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Universal Kedro Deployment (Part 4) - Embedding kedro pipelines in third-party applications #3540

Open Galileo-Galilei opened 6 months ago

Galileo-Galilei commented 6 months ago



:memo: Document type The document is mostly a "User Research" which focuses what functional needs should be added to kedro, but it also sometimes slips to a "Design document" which suggests how they could be integrated to the core kedro framework. The 2 parts are clearly separated, because I think the user research (mainly a compilation of existing kedro issues) is worth sharing, even if we do not end up with the proposed implementation.

:busts_in_silhouette: Target Audience : Kedro core team / plugin developers / Mlops engineer who puts kedro in production. I try to keep the issue as self-contained as possible, but I still assume the reader knows the default kedro objects (runner,pipeline, catalog...), and how works under the hood.

:pray: Credits : The mind behind part / most of the design and the thoughts described hereafter is @takikadiri. I mostly reformulate, clarify and try to give a comprehensive overview of the issues we are trying to solve and how we solve them.

:books: Additional resources: Most of the features described hereafter are implemented in the kedro-boot plugin, however the technical implementation sometimes differ for subtle reasons. You can find examples on how to use it for the features described in the "User research" section in the kedro-boot examples repo

:bangbang: Important note : The kedro-boot plugin also provides other features, especially to launch an app from a kedro entrypoint (called standalone mode in this comment). This is out of scope of this issue.


We need to make the session being runnable multiple times, and optimize latency to serve lots of uses cases (serving, dynamic pipelines, ...). In summary, we should make below pseudo code possible :

session.preload(artifacts=["my_model", "my_encoder"]) # :sparkles: FEATURE 1: preload artifacts, cache them and not not release them between runs for speed"my_pipeline", runtime_data={"data": data1}) # :sparkles: FEATURE 2: inject data at runtime from the session"my_pipeline", runtime_params= {"customer_id": id}) # :sparkles: FEATURE 3: run the same session mulitple times + :sparkles: FEATURE 4: inject runtime params at... runtime  (as the name says!) instead of instantation time 
session.release_cache(artifacts=["my_model", "my_encoder"]) # free memory when needed

There are a bunch of technical optimisations (for speed, kedro-viz compatibility and ability to inject parameters truly at runtime) which are needed under the hood.

User research : embedded deployment patterns

Functional need 1 : Triggering kedro from third party applications which owns the entrypoint

There is a very common "deployment pattern" which consists to run the KedroSession programmatically in another python program. It consists in running (more or less) the following snippet:

# SNIPPET 1 : naive code
from kedro.framework.project import bootstrap_project
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession


Overall, this is well described by the following issue:

Multiple use cases are well identified:

  1. Expose the pipeline from an API to trigger the run (see,,,,
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI(title="Spaceflights shuttle price prediction")"/predict")
def predict_data():

    return data.to_dict()
  1. Trigger the pipeline from a frontend low-code tool (streamlit, dash, shiny...)(, A code example can be found here:
  2. Launch kedro from Datarobot :
  3. The "type 1" dynamic pipeline as defined in : people try to run the same pipeline multiple times with slightly different inputs (list of countries, hyperparamters,, several days for a time serie... someone even mentioned a monte carlo simulation here:
  4. Eventually in jupyter notebook, as described in
  5. We can eventually imagine people deploying kedro pipelines by running pipelines in airflow tasks "programatically" (with instead of trying to "map" kedro objects (e.g. nodes or namespaced pipelines) to airflow tasks automatically.

:white_check_mark: Above "naive" code is valid in kedro>=0.18. So... is that already ok? Clearly not, because of the next paragraph.

Functional need 2 : Passing data at runtime and getting the results

This long-demanded feature is described in details in so I'll try not to duplicate it here. The point is that almost all use cases described in previous paragraph need to inject "some data" at runtime, e.g. :

and retrieve the results to in memory, e.g. do something like this:

for params in params_grid:"my_pipeline", runtime_params=params)
do_something_with_computed data(metrics)

Without the ability to pass data at runtime, all use cases presented above are not feasible so SNIPPET 1 is hardly useful. We need to find a way to circumvent the current limitations to pass data at runtime.

