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Easier CustomDataset Creation #1936

Open lancechua opened 1 year ago

lancechua commented 1 year ago


IO read write functions typically follow this signature:

def load(path: Union[Path, str], **kwars) -> obj:

def save(obj, path: Union[Path, str], **kwars) -> None:

Creating custom datasets should ideally be as easy as supplying load / save function(s) that follow this function signature.


kedro supports an extensive range of datasets, but it is not exhaustive. Popular libraries used by relatively niche communities like xarray and arviz aren't currently supported.

Beyond these examples, unofficially adding support for more obscure datasets would be easier.

Initially, I was looking to implement something like this and asked in the Discord chat if this pattern made sense. Then, @datajoely suggested I open a feature request.

Possible Implementation

We can consider a Dataset class factory. Maybe GenericDataset with a class method .create_custom_dataset(name: str, load: callable, save: callable).

Usage would look something like xarrayNetCDF = GenericDataset("xarrayNetCDF", xarray.open_dataset, lambda x, path, **kwargs: x.to_netcdf(path, **kwargs)). Entries can be added to the data catalog yaml just as with any other custom dataset implementation.

Possible Alternatives

datajoely commented 1 year ago

Hi @lancechua thank you for raising this! We have discussed this as a team and have had a good conversation regarding ways we can proceed.

You will see that this issue has now been referenced in the kedro-org/kedro#1778 super issue which is tracking all of the ways we plan to improve the DataCatalog at a low level.

Your last point:

Adding xarray support officially requires implementing nuances like cloud file storage, partitioned datasets, lazy loading, etc.

Is the most interesting, a lot of the paint-points to mention have emerged organically. Versioning, fsspec etc. have all arrived in Kedro way later than the original AbstractDataSet class definition, implementing a new DataSet today requires (probably too much) copy and pasting.

The team are going to have a go at prototyping what this could look like, so you may be interested in subscribing to parent issue to contribute to these design decisions. The initial thinking reflected on the rather flat structure we have today where everything inherits from AbstractDataSet (or AbstractVersionedDataSet) and we could utilise OO concepts much better and make implementation/testing/overriding much simpler.

deepyaman commented 1 year ago

Is the most interesting, a lot of the paint-points to mention have emerged organically. Versioning, fsspec etc. have all arrived in Kedro way later than the original AbstractDataSet class definition, implementing a new DataSet today requires (probably too much) copy and pasting.

I feel like too much copy-pasting has been an issue for a really long time. 😅

I would be keen to break down the points of duplication (e.g. default argument handling, fsspec-related boilerplate, etc.) and add mixins for each (as in kedro-org/kedro#15), because that way we can make progress on resolving these pain points without having to limit ourselves to a universal solution that works for every possible dataset.

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

Collecting some thoughts from our latest Tech Design session about this topic:

Recent developments

General thoughts

Current issues

Other links and ideas

astrojuanlu commented 1 year ago

A user that quite likely got confused when defining their own dataset, most likely because they aren't copy-pasting enough

yetudada commented 11 months ago

I'm also just dropping data from some of our surveys here, the question is "What is the hardest part of working with the Kedro framework?" (Kedro - User Research Study)

astrojuanlu commented 11 months ago

Interesting use case: a user trying to perform data access with a highly customized wget command

This is not too different from my KaggleDataset attempt. Maybe there should be a "generic dataset" that allows people to just type a subprocess that will take care of leaving some files in a directory.

datajoely commented 11 months ago

Channelling my inner @idanov this does harm reproducibility - personally I think it's a good thing, same for conditional nodes, another things we've held off doing for the same reason.

astrojuanlu commented 11 months ago

This is a bit of a tangent, but I think it's worth addressing.

The reality is that people who need "weird" things will do them, whether are supported by Kedro or not. This not only applies to datasets: I've seen people do very weird things with Kedro.

Speaking of datasets, the options our users have are:

There are 2 stances we can take:

  1. Consider the bad DX a feature. Friction means the users will try to do something else. Or, put another way, what they're trying to do is out of scope for Kedro so we refuse to implement it ourselves.
  2. Consider the bad DX a bug. Friction means we should improve the situation for these users, while helping them do the right thing as much as we can, but offering options to do all their data processing within Kedro.

I'm firmly in camp (2).

datajoely commented 11 months ago

Completely aligned on #2 I think it's related to the wider rigidity questions we have in the framework vs lib debate.

FYI - how prefect do conditionals here looks neat

astrojuanlu commented 11 months ago

Another user who wants to read a TSV file contained in a .tar.gz

pandas does not support compressed archives with more than one file, so this requires an intermediate step.

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

After implementing some new datasets that will hopefully be open sourced soon, I'm adding some more reflections here.

