keeferrourke / la-capitaine-icon-theme

La Capitaine is an icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments. The set of icons takes inspiration from the latest iterations of macOS and Google's Material Design.
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[KDE 5] Quit icon missing in Push Notifications #87

Closed digital-idiot closed 7 years ago

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

Quit icon in push notifications is missing. For illustration see: icon_missing

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

What is it supposed to look like?

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

Generally it looks like the following : icon_bug

You may notice the quit symbol which was missing previously. It came back when I applied a different icon theme.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

@digital-idiot strange... anyway you can try to figure out which icon that is? it may be missing from La Capitaine, or just be corrupt.

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

Found a workaround. Creating a symbolic link named window-close.svg pointing to any appropriate icon file(for example you may make it point to window-close-symbolic.svg) at $HOME/.local/share/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme-0.4.0/actions/symbolic/ or /usr/share/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme-0.4.0/actions/symbolic/ depending upon where the theme is actually installed, will resolve the issue. @keeferrourke : Thanks for your help and kudos for developing this amazing icon set. Please close the issue.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

Not going to close this yet, as you should note that actions/22x22/window-close.svg already exists.

Can you pull the latest commits from master and check if it's still an issue?

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

Yes, it exists. But it is located at actions/22x22/. But I had to create a symbolic link at actions/symbolic/ in order to make it work. However I will pull the latest commit to check if it is resolved and let you know.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

It shouldn't matter which directory the window-close.svg icon is located in, but it would be strange conventionally for it to be in the symbolic directory, when it's not actually a symbolic icon. KDE upstream should be looking for window-close-symbolic if this is the case.

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

Yeah, you are right. For example in Breeze(default theme in KDE), window-close.svg is located at actions/32 and there is also window-close-symbolic.svg in actions/scalable. However there is no window-close.svg in actions/scalable/. Still it works fine. I don't know how it does not work in this case. I will try the latest commit and see what happens.

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

I tried the latest commit, the issue still persists. Probably a KDE bug I suppose.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

I'll add a redundant window-close.svg to the symbolic directory then.

digital-idiot commented 7 years ago

That should do the trick for now. I do not know if other KDE users have the same issue. It'll be great if this could be confirmed from another KDE user. In that case this bug should be reported to KDE.

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

@DarkknightAK can you confirm?

keeferrourke commented 7 years ago

Closing this due to inactivity and apparent fix from commit 0aa3175.