Injecting data & parameters

This is what is covered

# SNIPPET 2 :  naive pseudo-code with runtime data injection
from kedro.framework.project import bootstrap_project
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession

data = get_data()# where data is anything, retrieved from the context: the API input in case 1, the frontend in case 2, some parameters  in case 4, literally anything computed on the fly in case 5 ...)
session=KedroSession.create(project_path)"my_pipeline", runtime_data= {"my_catalog_dataset": data}) # this runtime_data key does not exist, this is the suggestion of #2169

The current workaround consists in rewriting the method in your app with many private methods which causes a lot of maitenance issues, because it becomes really hard to upgrade yout kedro version. We'll cover it in a next paragraph.

Injecting globals & runtime_params

A couple of issues suggest that users do not want to override the full data but only pass some globals or runtime_params to be resolved in the catalog : The typical uses cases consist in using the catalog to :

# SNIPPET 3 :  naive pseudo-code with runtime data injection
from kedro.framework.project import bootstrap_project
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession

session=KedroSession.create(project_path)"my_pipeline", runtime_globals= {"my_global": time.time()}) # this ``runtime_globals`` can be passed as ``runtime_params``

There are 2 big problems in the current implementation :

Technical requirements 1 : Speed of execution

Above "business" use cases (especially API serving) requires speed of execution, hence any overhead induced by kedro negatively impact their feasibility. A couple of seconds of overhead is acceptable on a 5 mn batch, but less on an API serving preidction swith high latency (say <100ms). There are at least 3 known performance issues of the KedroSession:

# SNIPPET 4 :  naive pseudo-code with artifact preloading

session.preload(artifacts=["my_model", "my_encoder"]) # syntax TBD"my_pipeline", runtime_data= {"data": data1}) # the catalog.load("my_model") should use the preloaded cached data. Maybe reuse CachedDataSet?"my_pipeline", runtime_data= {"data": data2}) # the catalog.load("my_model") should use the preloaded cached data. Maybe reuse CachedDataSet? 
session.release_cache(artifacts=["my_model", "my_encoder"]) # syntax TBD

Technical sub-requirements 2 : Running multiple times a single session

If we summarize the last paragraphs, it boils down that we need to make the session runnable mulitples times without the need to create it for each run which creates a tight coupling between the 2 methods. We show that it would enable:

However, there are deep investigations to make before enabling this, because kedro makes the assumption that 1 session = 1 run on purpose. According to the issue, this is done to simplify kedro-viz experiment tracking functionality. Changing this assumption may be impossible to be backward compatible with existing experiment tracking in kedro-viz, as described in However this potential breaking change should be thought in regards of, which suggests low adoption of the experiment tracking functionality, and my feeling is that enabling running multiple sessions is worth breaking experiment tracking, but I am overly biased here :)

A positive side effect of getting rid of this assumption is that it would solve the original motivation of, e.g. letting people customize the session run_id, which is particluarly useful when deploying a kedro pipeline to an orchestrator which assumes task independency (like airflow).

Technical requirements 2 : Ease of use

Database connection lazy loading

One current issue people are facing when using the session, particularly in interactive mode (but not only), is that database connection & API's calls are instantiated on KedroSession.create, which means that you cannot run your pipeline if another pipeline is not correcly instantiated. I think this would simplify debugging and ease of use if this issue was tackled

In general, we should be able to run a pipeline from a session even if other pipelines are broken (no import error, invalid data connection...). but this is a hard problem and not the prioritary one.

Create a public API for consistent access to kedro objects between versions

The lack of public API makes code supporting above use cases become obsolete very fast as kedro versions are changing, because it relies ont a lot of private methods. This severly degrades the developer experience for kedro users :

There is a long standing issue to help make consistent access to kedro objects for plugin developers, and creating a public API to support such use cases is a good step forward.

astrojuanlu commented 5 months ago

This issue, among others, was mentioned on 2024-02-14 tech design, in which @Galileo-Galilei and @takikadiri showed kedro-boot there was agreement that implementing this, plus making the Session re-entrant and more lightweight #2182 #2879, would be good.

Originally posted by @astrojuanlu in