kedro-org / kedro

Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create data engineering and data science pipelines that are reproducible, maintainable, and modular.
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[spike] Investigate suitability of Kedro for ETL/ELT data pipelines #3578

Open astrojuanlu opened 5 months ago

astrojuanlu commented 5 months ago

Intro and context

Kedro describes itself in its README as a tool for data science and data engineering pipelines (emphasis mine): > Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create **data engineering and data science pipelines** that are reproducible, maintainable, and modular. As per, these "data engineering and data science pipelines" actually reflect the broad categories that people have in mind when talking about "pipelines", which are - Data pipelines: ETL/ELT (data ingestion, with or without transformation, from the source to a centralized location, for example a data warehouse) - Machine learning pipelines: [the "ML code" part of the classic MLOps architecture]( The focus of this issue is on **data pipelines**. ## Data pipelines Data pipelines are important because they are the beginning of any data project: you need to get your data from _somewhere_, to then start doing analysis, machine learning, and the like. Data pipelines are tricky. For ETL architectures, the Transformation needs to be executed carefully, and it's coupled to both the source (Extraction) and target (Loading). ELT is touted as the "modern" approach, but creates a big overhead of often denormalised tables on the data warehouse. According to industry surveys, most teams use in-house tools, or just no recognizable tools at all (a mess of Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, and the like), which suggests that most teams are doing ETL as opposed to ELT. The most recognizable tools and vendors focus on ELT and are commercial (Fivetran, Azure Data Factory) whereas the existing open source tools have mixed reviews (Airbyte, Meltano).

Kedro for data pipelines

We have evidence of users using Kedro for authoring data pipelines

However, there are also some signs that hint that there's margin for improvement for Kedro to be suitable for creating data pipelines:

The fact that Kedro is not mentioned in any industry survey we have found is probably a symptom, rather than a cause, of all the above.

There's two sides of this problem:

Next steps

Part of this intersects with, cc @merelcht

From a product perspective it's worth asking whether we want to pursue making Kedro a suitable tool for ETL/ELT pipelines at all. Regarding ELT, Kedro will probably never be as convenient as the Singer ecosystem and derivatives could theoretically be - however, the practical application of Meltano and Airbyte leaves some gaps, and maybe Kedro could be a satisfying tool for some users. Regarding ETL, I think Kedro could be a perfect framework for this, provided that the datasets, the crucial bits that perform the I/O, are up to the task or at least we provide clear guidance of what is the "Kedronic" way of achieving idempotent data ingestion pipelines that can support cold starts, behave well under changes of the source schema, and any other desirable properties of data pipelines.

From a technical perspective, on the other hand, we need to develop an understanding of how Kedro can be used nowadays for ELT/ETL pipelines following modern data architecture patterns, and evaluate to what extent the pains described above are real or are just a matter of having better docs.

On a related note, discussion in surfaced that we might have to make some of the Kedro principles more explicit.

Finally, we should execute on messaging/value proposition updates based on the conclusions of our investigation, and probably generate appropriate educational material in the form of documentation, blog posts, and videos.

datajoely commented 5 months ago

Ibis has to be central to this

astrojuanlu commented 5 months ago

To give a specific example of how this is posing a problem to users:

User tries to convert a Parquet file to a Delta table with a Kedro pipeline, only to see that DatasetError: DeltaTableDataset is a read only dataset type. Supposedly there's rationale for this in the original PR from 3 years ago but (1) the conversation is extremely long, and I can't pinpoint the exact moment it was decided to remove _save() functionality, and (2) this was never documented in any place, so users are left in the dark.

Going through the PR again, I found a comment that spells the problem in detail

Update, Upsert/Merge, Delete

These are not directly consistent with the Kedro Principles & DAG, as

  1. The filepath is intrinsic to the DeltaTable
  2. The update, merge and delete methods are methods on the DeltaTable and are immediately materialised (on call or on subsequent execute call on a merge builder)
  3. We still need to inform the Kedro pipeline and DAG that this node has succeeded in a meaningful way

This is the problem we're addressing.

deepyaman commented 4 months ago

It's unclear how to write Kedro datasets that are amenable to UPSERT (aka MERGE aka "INSERT or UPDATE") operations

Upsert is mostly supported by database backends. You could simulate it in data frames using concat with indices, e.g. in pandas or spark, but it's not very clean.

For database backends, it is on the radar for Ibis support.

Regarding ELT, Kedro will probably never be as convenient as the Singer ecosystem and derivatives could theoretically be - however, the practical application of Meltano and Airbyte leaves some gaps, and maybe Kedro could be a satisfying tool for some users. Regarding ETL, I think Kedro could be a perfect framework for this

Why can Kedro not be at least as good at ELT as it is at ETL? As long as you can interact with databases natively using SQL under the hood, I think it can be a great option for the people who are going to use Python anyway (or prefer to).

