keean / zenscript

A trait based language that compiles to JavaScript
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Unions and Intersections #2

Closed keean closed 7 years ago

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 I want to discuss whether to include union types here. I would like to design a language that meets the requirements you have for extensibility, but I don't necessarily want to achieve it with unions. I am not fundamentally opposed to unions, and if they are the best way to achieve what we want then we have them, but in the interests of keeping the language as small as possible, I want to make sure we are adding something of value, that cannot be achieved in other ways. Can you provide some example use cases for union types so we can explore the possibilities?

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

More comments to follow...

@shelby3 wrote:

And this is why we need anonymous structural union types, e.g.:

if (x) true
else 3

The inferred type is Boolean | Number.

keean commented 7 years ago

I realise you can write "if x true else 3", but why would you do that? To me this is not a motivating example, it needs to be something a bit bigger, and algorithm or design pattern that benefits in readability or simplicity from having the feature. What do we lose by insisting both sides of the 'if' are the same type?

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

I realise you can write "if x true else 3", but why would you do that?

Resolving to an instance of a heterogeneous type.

mycollection.append(if (something) new Type1() else new Type2())
keean commented 7 years ago

What about inferring the type "x where x is in all common traits"? If you allow traits as "return" types then this is not a problem.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

What about inferring the type "x where x is in all common traits"?

I presume you mean subsuming to the greatest lower bound (GLB) when the heterogeneous types involved are traits (which btw may not exist since we can't subsume to any top type without instigating unsafe code, so it would often be compiler error). That won't apply when the heterogeneous types are data types since we can compute the anonymous structural type of the disjoint union, because otherwise data types could not be subsumed without subclassing. So without subclassing, we must have tagged disjoint unions, else we would lose the solution to Wadler's Expression Problem.

If you allow traits as "return" types then this is not a problem.

I am thinking it is a non-unified language with many corner case for us to attempt to only allow trait types (bounds) on function arguments. We must support trait objects every where a type can be used, except they (trait bounds and trait objects) make no sense in unions because traits by definition aren't tagged (reified), but unions are okay for data types will (must) be tagged in the run-time.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Thinking about this more, traits are not types of instances. They are either monomorphic bounds on a type parameter of a function/method, or they are the polymorphic interface of trait objects with the dictionary joined to the instance just like subclasses (but with a hasA instead of isA subclassing semantics). Trait objects are polymorphic, and thus stall the CPU pipeline.

There are two ways for us to support polymorphism. One is to allow tagged unions of data types, which retains extension in both axes of Wadler's Expression Problem, because we can add new variants (data types) and new operations (trait implementations). The other is to allow trait objects, which only allow adding new data types, but not new operations, i.e. if we have an instance of a trait object, we can't implement it on other traits because we erased the underlying data type which is inside the trait object.

I remember we discussed all of this before in May, but I may not have been as clarifying and succinct as I am attempting to communicate now.

Edit: Trait objects enable polymorphism within a homogeneous type parametrized collection, so that an invariant collection does not need to be used and the type parameter can remain invariant.

So it appears we need both. The two ways to achieve polymorphism offer different trade-offs.

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 wrote:

I presume you mean subsuming to the greatest lower bound (GLB) when the heterogeneous types involved are traits (which btw may not exist since we can't subsume to any top type without instigating unsafe code, so it would often be compiler error). That won't apply when the heterogeneous types are data types since we can compute the anonymous structural type of the disjoint union, because otherwise data types could not be subsumed without subclassing. So without subclassing, we must have tagged disjoint unions, else we would lose the solution to Wadler's Expression Problem.

No, you simply keep the intersection of the traits implemented by both sides, the type remains polymorphic (unknown).

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

No, you simply keep the intersection of the traits implemented by both sides, the type remains polymorphic (unknown).

Which is the same as what I wrote. So why did you write "no"? You described the GLB.

Yes we can do that when the GLB is not the top type. But it is not entirely sufficient to only offer that capability and not also unions of data types.

You seem to be not quite grasping (or articulating that you've grasped) two of my points:

  1. The GLB might the top type. In a safe language, the top type must be the empty set.
  2. If there is a GLB, it remains polymorphic, but we've lost (erased) one of the axes of extension of Wadler's Expression Problem, as compared to retaining a union of data types.
keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 wrote:

There are two ways for us to support polymorphism. One is to allow tagged unions of data types, which retains extension in both axes of Wadler's Expression Problem, because we can add new variants (data types) and new operations (trait implementations). The other is to allow trait objects, which only allow adding new data types, but not new operations, i.e. if we have an instance of a trait object, we can't implement it on other traits because we erased the underlying data type which is inside the trait object.

In a way they both suffer from a form of the expression problem. With tagged-unions, we have type-case statements scattered throughout the code, and If we add a new type to the tagged-union all the type cases need to have an extra option added.

With the "trait-object", if we want to add a new method to the collection you have to add a new trait to the collection type.

keean commented 7 years ago

You seem to be not quite grasping two of my points:

The GLB might the top type. In a safe language, the top type must be the empty set. If there is a GLB, it remains polymorphic, but we've lost (erased) one of the axes of extension of Wadler's Expression Problem, as compared to retaining a union of data types.

If there are no traits in common between two types, then there are no functions you can call on the object. Consider two objects A and B that have no methods in common. If we have a function that returns "A|B" what methods can we call on the value with type "A|B"... none at all.

If you want to do a type-case (runtime matching) you should be using a tagged union. The point of type-classes is to derive the statically safe set of functions/methods that can be called on some object.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

In a way they both suffer from a form of the expression problem. With tagged-unions, we have type-case statements scattered throughout the code, and If we add a new type to the tagged-union all the type cases need to have an extra option added.

Disagree. This is the crux of my proposed complete solution to the Expression Problem which I explained to you before in May. Let me try again to explain it.

When calling a function with a trait bound and passing a union of data types as the input, the compiler can automatically create the type-case boilerplate and wrap it as if it is a single implementation of that trait bound and pass that to function simulating monomorphism. Within said implementation, it will be doing the type-case logic, so it does stall the CPU more than monomorphim, but it is seamless at the source code and emitted function implementation level; and it is more optimizeable than trait objects which erase their knowledge of the data types and thus must use agnostic (blinded) jump tables.

It is the outcome of using only a trait bound to operate on the tagged union, which makes it fully automated boilerplate. That was my insight.

Of course that doesn't prevent the programmer from doing type-class guards to get at the precise data types for some other reason, but that wouldn't be an extensible design pattern.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

You seem to be not quite grasping (or articulating that you've grasped) two of my points:

1‌‌​. The GLB might the top type. In a safe language, the top type must be the empty set.

If there are no traits in common between two types, then there are no functions you can call on the object. Consider two objects A and B that have no methods in common. If we have a function that returns A|B what methods can we call on the value with type A|B... none at all.

So we are in agreement.

Except that typically inferred subsumption to the top type is a compiler error (because it probably represents something the programming didn't intend, since it is more or less useless). The programmer must declare the top type, if that is what they want.

Btw, if you use backticks ` in markdown instead of quotes then your programming terms will be rendered correctly in a monospace font as shown above.

2​. If there is a GLB, it remains polymorphic, but we've lost (erased) one of the axes of extension of Wadler's Expression Problem, as compared to retaining a union of data types.

If you want to do a type-case (runtime matching) you should be using a tagged union. The point of type-classes if to derive the statically safe set of functions/methods that can be called on some object.

Seems you didn't quite understand what I was trying to explain to you this past May (granted my elucidation was probably not coherent enough then). See my prior comment for another attempt to explain how to avoid type-case boilerplate.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Tangentially, I am doubting (not understanding) the claim that was made for Rust that monomorphic trait bounds do not stall the CPU pipeline. The function can't know which implementation it will be using until run-time, unless we generate a new version of the function for each implementation of a data type. Thus the function will be calling the methods using an array of pointers to the methods. So this is a jump table. We can't inline the methods into the function unless we generate a new version of the function for each implementation of a data type. So for a tagged union type, the same array of method pointers can be used, but of course within those wrapper methods will be run-time type-case branching which further stall the CPU pipeline, but branches are more optimizeable by the CPU than arbitrary jumps that would be the case for trait objects.

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 I think you are not fully understanding the difference between dynamic (runtime) and static (compile time) polymorphism, and this is leading to confusion between us when we discuss this. Lets start with static polymorpism:

id<A>(x: A) : A {return x;}

In this program id has a polymorphic type, that means its implementation is the same no matter what type it is passed. In this case only a single implementation of 'id' is required for all types.

class Show B {
    show(x : B)

instance Show for Int {
    show(x) = print_int(x)

instance Show for String {
    show(x) = print_string(x)


Here we see specialisation, there are different overloaded implementations for 'show' that are chosen by type. Each implementation deals with exactly one type.

show_twice<A : Show>(x : A):

Using type-classes we can write generic functions like 'show_twice' that work for any type by looking the specialised version of the function calls it uses up in the dictionaries for the types passed, but is a single generic implementation (the type class dictionary for 'Show A' is an implicit parameter').

However it is important to note that the type parameter is invariant, that means we must know the concrete type at compile time (this is the difference between parametric types and universally-quantified types, with universally-quantified types there are some situations like polymorphic-recursion where we might not know the type until runtime, which is why Haskell does this by dictionary passing). So with parametric types 'A' must be a ground type in order to compile the function, which means we can monomorphise and output a specific version of 'show_twice' for the type of the argument passed. So this is what happens:


compiles to:

show_twice___string(x : String):


combined with inlining this will produce:


So you can see there is no use for 'unions' as we must provide a concrete/ground type as the type parameter for a parametric function, and we can do this if the data is static.

