quickly becomes unmanageable
  2. Use a modular pipeline and create 1 pipeline for each config but
    • It will pollute the kedro-viz
    • It is cumbersome
  3. Use a modular pipeline, create 1 pipeline for each config and return them together so that they appear as the same node in kedro-viz ; but:
    • Won't be able to execute them independently
    • Still cumbersome
  4. Have a first level in my dict of params corresponding to the several possible config + a wrapper around my nodes that starts with something like chosen_params = params[config_name] + use --params=config_name: when doing a kedro run but its also a bit cumbersome and confusing
  5. Custom CLI using most of Kedro's power --> the solution I'll go with in there

Before deep diving into 5: Do you have any other idea? Am I missing something (might very well be the case since I am quite a beginner here)? Am I too biased by my outside-kedro workflow which might not be that straightforward after all?

Possible Implementation

Using the example case of spaceflights' data_science pipeline

Simply run: python src/kedro_tutorial/pipelines/data_science/ --experiment-name="test_experiment"

Where: src/kedro_tutorial/pipelines/data_science/ is as below:

(Remarks and required changes below)

from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession
from kedro.framework.startup import bootstrap_project
from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node
from kedro.pipeline.modular_pipeline import pipeline
from kedro_tutorial.pipelines.data_science.nodes import evaluate_model, split_data, train_model
from import (

from pathlib import Path

from typer import Typer

app = Typer()

def change_savepath(initial_save_path, experiment_name: str):
    # TODO: this can be configured + make path absolute so it app be run from anywhere?
    return "./test_experiment_run"

def create_experiment_pipeline(experiment_name:str = "active_modelling_pipline", **kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    # TODO: link with base pipeline defined in
    pipeline_instance = pipeline(
                inputs=["model_input_table", "params:model_options"],
                outputs=["X_train", "X_test", "y_train", "y_test"],
                inputs=["X_train", "y_train"],
                inputs=["regressor", "X_test", "y_test"],

    res = pipeline(
        pipe = pipeline_instance,
        inputs = "model_input_table",
        namespace = experiment_name,
        parameters = {"params:model_options":f"params:{experiment_name}.model_options"}

    return res

def main(experiment_name:str = "test_experiment"):
    project_path = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[4] # . absolute required
    metadata = bootstrap_project(project_path)

    create_session_arg = metadata.package_name

    params = {}

    pipeline = create_experiment_pipeline(experiment_name = experiment_name)

    with KedroSession.create(create_session_arg, env = "base", extra_params = params) as session:

        catalog = session.load_context()._get_catalog()

        results = = pipeline)
        # TODO: works only if is made to accept pipeline objects directly (rather than names)

        # TODO: find a way to access all Memory datasets (not only end results)
        # or run nodes one after another
        # --> make it optional to return all "unregistered_ds" in

        for data_name, data in results.items():

            base_data_name = data_name.replace(f"{experiment_name}.", "")
            # Based on namespace of modular pipeline

            dataset = catalog._get_dataset(base_data_name)
            ds_module = dataset.__module__
            ds_class = type(dataset).__name__
            ds_type = (
                ".".join(ds_module.split(".")).replace("kedro.extras.datasets.", "")
                 + "." + ds_class

            ds_config = {
                "type": ds_type,
                "versioned": dataset.versioned

            new_ds_config = ds_config.copy()

            new_ds_config["filepath"] =  change_savepath(
                initial_save_path = ds_config["filepath"], 
                experiment_name = experiment_name

            new_dataset = AbstractDataSet.from_config(
                    name = data_name, config = new_ds_config, #load_versions.get(ds_name), save_version

if __name__ == "__main__":


Required changes in kedro code:

  1. A way to run a pipeline specified by a kedro.pipeline.Pipeline object
  2. (Optional): make it optional to return all unregistered_ds in (vs. only free_outputs)

Possible Alternatives

See points 1/2/3/4 above

deepyaman commented 2 years ago

@Vincent-Liagre-QB To what extent would this be covered by #1303?

Also, just to clarify, is your goal to be able to run all experiments with a single command, only run one experiment at a time, or do either? I think I understand your requirement as running one experiment at a time, but just wanted to make sure.

Finally, since you're from QB, you can also consider an internal project called Multi-Runner--but I 100% think these issues should be resolved in the open source Kedro ecosystem in the long run!

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 2 years ago

@deepyaman ;

to your questions,

deepyaman commented 2 years ago

@Vincent-Liagre-QB Was just taking a closer look at this, including the code. To confirm my understanding of the requirements:

I think modifying filepath based on some param/other variable isn't too bad with Hooks. Storing config for each experiment requires something extra, if not using envs (and I get your reservation on using envs).

