keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
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Icon Requests, Gnome Top Bar & Applications #364

Open thegayankalinga opened 6 years ago

thegayankalinga commented 6 years ago

High Sierra Mac OS screenshot from 2018-04-13 19-50-58

La Cpitain screenshot from 2018-04-14 00-20-03

Application information

Application name Icon name Context Icon reference
Insync insync Application
Insync insync Top Bar Icon
Enpass enpass Top Bar
Safe Eyes safeeyes Top Bar
Manjaro Notification manjaro Top Bar
Manjaro Hello manjaro Application
Manjaro Settings Manager manjaro-settings-manager Top Bar
Bluetooth bluetooth Top Bar

I m using Manjaro Updated to date 2018-04-13
Gnome 3.26.2
keeferrourke commented 6 years ago

Please attach images of the original icons for insync enpass safeeyes and manjaro.

Additionally, be sure that the top bar application icon names are correct. Usually they are different, but that is not always the case.