When calling a function with a trait bound and passing a union of data types as the input, the compiler can automatically create the type-case boilerplate and wrap it as if it is a single implementation of that trait bound and pass that to function simulating monomorphism.

This is where I think you have a misunderstanding, if we can statically determine the type, then we can statically determine the exact type, no unions necessary. For example:

x : bool = true
y = if x then "hello" else 32

Here we know the type of 'y' is a string because 'x' is true, as such what is passed to show_twice is always 'string', it is never a 'string or int' because such a thing cannot exist y is always precisely a string or an int, never both at the same time. So for static polymorphism we never need union types.

Note: this kind of thing is not normally allowed because the type of 'y' depends on the value of ''x' being true or false. Such things are called dependent types, and languages like Rust don't allow this, instead they only allow types to depend on other types.

keean commented 7 years ago

A follow on from above, although we cannot support monomorphisation easily in the final case above, we can use path dependent types to do something similar. If we require the return type from 'if' to be the same on both sides, or perhaps more easily have 'if' as a statement not an expression so there is no 'return' type we can simply do:

if x then:

Here the type of 'show_twice' depends on the path taken at runtime, but we know the exact type passed to each instantiation of the polymorphic functions 'show_twice'. This is a compelling reason to not allow 'if' in expressions.

I would argue the above code is simpler and easier to read the the 'if' expression version, with the small cost of having to repeat 'show_twice'...

keean commented 7 years ago

So are there any circumstances where we cannot statically determine the type of something, the answer is if the type of something depends on the result of program IO.

For example if we have a polymorphic collection that we insert values of different types into depending on what key a user presses, we can no longer statically determine what the type of any given element selected from the collection will be.

This changes things significantly, so lets discuss the static case first and then move onto the dynamically polymorphic case.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean your one false assumption leads you astray:

This is where I think you have a misunderstanding, if we can statically determine the type, then we can statically determine the exact type, no unions necessary. For example:

x : bool = true
y = if x then "hello" else 32

Here we know the type of y is a string because x is true, as such what is passed to show_twice is always string, it is never a string | int because such a thing cannot exist y is always precisely a string or an int, never both at the same time. So for static polymorphism we never need union types.

A function exported from a module can't know at its compile-time, which trait implementation nor instance of a tagged union type it will be called with. That would defeat separate compilation. We need run-time polymorphism precisely because we need extension not because we linked together modules untyped as any dynamically at run-time, but because we use modular separate compilation at compile-time. Moreover, we have no way to trace all types through a program as that would be dependent typing, which is not Turing-complete. So we can't track which instances are in a tagged union type generally, which is the entire raison d'être of tagged union types. The only way you could track that would be dependent typing, which we aren't proposing to do because it isn't even Turing-complete.

What you wrote above does not apply to what I am proposing to use unions of data types for.

Btw, modular separate compilation is absolutely critical to JIT compilation, because the compiler doesn't have to compile the entire program in order to run a compiled portion of it.

Note: this kind of think is not normally allowed because the type of y depends on the value of x being true or false. Such things are called dependent types, and languages like Rust don't allow this, instead they only allow types to depend on other types.

I already knew that years ago.

I think you are not fully understanding the difference between dynamic (runtime) and static (compile time) polymorphism, and this is leading to confusion between us when we discuss this

I am fully understanding. You seem to be a bit confused, perhaps because Haskell typically doesn't support separate compilation. Haskell is global type inference and all libraries are typically presented in source code form and the entire program is compiled monolithically. But this absolutely isn't the way programming will be done with JavaScript.

Lets start with static polymorpism:

id<A>(x: A) : A {return x;}

In this program id has a polymorphic type, that means its implementation is the same no matter what type it is passed. In this case only a single implementation of id is required for all types.

Because id calls no methods on A, thus you don't need to specialize the implementation of the id function.

Meta: One minor problem is developing between us, but it could be an indicator of a larger problem of working relationship that could develop. I hope not, so I will speak up now rather than let it fester. I am a stickler for perfection. I have asked you two times to please use backticks ` for quoting your code symbols and keywords (as I have shown above by editing your quote), because that is the idiomatic way to do it in markdown, so these terms appear in a monospace font with a grey background so they are easy to spot in the English text. And you did not reply indicating why you prefer the non-idiomatic style. So it seems you are ignoring this request for us to have a consistent style. I know old habits are hard to break, but really we should use idiomatic markdown so our verbiage is easier for readers who will be reading this for a long-time if we succeed to make a revolutionary programming language.

Edit: I realize you may be preferring quote marks instead of backticks since the latter are erased as rendering, because they copy+paste well (such as for quoting the other person when replying), but I prioritize beauty and readability over convenience. Hopefully one day Github will add a [Quote] button.