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 2 years ago

@deepyaman to your points:

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. More like being able to retrieve all resulting datasets (incl. intermediary results) from a run so as to be able to persist the ones I want in the way I want.

Regarding hooks: in my understanding the limitations is that once you have implemented them, you cannot easily choose whether to apply them or not. I.e. hooks are not programatically manageable.

Also, I like more to think in terms of (1) feature needs and (2) possible code implementations (which I called "requirements") and think about them separately ; so to summarise:

Feature needs:

  1. Independent runs
  2. Manage paths when persisting

Requirements for a possible implementation solution (note that in this case there is a 1-to-1 matching with the feature needs but not always the case)

  1. A way to run a pipeline specified by a kedro.pipeline.Pipeline object
  2. make it optional to return all unregistered_ds in (vs. only free_outputs)

(See in 1st message for more details)

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 2 years ago

Also for the sake of enriching the discussion, I was told to look into this: ; not sure it covers the need but worth looking into ; will do

deepyaman commented 2 years ago

3. More like being able to retrieve all resulting datasets (incl. intermediary results) from a run so as to be able to persist the ones I want in the way I want.

My inclination is to recommend that you return them explicitly from a node. I think it lends itself well to the idea that pipelines have an interface of inputs and outputs.

Regarding hooks: in my understanding the limitations is that once you have implemented them, you cannot easily choose whether to apply them or not. I.e. hooks are not programatically manageable.

This is doable as long as you design the hooks accordingly (e.g. parse flags that determine when and where to apply the hook logic).

avan-sh commented 2 years ago

@Vincent-Liagre-QB I'll first try to summarize the requirements to confirm my understood about this is right.

  1. You want to run different experiments by passing experiment_name at run time.
  2. Each experiment will be running the same pipeline
  3. Each experiment can be differentiated by different model/pipeline params or inputs.
  4. They are also separated by different output paths/folders

Assuming my understanding is correct, I feel like hooks as suggested by @deepyaman might be the right way to go about. As the only difference between experiments is inputs and outputs and not the pipeline being run, you can choose which files to be loaded at run time using some pattern recognition. This might be TemplatedConfig in the latest versions though.

On integration with MLFlow, it fits perfectly to run different experiments. Ideally, all of your parameters from the experiment(especially things that differentiate the experiment) should be logged in the experiment and your models can be registered in MLFlow. I think kedro-mlflow plugin might have this capability.

Edit: A workflow could be this.

  1. Name of the experiment could be a global parameter experiment_name
  2. You could set paths for any common outputs to be written using experiment_name eg: data/08_reporting/model_1/${experiment_name}
  3. Experiment specific config can sit in a separate folder eg: conf/experiments/experiment_name.yaml
  4. Additional code in TemplatedConfig/register_catalog to add any files under experiment specific config
  5. Each experiment can be run as `kedro run --pipeline experiments --params experiment_name:experiment_1
Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 2 years ago

@deepyaman, on nodes, my frustration is that it would prevents from using the full capacities of pipeline ;

@avan-sh --> yes that's exactly what I have in mind

@deepyaman @avan-sh on hooks : I'll try to look more into this, but I am a bit skeptical about the possibility to programmatically manage hooks ; if you have examples, I am curious to look into them.

On integration w. ML Flow, I was just sharing this as it had been suggested it might cover my need ; but that's not the main topic :)

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 1 year ago

Re-opening this now that I have a bit of time to look into it again:

@avan-sh the workflow you shared looks promising to me ; the only thing that I have difficulties understanding is how to make sure to use the version of the params corresponding to the specified experiment_name ? Could it be with a hook ?

EDIT: my previous implementation of after_context_created was missing self

I can access the params with the after_context_created hook (see below) but can't seem to modify the dict ; the hook is not supposed to return anything and I was hoping to leverage the mutability of dictionnaries but this doesn't seem to work (see test with VerificationHooks in the implem:


In src/kedro_tutorial/

from kedro.framework.hooks import hook_impl

class ExperimentRunHooks:

    def after_context_created(self, context) -> None:
        print("Inside ExperimentRunHooks")
        # Trying to modify the dict of params
        context.params["test_hook_param"] = 5

class VerificationHooks:

    def after_context_created(self, context) -> None:
        print("Inside hook : VerificationHook")

In src/kedro_tutorial/

from kedro_viz.integrations.kedro.sqlite_store import SQLiteStore
from pathlib import Path

from kedro_tutorial.hooks import ExperimentRunHooks, VerificationHooks

SESSION_STORE_ARGS = {"path": str(Path(__file__).parents[2] / "data")}

HOOKS = (VerificationHooks(), ExperimentRunHooks()) #LIFO order
Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 1 year ago

