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Add navigation support for OmegaConfig Syntax #8

Open noklam opened 1 month ago

noklam commented 1 month ago

Rough idea:

noklam commented 1 month ago

The pre-requisite for building this is to store the YAML line no/cursor position of the catalog entry at load-time.

For reference, ruamel.yaml provides the cursor information:

In [11]: from ruamel.yaml import YAML

In [12]: yaml = YAML()

In [13]: data = yaml.load("""
    ...:      # testing line and column based on SO
    ...:      #
    ...:      - key1: item 1
    ...:        key2: item 2
    ...:      - key3: another item 1
    ...:        key4: another item 2
    ...:         """)

In [14]: data
Out[14]: [{'key1': 'item 1', 'key2': 'item 2'}, {'key3': 'another item 1', 'key4': 'another item 2'}]

In [15]: type(data)
Out[15]: ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq

In [16]: data[0].lc
Out[16]: LineCol(3, 7)

In [17]: type(data[0])
Out[17]: ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedMap

It was mentioned that some YAML loader preserve metadata about line and col from After some investigation, it is less strictforward than expected. The example is a list, so you can do data[0].lc where data[0] is a CommentedSeq object. You can do similar things if the value is a dictionary. It doesn't work if it's a simple str or int. For example

# abc.yml
a: 1
b: 2
yaml = YAML()
with open("abc.yml") as f:
    data = yaml.load(f)

>>> data["a"]

In this case, data["a"] returns an int directly and all the metadata are lost.