Using type-classes we can write generic functions like show_twice that work for any type by looking the specialised version of the function calls it uses up in the dictionaries for the types passed, but is a single generic implementation (the type class dictionary for Show A is an implicit parameter').

Correct. That is what I wrote immediately above your comment. Why are you pretending to disagree with me when you are not?

See the bolded text below.

@shelby3 wrote:

Thus the function will be calling the methods using an array of pointers to the methods.

However it is important to note that the type parameter is invariant, that means we must know the concrete type at compile time (this is the difference between parametric types and universally-quantified types, with universally-quantified types there are some situations like polymorphic-recursion where we might not know the type until runtime, which is why Haskell does this by dictionary passing). So with parametric types 'A' must be a ground type in order to compile the function, which means we can monomorphise and output a specific version of 'show_twice' for the type of the argument passed. So this is what happens:

show_twice("ABC") compiles to:

show_twice___string(x : String):


Correct. That is what I wrote immediately above your comment. Why are you pretending to disagree with me when you are not?

See the bolded text below. My point was that creating a specialized function for each implementation of the trait may be too costly in terms of emitted source code in some cases.

@shelby3 wrote:

The function can't know which implementation it will be using until run-time, unless we generate a new version of the function for each implementation of a data type. ... We can't inline the methods into the function unless we generate a new version of the function for each implementation of a data type.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Again I will repeat what I wrote:

There are two ways for us to support polymorphism. One is to allow tagged unions of data types, which retains extension in both axes of Wadler's Expression Problem, because we can add new variants (data types) and new operations (trait implementations). The other is to allow trait objects, which only allow adding new data types, but not new operations, i.e. if we have an instance of a trait object, we can't implement it on other traits because we erased the underlying data type which is inside the trait object.

We need both forms of polymorphism. A tagged union type is not static polymorphism. You were arguing this same point in May and I can see I still haven't been able to get you to understand that without dependent typing, then the state of the instance of a union type can't be statically tracked through all code paths.

The union type is first-class (except on function application as we discussed in May that would be undecidable under type inference). So the state of of instance of a union can be passed around through unfathomable code paths. There is no way to track the state of that dependently.

As you know that dependent typing is totally inapplicable for our programming language. It eliminates Turing-completeness because it can prove that programs halt. And it is very painstaking. Dependent typing is for formal provers and academic research languages.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

So are there any circumstances where we cannot statically determine the type of something, the answer is if the type of something depends on the result of program IO.

For example if we have a polymorphic collection that we insert values of different types into depending on what key a user presses, we can no longer statically determine what the type of any given element selected from the collection will be.

This changes things significantly, so lets discuss the static case first and then move onto the dynamically polymorphic case.

The issue is not even that narrow. As I explained, separate compilation causes us to lose tracking of the state of the tagged union type at compile-time. And not just separate compilation, but even within a module, because we don't have dependent typing.

You don't need to think of special cases where your thinking was invalid. Your thinking was invalid generally.

I don't know what caused you to think that way, because I remember you had this same thinking in May. And you kept saying we didn't need tagged structural unions, because we could statically determine the state of the instance in your pet examples where I might want to infer a union type. But your pet examples are misleading you, because in general we can't do dependent typing.

All of us have moments where our minds get stuck in the wrong conceptualization. No worries, it has happened to me at other times. Nothing personal. That is why were are a team, to check each other's logic. I just want us to resolve this.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

This is a compelling reason to not allow if in expressions.

Disagree strongly.

A follow on from above, although we cannot support monomorphisation easily in the final case above, we can use path dependent types to do something similar. If we require the return type from if to be the same on both sides, or perhaps more easily have if as a statement not an expression so there is no return type we can simply do:

if x then:

Here the type of show_twice depends on the path taken at runtime, but we know the exact type passed to each instantiation of the polymorphic functions show_twice.

There is nothing significantly disadvantageous with allowing the inference to a tagged union since in most cases the choice of if-else will not be known until run-time (which is the entire raison d'être of if-else otherwise the compiler would routinely erase the if-else). And most uses of if-else as expressions in the setting of using that value within the current function, will not resolve to disjoint data types. Either they will subsume to common trait or be the same data type in most cases.

And in the rare instance that the programmer doesn't want a tagged union (mostly for performance reasons), he can optimize manually as you have shown. Also, the compiler can use a much simpler form of path analysis (independent of run-time state) to do that performance optimization without needing dependent typing (although without purity it becomes more difficult for the compiler to know what is safe to reorder). Most of the time that sort of construct is going to be used to return a tagged union, which can't be optimized in any case. So in most cases, the programmer doesn't even need to think about it.

Forcing the programmer to break DNRY (DRY) when there is no advantage that the compiler can't usually optimize, makes for an unnecessarily noisy language. Which makes the code more difficult to follow and reason about. And makes const assignments impossible in some cases.

keean commented 7 years ago

The issue is not even that narrow. As I explained, separate compilation causes us to lose tracking of the state of the tagged union type at compile-time. And not just separate compilation, but even within a module, because we don't have dependent typing.

