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[DataCatalog]: Catalog to config #4329

Open ElenaKhaustova opened 2 weeks ago

ElenaKhaustova commented 2 weeks ago


Implement KedroDataCatalog.to_config()method as a part of catalog serialization/deserialization feature




Solution description

We consider 3 different ways of loading datasets:

  1. Lazy datasets loaded from the config — in this case, we store the dataset configuration at the catalog level; the dataset object is not instantiated.
  2. Materialized datasets loaded from the config — we store the dataset configuration at the catalog level and use dataset.from_config() method to instantiate dataset which calls the underlying dataset constructor.
  3. Materialized datasets added to the catalog — instantiated datasets' objects are passed to the catalog, dataset configuration is not stored at the catalog level.

1 - can be solved at the catalog level 2 and 3 require retrieving dataset configuration from instantiated dataset object

Solution for 2 and 3 avoiding existing datasets' modifications (as per requirements)

  1. Use AbstractDataset.__init_subclass__ which allows to change the behavior of subclasses from inside the AbstractDataset:
  2. Create a decorator for child init
  3. Save the original child init
  4. Replace original child init with decorated init calling post init where we save call args:
  5. Save call args at the level of AbstractDataset in the _init_args field.
  6. Implement AbstractDataset.to_config() to retrieve configuration from the instantiated dataset object based on the object's _init_args.

Implement KedroDataCatalog.to_config

Once 2 and 3 are solved, we can implement a common solution at the catalog level. For that, we need to consider cases when we work with lazy and materialized datasets and retrieve configuration from the catalog or using AbstractDataset.to_config().

After the configuration is retrieved, we need to "unresolve" the credentials and keep them in a separate dictionary, as we did when instantiating the catalog. For that CatalogConfigResolver.unresolve_config_credentials() method can be implemented to undo the result of CatalogConfigResolver._resolve_config_credentials().

Excluding parameters and MemoryDatasets

We need to exclude MemoryDatasets as well as parameters

Not covered cases

Issues blocking further implementation

Tested with

How to test

astrojuanlu commented 1 week ago

Non-serializable objects or objects required additional logic implemented at the level of dataset to save/load them:

Wouldn't it be possible to force datasets to only have static, primitive properties in the __init__ method so that serialising them is trivial?

For example, rather than having

class GBQQueryDataset:
    def __init__(self, ...):
        self._credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(**credentials)
        self._client =

    def _exists(self) -> bool:
        table_ref = self._client...

we do

class GBQQueryDataset(pydantic.BaseModel):
    credentials: dict[str, str]

    def _get_client(self) ->
        return bigquery.Client(credentials=google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(**self.credentials))

    def _exists(self) -> bool:
        table_ref = self._get_client()...


(I picked Pydantic here given that there's prior art but dataclasses would work similarly)

ElenaKhaustova commented 1 week ago

Non-serializable objects or objects required additional logic implemented at the level of dataset to save/load them:

Wouldn't it be possible to force datasets to only have static, primitive properties in the __init__ method so that serialising them is trivial?

That would be an ideal option, as a common solution would work out of the box without corner cases. However, it would require more significant changes on the datasets' side.

As a temporal solution without breaking change, we can try extending parent AbstractDataset.to_config() at the dataset level for those datasets and serializing such objects. However, I cannot guarantee that we'll be able to cover all the cases.

ElenaKhaustova commented 1 week ago

Test example

from import KedroDataCatalog, Version
from kedro_datasets.pandas import ExcelDataset

config = {
    "cached_ds": {
        "type": "CachedDataset",
        "versioned": "true",
        "dataset": {
            "type": "pandas.CSVDataset",
            "filepath": "data/01_raw/reviews.csv",
            "credentials": "cached_ds_credentials",
        "metadata": [1, 2, 3]
    "cars": {
        "type": "pandas.CSVDataset",
        "filepath": "data/01_raw/reviews.csv"
    "{dataset_name}": {
        "type": "pandas.CSVDataset",
        "filepath": "data/01_raw/{dataset_name}.csv"
    "boats": {
        "type": "pandas.CSVDataset",
        "filepath": "data/01_raw/companies.csv",
        "credentials": "boats_credentials",
        "save_args": {
            "index": False
    "cars_ibis": {
        "type": "ibis.FileDataset",
        "filepath": "data/01_raw/reviews.csv",
        "file_format": "csv",
        "table_name": "cars",
        "connection": {
            "backend": "duckdb",
            "database": "company.db"
        "load_args": {
            "sep": ",",
            "nullstr": "#NA"
        "save_args": {
            "sep": ",",
            "nullstr": "#NA"

credentials = {
    "boats_credentials": {
        "client_kwargs": {
            "aws_access_key_id": "<your key id>",
            "aws_secret_access_key": "<your secret>"
    "cached_ds_credentials": {
        "test_key": "test_val"

version = Version(
    load="fake_load_version.csv",  # load exact version
    save=None,  # save to exact version

versioned_dataset = ExcelDataset(
    filepath="data/01_raw/shuttles.xlsx", load_args={"engine": "openpyxl"}, version=version

def main():
    catalog = KedroDataCatalog.from_config(config, credentials)
    _ = catalog["reviews"]
    catalog["versioned_dataset"] = versioned_dataset
    catalog["memory_dataset"] = "123"
    print("-" * 20, "Catalog", "-" * 20)
    print(catalog, "\n")
    print("-" * 20, "Catalog to config", "-" * 20)

    _config, _credentials, _load_version, _save_version = catalog.to_config()
    print(_config, "\n")
    print(_credentials, "\n")
    print(_load_version, "\n")
    print(_save_version, "\n")
    print("-" * 20, "Catalog from config", "-" * 20)

    _catalog = KedroDataCatalog.from_config(_config, _credentials, _load_version, _save_version)
    # Materialize datasets
    for ds in _catalog.values():
    print(_catalog, "\n")
    print("-" * 20, "Catalog from config to config", "-" * 20)

    _config, _credentials, _load_version, _save_version = _catalog.to_config()
    print(_config, "\n")
    print(_credentials, "\n")
    print(_load_version, "\n")
    print(_save_version, "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":