Also, I'm not recent enough on this perhaps, but has there been any momentum back towards people wanting to do ETL? If ELT is still where "modern data engineering" is at, doing ETL well isn't that exciting.

Finally, we should execute on messaging/value proposition updates based on the conclusions of our investigation, and probably generate appropriate educational material in the form of documentation, blog posts, and videos.


If Kedro is a tool that supports both data pipelines and ML pipelines, it makes sense that people are educated on how to write each, and don't use the same approach for the disparate problems.

astrojuanlu commented 4 months ago

Also, I'm not recent enough on this perhaps, but has there been any momentum back towards people wanting to do ETL? If ELT is still where "modern data engineering" is at, doing ETL well isn't that exciting.

We could discuss whether the Modern Data Stack was a real industry trend or only happened on Data Twitter - but I'll only do so over beer 😄

astrojuanlu commented 4 months ago

Why can Kedro not be at least as good at ELT as it is at ETL?

I'm not denying this. What I'm saying that, in theory[^1],

$ pip install meltano
$ meltano add extractor tap-postgres
$ meltano add loader target-snowflake
$ meltano run

is the optimal open-source, CLI-based, EL experience, and I don't think Kedro can match this at the moment or in the near future (very happy to be proven wrong).

Edit: Meltano would be EL, then for example dbt would be T, or as Lauren Balik jokingly says, TTTTTTT

[^1]: In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.

inigohidalgo commented 4 months ago

We've implemented an in-house upsert functionality into one of our Arrow datasets using a method @deepyaman alludes to

You could simulate it in data frames using concat with indices, e.g. in pandas or spark, but it's not very clean.

The write_mode is just a save_arg for us. This definitely breaks "reproducibility" though and goes towards idempotency like @astrojuanlu pointed out

inigohidalgo commented 4 months ago

Why can Kedro not be at least as good at ELT as it is at ETL?

I'm not denying this. What I'm saying that, in theory

$ pip install meltano
$ meltano add extractor tap-postgres
$ meltano add loader target-snowflake
$ meltano run

is the optimal open-source, CLI-based, ELT experience, and I don't think Kedro can match this at the moment or in the near future

I've never used meltano, but this covers only EL in ELT, right? Kedro+ibis could slot in very nicely into the T, and also provide more-than-good-enough performance for the EL side, though it does seem hard to beat specialized tools like meltano.

astrojuanlu commented 4 months ago

Oh, correct. I meant "the optimal [...] EL experience".

takikadiri commented 3 months ago

I would love to see Kedro fully support the "T", standing as an alternative for dbt for engine base transformation but with a python API. This could bring a huge value for some Data teams that need to juggle between two (or more) differents Technologies/frameworks and throws their works over the wall for others teams, dependencing on the stages of their Data pipelines (DE, DS/ML).

This could significally enlarge Kedro user base, as there is much more volume of work in Data & Analytics engineering than Data science & ML.

As for the "E" and "L" part Kedro could be just good enough.

datajoely commented 3 months ago

To achieve this I really believe we should go all in on Ibis as a first class citizen / prefered approach in Kedro. One syntax for broadly the backends we care about enabling the interdisciplinary collaboration @takikadiri mentions.

astrojuanlu commented 3 months ago

(From phone) To clarify, I don't think T is the problem, but rather E & L. I suspect some changes in philosophy of even API might be required that go beyond adopting Ibis, the task here is to investigate.

astrojuanlu commented 3 months ago

Although T might also require some improvements in how we approach upserts.

astrojuanlu commented 2 weeks ago

At PyData London I spoke to 2 different users about how they were using Kedro for their ETL pipelines and they both have challenges:

Also, while discussing this in person with @deepyaman, I realised that both EL and T data pipelines need upserts anyway, so probably my comments above were somewhat misguided.

astrojuanlu commented 2 weeks ago

Inspiration: "Incremental loads should be replayable by design" (source)

datajoely commented 2 weeks ago

I wonder if we could make start_date and end_date first class CLI arguments and part of the session constructor?

astrojuanlu commented 2 weeks ago

Sometimes it would be date, sometimes it would be id... Don't think we can anticipate all possible pagination options. But regardless, I think this is more or less achievable already thanks to runtime parameters, right? The difficult thing is the upsert logic. Not from a technical perspective but from a product philosophy perspective, shifting from a focus on reproducibility to a focus on idempotency (data pipelines and machine learning pipelines might require different approaches)

datajoely commented 2 weeks ago

I think you can generalise upserts into the need for a conditional node...

astrojuanlu commented 2 weeks ago

BTW about Ibis and upserts cc @deepyaman