You don't need to think of special cases where your thinking was invalid. Your thinking was invalid generally.

We can know the types statically, that is the fundamental nature of static type systems. The answer is we do not compile a module to final code but to intermediate code, and when a module function is called from a different module the types become concrete, and this is when the monomorphisation happens. In some systems this instantiation happens at runtime (Look up "Ada Elaboration"), and others at compile time. The key is to consider what gets imported when we import code. In languages with generics it is the intermediate representation and type signatures that get imported, and the code is generated in place.

As I pointed out above anything that does not depend on runtime IO can be evaluated as constants at compile time.

I am not opposed to tagged unions, and we can easily have:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b
let y = if x then (Left "XYZ") else (Right 32)

in which case y would have the type Either String Int

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

So you can see there is no use for 'unions' as we must provide a concrete/ground type as the type parameter for a parametric function, and we can do this if the data is static.

We can create a variant of the function that accepts a dictionary in addition to (or instead of) the specialized function variants for inlining every trait implementation. That was the point of my comment.

I also wrote:

See the bolded text below. My point was that creating a specialized function for each implementation of the trait may be too costly in terms of emitted source code in some cases.

The trait objects alternative also can't be inlined monomorphically. Just accept that polymorphism requires passing in a dictionary.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

We can know the types statically, that is the fundamental nature of static type systems

Please stop conflating compile-time type with run-time state of instance of a type.

We can't generally know the run-time state of the instance of a type of union where the contained data items are tagged, because it requires dependent typing.

The answer is we do not compile a module to final code but to intermediate code, and when a module function is called from a different module the types become concrete, and this is when the monomorphisation happens. In some systems this instantiation happens at runtime (Look up "Ada Elaboration"), and others at compile time. The key is to consider what gets imported when we import code. In languages with generics it is the intermediate representation and type signatures that get imported, and the code is generated in place.

You are proposing to have a linker either at static or dynamic linking time. This is unthinkable for JavaScript modules at this juncture of the ecosystem (maybe we could change that in future). In any case, whether monomorphism is practical inter-module is orthogonal to our discussion about whether the run-time state of the instance of a type of union can be tracked through code. I say that tracking can not be accomplished without dependent typing.

As I pointed out above anything that does not depend on runtime I/O can be evaluated as constants at compile time.

But there is no way to generally isolate those dependencies without dependent typing or purity. With purity and a monadic effect system, you can isolate certain dependencies.

And when you say a constant (referring to the run-time state of the instance of a type of union), it becomes impossible to track (regardless of whether dependent on I/O or not) what that constant is through the code paths without dependent typing. Just because something never changes and even if we can identify that it doesn't ever change, doesn't mean we can compute its value. You are speaking about UFOs and hyperbolic theory, not reality. I want to make a real language, not talk about fantasies.

I hope you come back grounded in reality soon, because this is turning me off. We are creating too much verbiage again, as we did in May. Can't we get directly to the point?

I am not opposed to tagged unions, and we can easily have:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b
let y = if x then (Left "XYZ") else (Right 32)

in which case y would have the type Either String Int

That is too much boilerplate. TypeScript, N4JS, Ceylon, and others already have anonymous structural unions. Why are you forcing us back to Haskell's flaws? I want to move forward in a modern language design. The compiler can tag the instances of data type in the emitted code, so no need to tag the union. The anonymous structural union types are erased at compile-time, as they reference an instance of a data type. The instance of a data type tracks what type it is.

If I didn't need my complete solution to Wadler's Expression Problem and anonymous structural unions, and I wanted to use a monadic effect system, I would just go use PureScript. No need to create a language in that case.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Dependency typing would be on the order of but worse than Rust's lifetime checking in tsuris and inflexibility.

Declared purity could help us isolate invariants that don't change. But still we would need polymorphism for those things that do change. There is no argument you can make to say we don't need polymorphism.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean if you want to create a boilerplate-prone, noisy language that violates DNRY, then I will not participate. I want a very elegant language which is concise. I wouldn't even fathom an Either as an alternative to anonymous structural union. I wouldn't fathom not having everything as an expression available to me. I am not against using them as statements, since many people are accustomed to that statements style. I am trying to allow imperative, impure, mutable data structures programming while also offering functional, pure, and immutable coding options. If you want to go exclusively imperative, impure, mutable data structures programming, then we are in disagreement.

Please let me know what you have in mind.

I was hoping we could finish up the rough design choices within a day or two, so we could move on to coding.

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 wrote:

Please stop conflating type with state of instance of a type.

