keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
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[Not an issue/request] Extra icons #114

Open RaitaroH opened 7 years ago

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

Hey there, me again. I thought it would be nice to share the icons I have changed myself, in case you would ever find a need for them (don't take it in a negative way). Considering that I do use them, maybe someone else would as well. What I am talking about? I have changed the white variant icon you had for a fork of firefox and made that blue; I also changed the globe icon used for internet so I get the continents for separate firefox icon. I also changed a few more icons to fit better in my systemsettings (also to make them work with a dark theme). I have recolored the trash icons (so it looks better with dark themes/wallpaper) and the vlc icon (which is not perfect). I also created a very basic audacious icon which is not that generic as the music note you had.

screenshot from 2017-02-26 12 02 43

I will provide them as a zip file bellow. Keep in mind I don't really know how to use Inkscape so...

Also if anyone is interested in a alternative settings look I will provide those as well. It is a combination of la-capitaine and breeze. screenshot from 2017-02-26 11 47 21

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

Hey @RaitaroH, I'm thinking of incorporating your firefox-arctic into La Capitaine as an updated version of the GNU Icecat icon. Yours looks ``icier'', so fits better. I may also include the dark versions of the trash icons as well. thoughts?

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

@keeferrourke It is your call if you use these icons or how you use them :+1:

firefox-arctic.svg has a simple gradient (with your colors) and the firefox.svg has the continents from ooo-web.svg icon. I personally like it more with the continents : P (maybe because firefox always had the continents in it's icons). I actually use it as the main firefox Icon because I like it like that, but I do believe is better for icecat.svg The trash icon I made in order to fit better with a dark theme. Also is easier to see if it is full (the contrast is high between the dark can and white trash). I think people would like to have it, even as an option (maybe you can ask what they would like to use in the configuration script?) The icons I recolored were mainly to fit the dark theme (like the cs-login which was system-lock-screen.svg) or to be blue. Regarding the blue colors, why did you change the colors used in gnome-shell-extension-prefs.svg which is used as cs-extensions,svg? I also noticed that conky.svg has the same changed gradient. It looks out of place somehow, you know, because EVERY other blue icons you have has the same gradient. I did recolored it so it has the same shades of blue.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

Honestly, I should be working with a more consistent colour palette / gradient selection ... but I don't :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thanks for pointing out the gradient inconsistencies, I'll be looking into the following icons:

I will likely update the configuration script to deal with the trashes (and probably some alternative places icons eventually), thanks for the suggestion. :)

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago


RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

Very fast with your commit (8dae6b6) as always :)

Regarding the icons, what can I say, I need more icons for my separate Firefox profiles. screenshot from 2017-03-12 20 33 35

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

So, discord is available on Linux. It needs an icon. I found an svg here: I think it needs a little alignment though. I will attach a zip with a modified version.

Edit: I have also made a symbolic variant, for both dark and white themes: