keean / zenscript

A trait based language that compiles to JavaScript
MIT License
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Can zenscript run in the browser? #28

Open viebel opened 7 years ago

viebel commented 7 years ago

If zenscript can run in the browser, then it can be plug into the KLIPSE plugin.

It will allow you to create web pages with zenscript interactive code snippets - which will help you a lot to promote zenscript.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of KLIPSE.

Let me know if you are interested...

keean commented 7 years ago

As I am using ES6 features and CommonJS style 'requires' it won't immediately run in the browser. The main compiler is also using node's file API. However I wonder if with the right index.html replacing the compiler driver would work. If I could servethatt using you might be able to run it from a webbrowser. It would be quite cool to be able to edit the code using github's online editor and then run the compiler all from a mobile phone, although not very practical.

shelby3 commented 7 years ago

Maybe we will get there along the way. I'd personally like to not be dependent on Node.JS nor npm. I'd like for us to leverage Github as our repository system. But more on that later...