In static polymorphism all the ground states of every type variable is known at compile time. With runtime polymorphism we cannot know the types at compile time (because they are unknown until runtime). The two have different type signatures. Personally I think most languages to not make a clear distinction in the type system between static and dynamic polymorphism, so it is hard to understand. Rust gets this right, as function generics are all static polymorphism, and trait-objects are needed for runtime polymorphism. You can see the same distinction in C++ where all non-virtual function dispatch can be decided statically at compile time, and you need to mark a method 'virtual' to enable runtime polymorphism. I blame Java, where every method is automatically virtual for making this hard to understand.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

What is hard to understand? You haven't written anything in that prior comment that refutes anything I have written before it. I agree with your definitions. So what is your point?

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

We must choose if we will allow run-time polymorphism. If yes, then we have trait objects and anonymous tagged unions to accomplish it with. They are both enable run-time polymorphism. Choose one or both. I choose both. You choose only trait objects. That doesn't make me incorrect. It is just a different choice. Without anonymous tagged unions, then we can't solve both axes of Wadler's Expression Problem. Why do I have to repeat this?

And the other salient point is you can't easily separate run-time variables from constants without dependent typing. And you can't even track the values of constant values at compile-time (in order to compile static monomorphism) without dependent typing. Thus static polymorphism doesn't work well when you need to track values. You keep conflating typing with values. You can track the union type easily, but you can't track the value in that type easily even if it doesn't change at run-time, because you need dependent typing to do that.

Why are you making this obtuse? Please stop thinking it is myself who doesn't understand.

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 wrote:

if you want to create a boilerplate-prone, noisy language that violates DNRY, then I will not participate. I want a very elegant language which is concise.

It would be great to see some code samples and examples of this elegance. Generally I know great code when I see it :-) For example the algorithms in Stepanov's "Elements of Programming" are probably some of the most elegant code I have seen.

I wouldn't even fathom an Either as an alternative to anonymous structural union.

If you don't name the constructors how can you have something with the same type twice. How would you implement something like:

data Length = Meters Float | Yards Float

Here we have a tagged union where both the types are structurally the same (float) but are nominally different. Isn't nominal typing better because you can create types that model the data, rather than just have and int or a string...

I wouldn't fathom not having everything as an expression.

x=3 is a statement, print x is a statement, there are many things that cause a side-effect and do not return a value. Such things don't make sense as an expression.

I don't like repeating myself, and I dislike boilerplate. However I also like readable and understandable code. I don't want to create another Perl.

My experience with languages like Python are that I want type signatures, because they help me understand what functions do without having to look at the source code for a function. I also think code imports should make it easy to see from the code which import defines which symbol, and where that import is coming from in the file-system.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Also please do not delete these discussions if you stop this project. I put a lot of work into these writings and I need to refer back to these. Thanks.

Edit: I've asked to archive it:

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 wrote:

What is hard to understand? You haven't written anything in that prior comment that refutes anything I have written before it. I agree with your definitions. So what is your point?

And the other salient point is you can't easily separate run-time variables from constants without dependent typing. And you can't even tract constant values without dependent typing. Thus static polymorphism doesn't work well when you need to track values. You keep conflating typing with values.

We can statically track types (not values). You don't need to track values to track types. Can you provide a code sample where we cannot statically track the types (that performs no IO)?

keean commented 7 years ago

Also please do not delete these discussions if you stop this project. I put a lot of work into these writings and I need to refer back to these. Thanks.

I don't plan on doing so :-)

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

I wouldn't even fathom an Either as an alternative to anonymous structural union.

If you don't name the constructors how can you have something with the same type twice. How would you implement something like:

data Length = Meters Float | Yards Float

Here we have a tagged union where both the types are structurally the same (Float) but are nominally different. Isn't nominal typing better because you can create types that model the data, rather than just have and Int or a String...

You are conflating sum (and product) types (with recursion) with anonymous structural unions. I argue we need both. They are not the same thing nor for the same purpose. Tagged nominal data types are what constitute the members of the anonymous structural union.

I wouldn't fathom not having everything as an expression.

x=3 is a statement, print x is a statement, there are many things that cause a side-effect and do not return a value. Such things don't make sense as an expression.

Did I write mandatory expressions every where? I am getting frustrated when you ignore what I write:

I am not against using them as statements, since many people are accustomed to that statements style. I am trying to allow imperative, impure, mutable data structures programming while also offering functional, pure, and immutable coding options.

Btw, include myself in "many people are accustomed to that statements style".

keean commented 7 years ago

@shelby3 I am thinking there may be a way to meet both our requirements for union types. If we allow creation of new nominal types from any structural type, then we can do something like:

newtype Meters = Float
newtype Yards = Float

y = if x then (3 : Yards) else (3 : Meters)

The type of y would be Yards | Meters, and we could de-construct:

match y:
    x : Yards -> ...
    x : Meters -> ...

My view at the moment is that using plain types like 'int' or 'sting' in a tagged union is bad practice because is lacks all sense of meaning (is the value a length, a volume, etc...)