I think that the difficult part lies in three specific points:

  1. Having to overload private methods of an obscure class (that then don't get documented, see any dataset in,
  2. The fsspec boilerplate, and
  3. The versioning stuff (#1979, #2355)

(1) was hinted by @lancechua's original comment at the top of this issue, and I agree that we should move towards an architecture that makes load and save public methods. Moreover, I'm advocating to favor composition over inheritance.

(2) and (3) are trickier though. What's interesting is that one can envision datasets that don't refer to specific files on disk and that are not versioned - and these ones are actually quite easy to implement. As such, adding the path to load as @lancechua suggested might be a too strong assumption.

Another reason why this is hard is the naming itself: some things we name "datasets" in Kedro are not really a /ˈdā-tə-ˌset/ in the strict sense of the word, but more like "artifacts" or "connectors". I think there is an opportunity here to collect some of the "weird" use cases we already have and come up with better terminology.

lancechua commented 10 months ago

(1) was hinted by @lancechua's original comment at the top of this issue, and I agree that we should move towards an architecture that makes load and save public methods. Moreover, I'm advocating to favor composition over inheritance.

Can't remember who linked it in the issues here somewhere, but after reading the Python subclassing redux article, I also think composition is the better way to go by injecting load and save callables as dependencies.

(2) and (3) are trickier though. What's interesting is that one can envision datasets that don't refer to specific files on disk and that are not versioned - and these ones are actually quite easy to implement. As such, adding the path to load as @lancechua suggested might be a too strong assumption.

Also agree. The callables can be fully specified by load_kwargs (and potentially load_args) so there isn't a hard requirement for the function signature.

From what I remember about the implementation of versioning, the filename becomes a directory, with timestamp sub-directories. A separate versioner dependency can be injected to redirect the load and save callables to the path of the correct version. This would make the path parameter a hard requirement, but we can always just pass None for "pathless" datasets. The no versioning case would just return the path as is.

A use case that would be good, but potentially annoying to implement, is a cache for expensive "load" operations like web pulls or API requests. Instead of repeating the expensive request, the flow with subsequent reads would be:

expensive first request -> in memory -> save to disk -> read cache from disk -> in memory -> ...

The cache can be a dispatcher that takes both the original load callable, and a load cache callable. cache itself must still be a valid load callable. Perhaps we namespace original and cache load params or create a separate load_cache_kwargs parameter?

The load callable dispatched would depend on:

The no caching case would just always dispatch to the original load callable.

P.S. Haven't worked on kedro datasets for a while now, but hopefully the above still makes sense.

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

Thanks a lot for getting back @lancechua! Yes, Hynek has influenced me a lot on this as well. Hope we can prioritize this in 2024.

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

More evidence of different artifact types: Kubeflow (via @deepyaman)

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

Another problem with the current design: when doing post-mortem debugging on datasets, one gets thrown to AbstractDataset.load:

datajoely commented 10 months ago

Now Python 3.7 is EOL is there any advantage to using Protocol types as an alternative/addition to the abstract classes?

astrojuanlu commented 10 months ago

I proposed it in another issue and @antonymilne made some good remarks I could be wrong here and in any case I defer the implementation details to the engineering team, but I don't think this can be done without "breaking" the current catalog + abstractdataset model. This would essentially be a "catalog 2.0", which is exciting but also kind of scary.

astrojuanlu commented 9 months ago

A user confused about what AbstractDataset does

datajoely commented 9 months ago

On that last part - we're well overdue a native PyTorch dataset

astrojuanlu commented 7 months ago

Another thing to note: some of our underlying datasets have their own mechanisms of reading remote data that don't rely on fsspec plus sometimes our "copy paste" fsspec logic is really obscure and easy to get wrong

Making our "fsspec adapter" (not a mixin please) more explicit will make life easier for custom dataset authors and probably for us.

astrojuanlu commented 4 weeks ago

Progress towards making load and save public:

Edit: Actually, thinking about it more, should just make load and save abstract instead of _load and _save, to make the new interface clear. Even if just _load and _save is being implemented, you mentioned it's going into __init_subclass__, and load and save will get created there.

Originally posted by @deepyaman in

astrojuanlu commented 4 weeks ago

Also, interesting perspective on object stores vs filesystems:

This design provides the following advantages:

  • All operations are atomic, and readers cannot observe partial and/or failed writes
  • Methods map directly to object store APIs, providing both efficiency and predictability
  • Abstracts away filesystem and operating system specific quirks, ensuring portability
  • Allows for functionality not native to filesystems, such as operation preconditions and atomic multipart uploads

Originally shared by @MatthiasRoels in