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Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create data engineering and data science pipelines that are reproducible, maintainable, and modular.
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Spike: How can we make upgrading Kedro projects easier? #3960

Open merelcht opened 1 week ago

merelcht commented 1 week ago


Users have frequently mentioned that upgrading between major versions in Kedro is difficult. The main difficulty seems to be with upgrading the project structure when template changes happened in the breaking releases.

Perhaps a tool like cruft or copier could help here, or even a python script that users can apply to go from e.g. 0.17.0 -> 0.19.0 and 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0

The task here is to do a spike investigating the different options and deciding on the best way forward.


I didn't fully appreciate the issue until we recently talked to a team that explained they have around 40 projects with Kedro, but not all have an active maintenance team. This results in them having different Kedro versions for the projects. The biggest struggle is updating the template, because that is a very manual job an requires someone understanding what the changes are between breaking Kedro versions.

Possible Solutions

Extra Info

Earlier mentions to upgrading issues and/or curft/copier:

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

Adding some context from #3959 (we wrote the same issue at the same time 😄)


Our users find it difficult to upgrade Kedro in their projects. Just from a couple of recent user interviews:

User 1:

User 2:

There are also very clear signs that old Kedro versions tend to live on for a very long time:


People like @inigohidalgo have been reporting their long journey to upgrade from old Kedro versions in our public Slack.

And finally, we also have lots of internal evidence as well that big projects get stuck on old Kedro versions.

Is this a problem?

One could argue: "it it works, don't touch it". So the fact that Kedro is pinned to a specific version is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, with resource constrained teams maintaining many projects, each of them with slightly different versions of Kedro, this can become a mess to maintain.

For those teams who would wish to have a uniform Kedro versioning, we should provide a more clean upgrade path.

What has been done

For 0.19 we went ahead and added a detailed migration guide

Where to go from here

However, it seems to not yet be enough.

What else can we do to make these migrations easier?

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

Anecdotally our most sophisticated users are the ones that get stuck the most since they typically verge into complex hooks, dynamism and coupling to some of the internals. With 1.0.0 on the horizon hopefully these internals have stabilised and won't be as incompatible/painful going forward. This is my main hypothesis why I think some sort of automated tooling may not move the needle. I'm still very much of the opinion that we need to build user-facing superpowers that make the effort to upgrade worth it. Introducing the in 0.18.x was a breaking change very much more important for the Kedro developers rather than Kedro users. Cynically one could argue we could do a better job making something like OmergaConf a 0.19.x, even if it technically could be made to work in a non-breaking way.

Originally posted by @datajoely in

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

Maybe we could draw inspiration from database migration tools as well, like alembic, Django migrations.

noklam commented 1 week ago

Adding another option which operate at a lower level:, or pyupgrade

inigohidalgo commented 4 days ago

I agree with @datajoely's view: our upgrade path was particularly complex because we started with kedro very early on in its life, and a lot of custom components were built through a MCK engagement. Those custom components relied on internal kedro behavior which was later deprecated (load_context). If we had not had such custom components the upgrade path would have been much easier. But there is no functionality on kedro's side which would've eased this, as the upgrade meant replicating or replacing the behavior with new functionality like hooks.

I like things like cruft or copier for keeping various of our own projects in sync but I don't see how you can reasonably expect to use those in aiding upgrades.

Anyways I would expect that as you near 1.0, this should become less of an issue, with breaking changes being less frequent, and also less breaking in general, with simpler and clearer upgrades.

astrojuanlu commented 4 days ago

I think there's at least 3 sources of friction when it comes to upgrades:

  1. Small breaking changes (think
  2. Larger API changes like the ones @inigohidalgo describes (think load_context)
  3. Changes in the template structure (think

For 1, I think even though we're not super strict, if we do see breakage we fix it. There might be breaking things we're not seeing.

For 2, we're already adding deprecation warnings, but arguably we could do more. We just started writing migration guides in 0.18 -> 0.19. We could also think of "linting" tools that detect deprecated functionality. It's probably too much work though.

For 3 though we're not doing anything of substance beyond telling people to recreate their project structure and it's where could definitely help.

Anything that I'm missing?

datajoely commented 4 days ago

Anything that I'm missing?

Only the fact that advanced users will likely patch things like the context, sessions and custom CLIs which make it near impossible to upgrade.

I still expect the session to improve through the deployment workstream, so it's hard to say if we're actually done there.

astrojuanlu commented 4 days ago

Upgraded @eleventy from ESLint v8 to v9 in less than 5 minutes using the new @eslint/migrate-config package. Was even able to remove a few unused inline directives too 🏆

Thanks @eslint team!

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 16-39-19 Zach Leatherman 11ty Upgraded @eleventy from ESLint v8 to v9 in less than 5 minutes u… _ Phanpy