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

I don't plan on doing so :-)

Thanks. Generally I presume you have extremely high ethics (and even better interpersonal skills than myself), based on our interaction in May. But we have only known each other for a few months, and some people on the Internet are really unpredictable. Apology for any wonderment. Thanks again for reaffirming my impression of you.

keean commented 7 years ago

Did I write mandatory expressions every where? I am getting frustrated when you ignore what I write:

Good, sounds like we agree here, I obviously read 'everything is an expression', to mean 'nothing is a statement', which is not what you meant.

keean commented 7 years ago

There is little difference between a sum type and a tagged union, in the following:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

The tags are Left and Right, in other words we get to name the tags to something more meaningful than just int or string. We now match on the words Left and Right.


y = if x then 'xyz' else 3

The tags are string and int, and we can match on them as above.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

What is hard to understand? You haven't written anything in that prior comment that refutes anything I have written before it. I agree with your definitions. So what is your point?

And the other salient point is you can't easily separate run-time variables from constants without dependent typing. And you can't even track constant values without dependent typing. Thus static polymorphism doesn't work well when you need to track values. You keep conflating typing with values.

We can statically track types (not values). You don't need to track values to track types. Can you provide a code sample where we cannot statically track the types (that performs no IO)?

In general, this is why you can't statically monomorphize unions containing a disjunction of two or more of data types (or primitive types such as String and Number) unless you have dependent typing. My solution will work to compile this code.

trait Print {   // Rust-esque type-class, not a Scala trait
impl Number for Print {
  print() { this.toString() }
impl String for Print {
  print() { this.toString() }
f(x: Boolean) = if (x) 'string' else 3
g<A: Print>(x: A) = x.print()
h(x: Boolean) = g(f(x))

Static typing does not tell you the run-time values above and thus you can't statically monomorphize the union. It is inherently polymorphic. Even if you know the value of the input to h() is a constant, you still need dependent typing to trace it through to g().

How much more elegant and concise could it be?

You (and perhaps all of us except the speaker) struggle with words and theory. I think you need code to see the point.

Edit: @keean has provided a poignant example of the above.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

There is little difference between a sum type and a tagged union

Except I never wrote otherwise. If you read what I wrote, you realize I said there is a salient difference between a nominal sum type and an anonymous structural union where the possible types in the union (and their instances) are nominal data types which are tagged. The anonymous structural union doesn't need a separate useless boilerplate declaration (with a useless name), as it can be inferred or declared at the use-site. And by definition of "anonymous structural", we want all anonymous structural unions to be matched (equivalent) on structure, not on some useless boilerplate name of the union which makes separate instances of the same structural type non-equivalent.

We need both nominal sum types and anonymous structural unions. I am not getting rid of sum, product, and recursive types. I am augmenting that system with anonymous structural types.

Especially in technical discussion which are very exacting, it is very important to pay attention to every word in an English sentence. Just as it is important to pay attention to every term and keyword in a program source code.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

My view at the moment is that using plain types like 'int' or 'sting' in a tagged union is bad practice because is lacks all sense of meaning (is the value a length, a volume, etc...)

The lack of nominal tagging of the anonymous structural union is the desired feature and is intentional.

The data type and their instances in the union are tagged of course, but they are tagged where they were declared with the data or class keyword.

keean commented 7 years ago

I think you should be including more information with the type. For example distance units. Integers on their own don't really mean anything, apart from abstract dimensionless counting.

Really just saying I have an Int | String seems to be writing deliberately unreadable unclear code. Isn't it much better to declare that x is a type of 'length in meters', y I'd a last name etc. These seem much more meaningful types.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

@keean wrote:

I think you should be including more information with the type. For example distance units. Integers on their own don't really mean anything, apart from abstract dimensionless counting.

Really just saying I have an Int | String seems to be writing deliberately unreadable unclear code. Isn't it much better to declare that x is a type of 'length in meters', y I'd a last name etc. These seem much more meaningful types.

You continue to conflate the data (sum, product, and recursive) types with the anonymous structural type. If you want more meaning, then declare a data type and put it in your anonymous structural union, Distance Int | Distance String.

The purpose of the anonymous structural union is not the purpose of the sum data type. They have different reasons to exist in the language.

Anonymous structural unions must be inferrable without needing to match a pre-existing declaration for a sum type. And all anonymous structural union types must be matched on structure, not on nominal name. That structure can include data types which have nominal type (not just primitive types). Anonymous structural unions exist to eliminate boilerplate, per the example I showed you. And because they will be automatically type-case implemented for traits by the compiler, per the example I showed you. Anonymous structural unions interacting with trait bounds also enables my elegant boilerplate-less solution to extension along both axes of Wadler's Expression Problem.

keean commented 7 years ago

Let's look for some classic examples of the expression problem and consider how they would be implemented.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

I invited @paulp here, because he was very outspoken about flaws in Scala, I agree Scala is a clusterfuck of mixing too many paradigms1 (especially that Jurassic ossifying anti-pattern virus subclassing), and I hoped maybe Paul might be outspoken here, because I think he really wants a small, sound language. My recollection from Scala Google Groups discussion is he has valuable technical insights.


    The last two rave about Fantom, which doesn't even support generics (type parametrization) nor tuples. I wrote about Fantom in 2011, predicting the eventual arrival of ZenScript. And coincidentally someone asked on June 29, 2016, if I had made any progress since 2011. Well yes and no. I also manage to become chronically ill since May 2012 but I'm working on hard on curing that, e.g. ran 3 times for 2kms each within 8 hours the evening and night of this comment to keep my cognition up to 80% level and minimize brain fog and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms.

    And let's blame it all on @jdegoes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: , as he advised me to learn Scala back in 2009 when I was expressing frustration with Haxe.

keean commented 7 years ago


Functional Style

sealed trait Expr
case class Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Sub(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
case class Num(n: Int) extends Expr

def value(e: Expr): Int = e match {
  case Add(e1, e2) =>
    value(e1) + value(e2)

  case Sub(e1, e2) =>
    value(e1) - value(e2)

  case Num(n) => n

Problem: adding a class we need to modify all the functions that match against the type.

keean commented 7 years ago


Object Oriented Style

sealed trait Expr {
  def value: Int

case class Add(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
  def value = e1.value + e2.value
case class Sub(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr
  def value = e1.value - e2.value
case class Num(n: Int) extends Expr
  def value = n

Problem: adding a function we need to change all the existing classes.

keean commented 7 years ago


Dynamic Style

function Add(e1, e2) {
    this.e1 = e1;
    this.e2 = e2;
Add.prototype.value = function() { return this.e1 + this.e2; };

function Sub(e1, e2) {
    this.e1 = e1;
    this.e2 = e2;
Sub.prototype.value = function() { return this.e1 - this.e2; };

function Num(n) {
    this.n = n;
Num.prototype.value = function() { return this.n; };

Adding a class:

function Add(e1, e2) {
    this.e1 = e1;
    this.e2 = e2;
Add.prototype.value = function() { return this.e1 + this.e2; };

function Sub(e1, e2) {
    this.e1 = e1;
    this.e2 = e2;
Sub.prototype.value = function() { return this.e1 - this.e2; };

function Num(n) {
    this.n = n;
Num.prototype.value = function() { return this.n; };

Adding a function:

Add.prototype.toString = function() {
  return '(' + this.e1.toString() + ' + ' + this.e2.toString() + ')';
Sub.prototype.toString = function() {
  return '(' + this.e1.toString() + ' - ' + this.e2.toString() + ')';
Num.prototype.toString = function() {
  return this.n;
Mul.prototype.toString = function() {
  return '(' + this.e1.toString() + ' * ' + this.e2.toString() + ')';

Problem: JavaScript is untyped.

keean commented 7 years ago

Note: anonynimity is not a condition of solving the expression problem. We just need extension in two directions, that is the set of types must be extensible, and the set of functions on those types must be extensible.

Let's use the term "module" for a thing like an expression (there is some reasoning for this).

For extensibility we need two things, the ability to add a new function to an existing module, and the ability to add a new type to an existing module. For type safety we need to ensure every function in a module is implemented for every type in the module.

Again note this is somewhat at odds with anonymous unions because we need to have these two checks for type safety.

To satisfy your 'no boilerplate' requirement we must be able to infer modules.

I think this is all the requirements for a solution we can all be happy with.

keean commented 7 years ago

So what would a solution look like? Using the keyword module for now, something like this:

module ModShow a : [Int, String]:
    trait Show a:
        show(x : a)
    impl Show Int:
        show(x : Int):
    impl Show String:
        show(x : String):

Extending by type, we must provide definitions for all traits for that type:

typeextend module ModShow with Float:
    impl Show Float:
        show(x : Float):

Adding a new trait, we must provide implementations for each type

traitextend module Show a:
    trait Read a:
        read() : a
    impl Read Int:
        read() : Int:
    impl Read String:
        read() : String:
    impl Read Float:
        read() : Float:

Problem: the order in which modules are extended becomes a problem.

keean commented 7 years ago

A better solution may be to have two independent features, type-classes and type-families.

We then need a way to check all type classes are implemented for all types in a family.

This is critical for static typing.

Looking at the JavaScript solution, and using it:

var x = new Num(1);
var y = new Num(2);
var z = new Add(x, y);
var w = new Sub(x, y);
var e = new Mul(z, w);

e.toString(); // returns ((1 + 2) * (1 - 2))

In JavaScript this is duck-typing because the existence of toString in e is only checked when you call it.

In static typing we require the type check to happen on definition, not on use.