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Remove the copying hack and add proper params querying capabilities in the DataCatalog #3732

Closed idanov closed 2 weeks ago

idanov commented 4 months ago


Many users have been complaining about the slowness of Kedro with big projects and that can be attributed to many different causes. However one of the most prevailing cause is big parameter files that get expanded into hundreds of datasets on their own. That process takes a lot of time and if the files become too big (a couple of MB), it presents as significant slowdown.

This Draft PR is a POC in dropping the hack we have built into Kedro to support the convenience syntax of params:x.y.z and replacing it with a proper query instead, powered by This way all datasets which load into a Python dictionary can provide the same functionality out of the box.

A side effect is the removal of all those params:xxxx datasets from the output of catalog.list(), which is something people have been annoyed by anyways. Nevertheless, it still presents a breaking change, so we need to decide whether it will need a new breaking Kedro version or it can go in as a bugfix/performance fix.

This profiling revealed another potential source of slowness and that's the loading of the config files, which is something we should investigate further in the future.

Development notes

Tested with an autogenerated 2.2MB parameters file. As you can see that nearly 2/3 of the time is shaved off.

Before (~120s and 1.17GB memory):

╰─❯ pyinstrument --show '*/kedro/*' -m kedro catalog list
  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 15:01:57  Samples:  80971
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 120.480   CPU time: 123.195
/   _/                      v4.6.2

Program: pyinstrument --show */kedro/* -m kedro catalog list

120.476 <module>  kedro/
└─ 119.979 main  kedro/framework/cli/
   ├─ 118.307 KedroCLI.__call__  click/
   │  └─ 118.307 KedroCLI.main  kedro/framework/cli/
   │     └─ 118.306 KedroCLI.main  click/
   │           [6 frames hidden]  click
   │              118.306 new_func  click/
   │              └─ 118.302 list_datasets  kedro/framework/cli/
   │                 └─ 117.349 KedroContext.catalog  kedro/framework/context/
   │                    └─ 117.338 KedroContext._get_catalog  kedro/framework/context/
   │                       ├─ 74.947 DataCatalog.add_feed_dict  kedro/io/
   │                       │  ├─ 72.751 DataCatalog.add  kedro/io/
   │                       │  │  ├─ 69.485 _FrozenDatasets.__init__  kedro/io/
   │                       │  │  │  ├─ 67.073 dict.update  <built-in>
   │                       │  │  │  └─ 2.186 [self]  kedro/io/
   │                       │  │  └─ 3.266 [self]  kedro/io/
   │                       │  └─ 2.053 MemoryDataset.__init__  kedro/io/
   │                       │     └─ 2.038 MemoryDataset._save  kedro/io/
   │                       │        └─ 1.984 _copy_with_mode  kedro/io/
   │                       │           └─ 1.953 deepcopy
   │                       │                 [3 frames hidden]  copy
   │                       └─ 42.202 KedroContext._get_feed_dict  kedro/framework/context/
   │                          └─ 42.167 KedroContext.params  kedro/framework/context/
   │                             └─ 42.167 OmegaConfigLoader.__getitem__  kedro/config/
   │                                └─ 42.167 OmegaConfigLoader.load_and_merge_dir_config  kedro/config/
   │                                   ├─ 27.912 load  omegaconf/
   │                                   │     [87 frames hidden]  omegaconf, yaml
   │                                   ├─ 11.244 merge  omegaconf/
   │                                   │     [30 frames hidden]  omegaconf, copy
   │                                   └─ 2.993 to_container  omegaconf/
   │                                         [12 frames hidden]  omegaconf
   └─ 1.663 KedroCLI.__init__  kedro/framework/cli/
      └─ 1.450 KedroCLI.global_groups  kedro/framework/cli/
         └─ 1.450 load_entry_points  kedro/framework/cli/
            └─ 1.438 _safe_load_entry_point  kedro/framework/cli/
               └─ 1.438 EntryPoint.load  importlib_metadata/
                     [3 frames hidden]  importlib_metadata, importlib, kedro_viz

To view this report with different options, run:
    pyinstrument --load-prev 2024-03-22T15-01-57 [options]

After (~45s and peaked at ~1.10GB memory usage):

╰─❯ pyinstrument --show '*/kedro/*' -m kedro catalog list
  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 15:07:06  Samples:  37290
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 45.816    CPU time: 49.156
/   _/                      v4.6.2

Program: pyinstrument --show */kedro/* -m kedro catalog list

45.815 <module>  kedro/
├─ 45.335 main  kedro/framework/cli/
│  ├─ 43.610 KedroCLI.__call__  click/
│  │  └─ 43.610 KedroCLI.main  kedro/framework/cli/
│  │     └─ 43.608 KedroCLI.main  click/
│  │           [6 frames hidden]  click
│  │              43.608 new_func  click/
│  │              └─ 43.608 list_datasets  kedro/framework/cli/
│  │                 ├─ 42.749 KedroContext.catalog  kedro/framework/context/
│  │                 │  └─ 42.742 KedroContext._get_catalog  kedro/framework/context/
│  │                 │     ├─ 42.079 KedroContext.params  kedro/framework/context/
│  │                 │     │  └─ 42.079 OmegaConfigLoader.__getitem__  kedro/config/
│  │                 │     │     └─ 42.079 OmegaConfigLoader.load_and_merge_dir_config  kedro/config/
│  │                 │     │        ├─ 27.833 load  omegaconf/
│  │                 │     │        │     [129 frames hidden]  omegaconf, contextlib, yaml
│  │                 │     │        ├─ 11.229 merge  omegaconf/
│  │                 │     │        │     [50 frames hidden]  omegaconf, copy, <built-in>
│  │                 │     │        └─ 3.002 to_container  omegaconf/
│  │                 │     │              [12 frames hidden]  omegaconf
│  │                 │     └─ 0.596 DataCatalog.add_feed_dict  kedro/io/
│  │                 │        └─ 0.596 MemoryDataset.__init__  kedro/io/
│  │                 │           └─ 0.596 MemoryDataset._save  kedro/io/
│  │                 │              └─ 0.596 _copy_with_mode  kedro/io/
│  │                 │                 └─ 0.587 deepcopy
│  │                 │                       [9 frames hidden]  copy
│  │                 └─ 0.810 _ProjectPipelines.inner  kedro/framework/project/
│  │                    └─ 0.810 _ProjectPipelines._load_data  kedro/framework/project/
│  │                       └─ 0.810 register_pipelines  kedro_spaceflights/
│  │                          └─ 0.810 find_pipelines  kedro/framework/project/
│  │                             └─ 0.790 import_module  importlib/
│  │                                └─ 0.788 <module>  kedro_spaceflights/pipelines/data_science/
│  │                                   └─ 0.788 <module>  kedro_spaceflights/pipelines/data_science/
│  │                                      └─ 0.787 <module>  kedro_spaceflights/pipelines/data_science/
│  │                                         └─ 0.680 <module>  sklearn/
│  │                                               [3 frames hidden]  sklearn
│  └─ 1.714 KedroCLI.__init__  kedro/framework/cli/
│     └─ 1.517 KedroCLI.global_groups  kedro/framework/cli/
│        └─ 1.517 load_entry_points  kedro/framework/cli/
│           └─ 1.503 _safe_load_entry_point  kedro/framework/cli/
│              └─ 1.503 EntryPoint.load  importlib_metadata/
│                    [4 frames hidden]  importlib_metadata, importlib, kedro_viz
│                       1.021 <module>  kedro_viz/
│                       └─ 0.790 <module>  kedro_viz/integrations/kedro/
│                          └─ 0.787 __getattr__  lazy_loader/
│                                [4 frames hidden]  lazy_loader, importlib, kedro_dataset...
└─ 0.480 <module>  kedro/framework/cli/
   └─ 0.478 <module>  kedro/framework/cli/

To view this report with different options, run:
    pyinstrument --load-prev 2024-03-22T15-07-06 [options]

Developer Certificate of Origin

We need all contributions to comply with the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). All commits must be signed off by including a Signed-off-by line in the commit message. See our wiki for guidance.

If your PR is blocked due to unsigned commits, then you must follow the instructions under "Rebase the branch" on the GitHub Checks page for your PR. This will retroactively add the sign-off to all unsigned commits and allow the DCO check to pass.


noklam commented 4 months ago

Quick thought, this will break %load_node immediately. Having a syntax that is identical in "" and DataCatalog is convenient for this case.

Also, what's the size of the parameters here? Can you share a link for the testing project that you used.

noklam commented 4 months ago

I tested with a YAML file ~2MB (100k lines), the nested logic takes less than a second.

astrojuanlu commented 2 months ago

It's unclear whether this solution is appropriate and to what extent this PR is ready to be polished by some other team member, could we maybe transform this into an issue and properly prioritize it?

I think we need a broad performance analysis of Kedro to understand where are the main bottlenecks for big projects, see,

astrojuanlu commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like there was not enough consensus to merge this PR. Left a comment about the underlying user problem at

merelcht commented 2 weeks ago

Since there's no consensus on this POC and it's a breaking change, I suggest to close this for now. We have several tickets open regarding performance issues and the DataCatalog redesign so plenty of opportunities to address this properly in sprint work.

Performance tickets

Catalog redesign