keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
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[Request] New indicators #64

Open btd1337 opened 7 years ago

btd1337 commented 7 years ago

New indicators icons: redshift-gtk, uget downloader

elementary OS add icon theme


La Capitaine icon theme captura de tela de 2016-12-10 15 55 07

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

What exactly are looking to change for them to be improved? I can see that they look out of place on Elementary OS, but in other desktop environments they look fine. Are you looking for monochrome indicators? icons that aren't circular? You haven't explained the issue.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

redshift indicator icons were updated re: issue #68

Sadi58 commented 7 years ago

next on the list is uget, and transmission, and then cpu-freq perhaps ;-)

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

@Sadi58 I need icon names and references.

Sadi58 commented 7 years ago

Here are indicator-cpufreq*.svg status files from Emerald-Dark icon theme:

Sadi58 commented 7 years ago

And here is the transmission-tray-icon from /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/apps/22 - I don't know if it could work in status subfolder as well:

Sadi58 commented 7 years ago

And here are uget tray icons from /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps:

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

To-do on this issue:

arthurflor23 commented 6 years ago

Hello! Any expectations for when these icons will be in the icon theme package? Thanks!

keeferrourke commented 6 years ago

I'm currently in the middle of final examinations; I won't be able to look at this issue until May at least. Pull Requests are always welcome though.