EDIT: my previous implementation of after_context_created was missing self

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 1 year ago

Also like pointed by @avan-sh we need a hook to inject the extra param experiment_name into the TemplatedConfigLoader ; something like (credits to @avan-sh ):

    def register_config_loader(
        self, conf_paths: Iterable[str], env: str, extra_params: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> ConfigLoader:

        globals_dict = {}
        if extra_params:
            globals_dict = {"experiment_name": extra_params["experiment_name"]}
        return TemplatedConfigLoader(

but I am not sure this register_config_loader hook template exists ; when testing it, it doesn't appear to be called...

cosasha commented 1 year ago

Hello! Has the suggestion of @Vincent-Liagre-QB been taken into account? It would greatly help me if so :)

avan-sh commented 1 year ago

@cosasha , register_config_loader hook was replaced since kedro 0.18. Possibly the issues here might be tackled in Possibly, someone from the maintainer team could comment on this.

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Similar request from @ofir-insait from a month ago:

As stated by @Vincent-Liagre-QB in option (1) at the beginning of the thread, --environment=... only solves part of the problem, and having to write down the modular pipelines to achieve this reusability is indeed a bit cumbersome.

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Similar request from @andrko1 today:

lets say that we have a folder with a date (partition) and I want to access only the specified date, e.g ${root_path}/${date}/cars.csv, but for ${date} variable I want to change it every time it doesnt work with --params as it seems to initialize the default parameters first and then replacing the specified values [for example: kedro run 20230627]

astrojuanlu commented 11 months ago

A similar request from @quantumtrope: (and also

Which is similar to this one from @christopherrabotin a while back

And this one from @bpmeek even earlier

astrojuanlu commented 8 months ago

To all people subscribed to this issue, notice that @marrrcin has published an interesting approach using

Please give it a read and let us know what you think.

astrojuanlu commented 8 months ago

Today @datajoely recommended @marrrcin's approach as an alternative to Ray Tune for parameter sweep

Are we confident that the DX offered by this approach can compete with this?

search_space = {
    "a": tune.grid_search([0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0]),
    "b": tune.choice([1, 2, 3]),

tuner = tune.Tuner(objective, param_space=search_space)

Originally posted by @astrojuanlu in

No but it's does provide a budget version of it - this is what I'm saying about the lack of sweeper integration with dedicated "sweepers" in this comment

Originally posted by @datajoely in

Let's continue the conversation about "parameter sweeping"/experimentation here.

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 8 months ago

To all people subscribed to this issue, notice that @marrrcin has published an interesting approach using

  • OmegaConfigLoader with custom resolvers
  • Dataset factories
  • Modular pipelines with namespaces
  • Centralised

Please give it a read and let us know what you think.

@astrojuanlu thanks for sharing this and for the overall work on connecting everything going on around this feature request. The solution you are sharing seems very promising - although a bit complex also. I'll try to take a deeper look into it asap.

astrojuanlu commented 8 months ago

Nice talk on how to do hyperparameter tuning and selection in Flyte (key bit starts around 12 mins in)

Originally posted by @datajoely in

Optuna + W&B

Originally posted by @datajoely in

astrojuanlu commented 8 months ago

A user that uses different environments

we have a lot of params that change depending on the pipeline input so we used the envs concept to parametrise through the cli - works well for us.

Essentially option (1) of the original @Vincent-Liagre-QB ticket. In my opinion this is an abuse of environments but it's what users want: add new config file, change CLI flag, and done.

nikos-kal commented 8 months ago

A user that uses different environments

I am that user! Indeed, we have have repurposed envs to act as parameter groups. It works fairly well for us and it's been easy to train new team members on how we use them.

Would love a kedro-native solution though!

PS: For most functionality that is not out of the box for kedro the community tends to recommend hooks. My experience is that large projects can end up with dozens of hooks and each team uses different ones making onboarding difficult. Also, logic that is applied there might appear as side effects to someone not familiar with them so my preference is to use them sparingly. Just one person's opinion :)

astrojuanlu commented 8 months ago


I need to run multiple pipelines with different inputs, so I have configured in my parameters.yml something like:

neural_network_heads: [100, 200, 300]

I would like that Kedro takes into account one at the time each value, and run 3 pipelines. Using Snakemake, I put the expand rule and it took care of it. Is it possible to do the same in Kedro?

astrojuanlu commented 7 months ago

"Live replay" of a user attempting the current approach useful for future iterations

astrojuanlu commented 3 months ago

When showing dataset factories to some users internally:

Can I pass the parameters directly on the CLI instead of creating new namespaces?